Daily Archives: 5. Juli 2021

05.07.2021 - 17:07 [ theHill.com ]

Marianne Williamson calls on Biden to drop efforts to extradite Assange

Former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson told Hill.TV that the Biden administration should drop its efforts to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from the United Kingdom.

Williamson said Assange should not be punished for releasing information on WikiLeaks that provided details on „the U.S. war machine.“

05.07.2021 - 17:03 [ Newsweek ]

As You Celebrate Your Freedom, Remember Julian Assange | Opinion

What is it, then, that makes dissidents such a threat? Contrary to common criminals they serve a higher cause. Contrary to terrorists, they inform, empower and mobilize the people. And contrary to parliamentary oppositions, they have no stakes in corrupt institutions and practices that often feed both sides of the political aisle. Governments fear dissidents, because they cannot be owned and controlled. Some imprison, torture and execute them routinely, based on classified evidence and summary trials. Others conceal their oppression behind a veil of due process, crushing them through judicial harassment and defamation.

05.07.2021 - 16:41 [ FinancialExpress.com ]

The EU’s COVID Digital Green Pass: Dividing the world?

Consequentially, from July 1st onwards, only persons who have taken these EMA-approved vaccines can travel freely within the EU region. Any other vaccine, such as WHO-approved Covishield, manufactured by Serum Institute of India under license from Oxford-AstraZeneca, is not recognized by EMA. However, the EU has clarified that the “Green pass” is not a precondition to travel. Nevertheless, people vaccinated with Covishield in India and other countries where New Delhi has exported its vaccines, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya, Mauritania and other African countries, might face specific issues while travelling within the EU

05.07.2021 - 16:00 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Pro and anti-maskers are new Remainers and Leavers, with same tribes

Maskers and anti-maskers look set to become the new Remainers and Leavers (with almost, if not quite, the same tribes in both camps). Very few people on either side of that bitter debate were actually very interested in the finer points of tariffs on citrus fruits, or what the European Commission‘s plans for the digital transformation of European industry might be this week. They wanted to say something about themselves.

We might have hoped that Covid-19 would soon be behind us. There seems little chance of that now. The divisions lockdowns have opened up and exacerbated will run for years.

05.07.2021 - 15:29 [ ORF.at ]

Merkel und Macron beraten mit Chinas Staatschef Xi

Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron und die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel wollen heute erneut mit dem chinesischen Staatschef Xi Jinping beraten. Es sei eine gemeinsame Videokonferenz geplant, hieß es aus dem Elysee-Palast.

05.07.2021 - 04:10 [ ORF.at ]

EU erhielt die zwölfte Cybersicherheitsorganisation

Ein aktuelles, schlagendes Beispiel dafür ist die Neufassung der deutschen Cybersicherheitsstrategie. In Deutschland ist es Teil dieser Strategie, gewisse neuentdeckte Software-Sicherheitslücken für Polizei – und Geheimdienste offenzuhalten, die deutsche Cyberbehörde ZiTis soll die zugehörige Trojaner-Schadsoftware für mehrere Dutzend deutsche Bundes- Landesbehörden entwickeln.

05.07.2021 - 03:58 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Debatte über Strafen für Impfschwänzer

Kritisch zum Bußgeld-Vorschlag äußerte sich CDU-Kanzlerkandidat Armin Laschet: „Solidarität erzwingt man nicht durch Strafen“, sagte er dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. Jeder, der einen Termin nicht wahrnehmen könne oder schon woanders eine Impfdosis erhalten habe, solle durch eine Nachricht an das Impfzentrum Platz für andere Impfwillige schaffen, forderte er.

Auch der Chef der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung, Andreas Gassen, lehnt die Bußgeld-Idee ab: