Archiv: TV debates

05.06.2023 - 20:35 [ CNN ]

With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interview, Musk again uses Twitter to promote candidates aligned with his views

On Monday, Musk is set to share an audio chatroom with Robert Kennedy Jr., the anti-vaccine activist and Democratic candidate for president.

The decision to host Kennedy again highlights, for the second time in as many weeks, Musk’s unique potential to shape public opinion through a combination of his own personal celebrity and his private control of a social media megaphone.

01.05.2023 - 19:51 [ USA Today ]

Democrat RFK Jr. details how he differs ‚profoundly‘ with Biden ahead of 2024 election

Kennedy is challenging Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary. While he has known Biden for many years, the challenger said they have differing stances on issues like corporate influence in government, censorship, civil liberties, poverty, corruption and war policy.

„I look forward to engaging him in debates and town hall meetings, in a primary election that is honest, civil, and transparent,“ Kennedy said in a statement. „I invite him into a new era of respectful dialog in these times of division.“

30.04.2023 - 21:53 [ Fox News ]

Bill Maher ‚surprised‘ by how well Robert F. Kennedy Jr. polls against Biden

„And I really wish it wasn‘t Robert Kennedy, but the DNC right now is lining up the troops and is going to prevent him from doing any damage,“ Moynihan said. „They‘re not going to have debates. There is going to be no primary debates. He is just going to be pushed aside. He is running as a Democrat. If he decides to then run as a third-party candidate, you have a situation.“

18.07.2022 - 17:22 [ ]

The complete run-offs from our Next Tory Leader survey. Badenoch first, Truss second, Sunak third, Mordaunt fourth, Tugendhat fifth.

The run-off scores from our latest Next Tory Leader survey for all five candidates are as follows –

18.07.2022 - 17:15 [ Sky News ]

Sky News cancels Conservative leadership debate after Sunak and Truss refuse to take part

Sky News has cancelled its Conservative leadership debate after Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss refused to take part.

The debate was due to be hosted by Kay Burley tomorrow evening.

Conservative MPs are said to be concerned about the damage the debates are doing to the image of the party, exposing disagreements and splits.

18.07.2022 - 17:10 [ ]

Boris lashes out at Truss on tax as Tory leadership tensions explode in bloodbath contest

His comments came despite Ms Truss being seen as the „Boris Johnson continuity candidate“ with a number of his supporters backing her in a bid to stop Mr Suank entering No10.

Her attack on the former Chancellor‘s record last night was one of a number of punches swung as the Tory leadership contest gets increasingly bitter.

15.07.2022 - 20:22 [ ]

Live: The Tory leadership debate

As things stand, Rishi Sunak is leading the way on MP nominations, but needs to win over Tory members to succeed in the final stage of the contest. Meanwhile Penny Mordaunt is the clear favourite with the bookies thanks to recent polling which suggests she is Tory members’ candidate of choice.

21.03.2021 - 19:50 [ teleSUR ]

Ecuador: First Presidential Debate To Take Place Tonight

Union for Hope (UNES) leftist presidential candidate Andres Arauz and right-wing Creating Opportunities (CREO) candidate Guillermo Lasso today will hold their first presidential debate of the April 11 runoff.

08.10.2020 - 13:14 [ C-SPAN / Youtube ]

Vice Presidential Debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris

Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris participate in the vice presidential debate in Salt Lake City, UT.

30.09.2020 - 03:08 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Livestream: The first 2020 presidential debate on CNN

President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden face off in the first general election presidential debate of 2020 from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

29.09.2020 - 12:05 [ ]

The Countdown: Previewing the first debate

President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden will face off on the Supreme Court, the coronavirus pandemic and race and violence in the nation‘s cities next week when they meet for their first presidential debate.

08.09.2020 - 10:28 [ USA Today ]

Exclusive: More Americans predict Trump will win the presidential debates than Biden, USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll shows

Could the debates do for President Donald Trump what the conventions didn’t?

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll indicates many voters think that’s possible.

A greater share – 47% – predicted Trump will win the debates than the 41% who said Democratic candidate Joe Biden will.

27.08.2020 - 21:48 [ Cenk Uygur / Twitter ]

As usual @SpeakerPelosi with an idiotic point that @JoeBiden shouldn‘t debate Trump. That feeds into everything Trump has said about Biden. It would make him look scared and hiding. She is worst strategist of my lifetime. Biden should go into debates and make the Democratic case!

27.08.2020 - 21:46 [ CNN ]

Pelosi says Biden shouldn‘t debate Trump

Pelosi‘s comments come as the Biden campaign has been fighting accusations from the Trump campaign and Republicans that the former vice president does not want to debate Trump. Following Pelosi‘s comments, Biden and his campaign made clear that he still intends to debate Trump.

11.03.2020 - 23:55 [ ]

September 30. 2004 Debate Transcript

(September 30, 2004)

KERRY: Thirty-five to forty countries in the world had a greater capability of making weapons at the moment the president invaded than Saddam Hussein. And while he’s been diverted, with 9 out of 10 active duty divisions of our Army, either going to Iraq, coming back from Iraq, or getting ready to go, North Korea’s gotten nuclear weapons and the world is more dangerous. Iran is moving toward nuclear weapons and the world is more dangerous. Darfur has a genocide.

The world is more dangerous. I’d have made a better choice.

LEHRER: New question. Two minutes, Senator Kerry. What is your position on the whole concept of preemptive war?

KERRY: The president always has the right, and always has had the right, for preemptive strike. That was a great doctrine throughout the Cold War. And it was always one of the things we argued about with respect to arms control.

11.03.2020 - 23:52 [ Politics 101 / Youtube ]

George W. Bush and John Kerry 1st Presidential Debate 2004

The First Presidential Debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry on Thursday September 30th, 2004 at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.

11.03.2020 - 23:51 [ ]

NASA photo analyst: Bush wore a device during debate

(October 30, 2004)

And Nelson is neither conspiracy theorist nor midnight blogger. He‘s a senior research scientist for NASA and for Caltech‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and an international authority on image analysis.

02.12.2019 - 10:23 [ ]

Campaign Live: The latest from the election campaign

Candidates from the country‘s seven major political parties appeared on ITV to debate the biggest issues in the general election campaign.

If you didn‘t get a chance to watch it live then you can catch up on all the action above – and see Robert Peston‘s live analysis and reaction from the media centre with party spinners.

20.11.2019 - 08:04 [ Daily Mail ]

Boris Johnson wins leaders‘ debate… just: Voters back PM by 51% to 49% after Brexit-shy Jeremy Corbyn was jeered for refusing to say NINE times in bruising ITV face-off if he backs Leave or Remain

– Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn went head to head in a potentially decisive ITV election debate tonight
– The PM used the crucial debate to hammer home his message about the importance of ‚getting Brexit done‘
– The Opposition leader pressed Mr Johnson on the NHS post-Brexit and vowed to splurge on public services
– The pair clashed brutally over anti-Semitism in the Labour Party and a Scottish independence referendum