Daily Archives: 26. Februar 2019

26.02.2019 - 20:53 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Freunde des Völkerrechts

Bereits im Jahr 2016 beschloss die EU im Grundsatz, ein Gipfeltreffen mit der Arabischen Liga durchzuführen; beim informellen EU-Gipfel in Salzburg im September 2018 kam es dann zur Einigung auf die gestern zu Ende gegangene Zusammenkunft. Um die Intensität der beiderseitigen Beziehungen zu verdeutlichen, verweist Brüssel darauf, die EU sei der bedeutendste Handelspartner der Arabischen Liga. Das Argument greift allerdings nur begrenzt, denn die Mächte Europas – insbesondere etwa die Bundesrepublik und Frankreich – treten in arabischen Ländern oft als Konkurrenten auf.

26.02.2019 - 18:19 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Skandal in Ecuador: Offshore-Firma steht in Zusammenhang mit Präsident Moreno

Die Firma mit dem Namen „Ina Investment Corporation“ wurde im Jahr 2012 von Edwin Moreno Garcés, dem Bruder des Präsidenten, in Belize gegründet. Nach den Veröffentlichungen wurden erste Rücktrittsforderungen laut.

26.02.2019 - 18:10 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Lima-Gruppe tagte zu Venezuela, USA halten an Regime Change fest

Ungebrochene Ablehnung einer Lösung durch Dialog. Nachbarländer Venezuelas wollen ihr Territorium jedoch nicht für Militäraktionen der USA bereit stellen.

26.02.2019 - 18:08 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Uruguay gegen Sanktionen und drohende Militärintervention in Venezuela

Die obersten Prinzipien des internationalen Rechts müssten respektiert werden: Souveränität der Staaten, Selbstbestimmung, keine Intervention von außen. „Die gleichen Mächte, die Venezuela der Wirtschaftsblockade unterwerfen, wollen die ‘humanitäre Hilfe’ als Vorwand für eine militärische Aggression benutzen.“

26.02.2019 - 17:30 [ Jacobin Magazine ]

Leave the EU Already

The European Union is one of the chief enemies of democracy in the world today. Britain should leave it, with or without a Brexit deal.

26.02.2019 - 16:59 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

Jeremy Corbyn’s Brexit betrayal is complete

He has betrayed his party’s own manifesto in the 2017 general election, which promised to respect the outcome of the referendum. He has betrayed his old Labour mentors, most notably his hero Tony Benn, who was the left’s most articulate critic of the EU. And he has betrayed himself. He has betrayed his own longstanding and correct belief that the EU is an illiberal, undemocratic, anti-worker outrage of an institution. Has any politician ever betrayed so many people in such a short space of time?

26.02.2019 - 16:49 [ Express.co.uk ]

Labour‘s Brexit BETRAYAL: Corbyn to SUPPORT second EU referendum and back REMAIN

Asked if that stance would put her on the “same side as Jeremy Corbyn”, Ms Thornberry replied: “Yeah. Of course.

“If there’s a choice between a disastrous Tory Brexit or no deal and Remaining, then that is what we will have to do.”

Labour’s 2017 manifesto says the party “accepts the referendum result” and will fight for “a Brexit deal that delivers for all regions and nations of the UK”.

26.02.2019 - 16:48 [ BBC ]

Theresa May offers MPs Brexit delay vote

The prime minister said she will put her withdrawal agreement – including any changes she has agreed with the EU – to a meaningful vote by 12 March.

If that fails, MPs will be offered two separate votes:

One, on the following day, on whether MPs support a no-deal Brexit – so the UK would „only leave without a deal on 29 March if there is explicit consent in the House for that outcome“
If that fails, then MPs will get a vote by 14 March on requesting an extension to the two-year Article 50 negotiation process to delay EU withdrawal beyond 29 March

26.02.2019 - 13:57 [ Zac Goldsmith, Abgeordneter im britischen House of Commons / Twitter ]

But what is supposed to happen afterwards, when people realise with total certainty that their ‘vote’ – the one and only means they have to influence their democracy – is essentially worthless? That political promises have zero value? /3

26.02.2019 - 13:46 [ Brendan Chilton ‏/ Twitter ]

Mark my words- WE IN LABOUR WILL NOT SEE POWER FOR TEN YEARS OR MORE. Yes, the Europhile globalists that dominate the party will be delighted because they can afford another decade of Tory government. For Labour, the Peoples flag is no longer red, its blue with yellow stars.

26.02.2019 - 13:45 [ Brendan Chilton ‏/ Twitter ]

The Europhiles have captured the Labour Party. Labour will now back a second referendum- while the hubris of metropolitan Labour will be comfortably satisfied having totally reneged on a solid manifesto pledge, the country will suffer decades of Tory government. Well done.

26.02.2019 - 13:33 [ Financial Times ]

Europhile MPs rally support for Brexit no-deal amendment

Yvette Cooper, a senior Labour MP, and Sir Oliver Letwin, a senior Conservative MP, have been rallying support for a proposal that would force the government to hand power to parliament if no UK-EU withdrawal deal has been approved by March 13.
Under the proposal, which is set to be tabled as an amendment on Wednesday, the government would be legally obliged to offer MPs the option of requesting an extension in the Article 50 exit process beyond March 29.

26.02.2019 - 13:28 [ John Mann, Abgeordneter im britischen House of Commons / Twitter ]

Most Labour MPs ducking the question, would they support a Labour Brexit or remain in their proposed referendum . Keir Starmer will want to be first to make this crystal clear.

26.02.2019 - 13:21 [ PoliticsHome.com ]

Labour MP tells Jeremy Corbyn: Backing referendum will stop you becoming Prime Minister

Brexit-backing backbencher John Mann said the decision to endorse a so-called „People‘s Vote“ would infuriate Leave supporters in the Midlands and north of England.

At a meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party on Monday evening, the Bassetlaw MP told Mr Corbyn: „This decision will stop you being Prime Minister.“

26.02.2019 - 13:12 [ Trade Unionists Against the EU ‏/ Twitter ]

So a choice between ‚No Brexit‘ and ‚Brexit in Name Only‘. Bad move, Labour. You are risking the support of millions of ordinary voters. Stop trying to undo democracy. Start respecting the referendum result.

26.02.2019 - 13:04 [ Michael Calderbank #GTTO / Twitter ]

Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage will be licking their lips at the prospect of Labour swimming behind a 2nd referendum/Remain

26.02.2019 - 12:59 [ Leave.EU / Twitter ]

A government committed to postponing Brexit and an opposition now disgracefully backing yet another vote. 17.4 million Brexiteers are politically homeless. The people have been ignored, the betrayal is almost complete.

Help us fight to save Brexit at leave.eu/get-involved

26.02.2019 - 12:50 [ Richard Tice / Twitter ]

Govt ministers openly calling for Brexit “delay” (code for Remain) and Labour backing second referendum. The betrayal is here. The people will not tolerate it….

26.02.2019 - 12:11 [ Michael J. Fell ‏/ Twitter ]

Labour has also said the party will support a cross-party amendment, proposed by Labour‘s Yvette Cooper and Tory MP Sir Oliver Letwin, designed to rule out the prospect of a no-deal exit.

BBC News – Labour prepared to back new Brexit referendum

26.02.2019 - 12:01 [ John Rees / Twitter ]

Jeremy Corbyn ‘Like a hostage reading out a ransom note’ according to one MP tells C4 news on second referendum. Yvette Cooper now leader says another. Angela Smith crowing at Corbyn retreat. Step nearer another coup…

26.02.2019 - 11:43 [ talkRADIO ‏/ Twitter ]

Julia: „Jeremy Corbyn is making a terrible, terrible mistake; working class Labour voters in key seats voted to leave.“ @JuliaHB1

26.02.2019 - 11:36 [ Kevin Barron, Abgeordneter im britischen House of Commons / Twitter ]

The Labour manifesto in 2017 clearly stated that we accepted the referendum result. I will be sticking to the promise that I made to my constituents and voting against any attempt to force a second referendum.

26.02.2019 - 11:31 [ Kate Hoey, Abgeordnete im britischen House of Commons / Twitter ]

There is absolutely no way I will vote for a second referendum. The manifesto was clear and I will not support this new Labour position. Nor will millions of Labour supporters @labourleave

26.02.2019 - 11:25 [ Caroline Flint, Abgeordnete im britischen House of Commons / Twitter ]

Labour in danger of overturning an election promise to respect the 2016 Referendum result. We can’t ignore millions of Labour Leave voters. There are Labour MPs like me who will not support a second ref. @jeremycorbyn give us a free vote so Labour MPs can keep their promises

26.02.2019 - 11:22 [ Paul Waugh, BBC Radio 4's The Week In Westminster / Twitter ]

Impassioned speech from @CarolineFlintMP warning that if Lab backs a 2nd referendum „there will never be unity“ in the party.

26.02.2019 - 11:13 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Brexit: Labour fordert zweites Referendum

Überraschende Wende im Brexit-Streit: Die britische Labour-Partei stellt sich hinter die Forderung nach einem zweiten Referendum. Das galt in der Oppositionspartei bislang nur als „letztes Mittel“.

26.02.2019 - 11:08 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

Sparks fly at Parliamentary Labour Party meeting on second referendum

According to Owen Smith, Corbyn was asked 23 times if in a future referendum he would want Remain to be an option on the ballot paper. Corbyn declined to answer. Matters weren’t helped by a late night vote which meant the meeting came to an abrupt end. However, a briefing note has since been circulated among Labour MPs suggesting Remain would be on the ballot paper in the event of a second referendum.

26.02.2019 - 11:01 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Backing a second referendum could definitively end Jeremy Corbyn‘s chances of becoming PM

If Jeremy Corbyn is about to win lots of new friends as a result of his announcement that he could, after all, back another referendum on Brexit, he also risks making a lot of his core voters very unhappy indeed.

26.02.2019 - 10:44 [ LBC.co.uk ]

Emily Thornberry Says Second Referendum Should Be Between PM’s Deal Or Remain

The shadow foreign secretary said Labour’s second referendum bid should be a choice between Theresa May’s Brexit deal or remaining in the EU.

Emily Thornberry added that in the event there was another vote, she would campaign for Remain.

26.02.2019 - 10:40 [ Peter / Twitter ]

Time to dissolve this Tory Party! It grieves me to say that I will be cutting up my card after 45 years of being a Tory supporter! Brexit Party for me now!

26.02.2019 - 10:23 [ ConservativeHome.com ]

If May backs a Brexit extension once, why wouldn’t she do so again? And U-turn on a second referendum too?

But there would be a deeper lesson, and one that is painful to grasp. It is that nothing than May says about her Brexit policy can be trusted. Only yesterday, she was insisting that “an extension to Article 50…doesn’t deliver a decision in parliament”. The words of Gordon Brown to Tony Blair echo in our ears: “there is nothing that you could say to me now that I could ever believe”.

26.02.2019 - 09:20 [ Spiked ]

Labour is a dead party walking

Backing a second referendum is one betrayal too many.

26.02.2019 - 09:15 [ POLITICO Europe ‏/ Twitter ]

POLITICO London Playbook: A big 48 hours in the Brexit endgame is underway today as Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn prepare to make seismic shifts in their Brexit positions

26.02.2019 - 08:51 [ Japan Times ]

In day of U-turns, Theresa May considers delaying Brexit while Labour‘s Corbyn backs second referendum

Theresa May is considering a plan to delay Brexit and stop the U.K. leaving the European Union with no deal next month, according to people familiar with the situation.

The prime minister is expected to allow her Cabinet to discuss extending the deadline beyond March 29 at a crunch meeting on Tuesday, one of the people said.

26.02.2019 - 08:47 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Theresa May to propose to Cabinet today that she formally rules out No-Deal Brexit

THERESA May will today propose to Cabinet that she formally rules out a No Deal Brexit on March 29, opening the door to a delay.

26.02.2019 - 08:34 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

The dramatic shift in the prime minister’s no-deal Brexit position

The prime minister is tonight preparing a dramatic shift in her Brexit policy, namely an announcement that if her reworked Brexit deal is not passed by MPs on or before 12 March she will shortly afterwards give MPs a binding vote on whether or not to go ahead with a no-deal Brexit on 29 March.

This would be seen by many as a significant U-turn – because she will promise to abide by the will of parliament, and thereby admit that a significant Brexit delay may be necessary.

26.02.2019 - 03:46 [ Bloomberg ]

Vietnam Airlines Considers Buying Up to 100 Boeing 737 Max Jets

The airline is seizing expanded travel demand presented by Vietnam’s growing economy and U.S. regulatory approval this month for its air-safety system, allowing carriers in the Southeast Asian country to fly to the U.S. The carrier is also considering a purchase of at least two wide-body planes — Boeing 777x or Airbus A350-1000 — to make its planned U.S. services commercially viable, Thanh said.

26.02.2019 - 03:29 [ KBS ]

Staatspräsident Moon betont führende Rolle bei Schaffung neuer Ordnung auf koreanischer Halbinsel

Bei der Sitzung mit seinen Chefsekretären sagte Moon, sollte sich die Wirtschaft Nordkoreas öffnen, werde sich das internationale Kapital beteiligen. Dann sollte Südkorea es nicht verpassen, die Initiative zu ergreifen.

26.02.2019 - 02:36 [ ParsToday ]

Irans Vize-Verteidigungsminister trifft irakischen Generalstabschef

General Taghizadeh traf sich zudem getrennt mit dem Vorsitzenden des irakischen Verteidigungsministeriums.

Seit 2015 arbeiten Iran und Irak gemeinsam mit Syrien und Russland in Form eines Informationszentrums mit Sitz in Bagdad zusammen…

26.02.2019 - 01:27 [ Bayrischer Rundfunk ]

Via Instagram: Irans Außenminister Sarif kündigt Rücktritt an

Die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur IRNA bestätigte das unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher, Abbas Mussavi.