Archiv: Iain Duncan Smith

08.04.2021 - 18:22 [ ]

Why ARE we still in lockdown? UK‘s Covid outbreak is now in a similar position as it was in JULY as figures show cases are falling in every age group, only ONE area saw a tiny rise and 94% of over-70s now have antibodies following vaccination drive

– Study shows Britain‘s cases, deaths and hospitalisations has fallen to levels as low as those seen last July
– Epidemiologist professor Tim Spector of King‘s College says UK‘s figures are among the lowest in Europe
– University College London modelling suggested UK could pass threshold for herd immunity next week
– Tory MPs said increasingly positive data should result in Boris Johnson speeding up exit from lockdown

02.04.2021 - 11:55 [ ]

FORTY rebel Tories including six ex-Cabinet ministers join forces with opposition MPs in bid to block ‚divisive and discriminatory‘ vaccine passports

– Unlikely alliance condemned vaccine passports as ‚divisive and discriminatory‘
– Members of coalition were organised by the pressure group Big Brother Watch
– Signed a pledge to oppose the idea if it is brought forward by ministers
– Signatories include Jeremy Corbyn, Sir Iain Duncan Smith and Esther McVey

08.01.2021 - 18:41 [ ]

Freedom of expression fears grow as tough new Ofcom code classes ‚political opinion‘ in its definition of hate speech


Tory MP Iain Duncan Smith said: ‚We are drifting into a totalitarian ‚woke‘ state where nothing can ever be said for fear that somebody will be offended. It‘s madness, and it‘s driven by a small minority. Most people don‘t care.‘

01.11.2020 - 18:18 [ CNN ]

Boris Johnson accused of ‚giving in to scientific advisers‘ as England heads for lockdown

Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith wrote in the UK‘s Telegraph newspaper that the month-long lockdown showed government was „giving in to the scientific advisers,“ claiming that government experts had „pressurised“ Johnson into the step.

„Normally, advisers advise and ministers decide. Yet that system has broken down with Sage [the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies] believing its advice to be more like commandments written on stone and its members publicly lecturing the Government over the airways,“ Duncan Smith wrote.

06.04.2020 - 10:20 [ ]

Politics latest news: Boris Johnson spends night in hospital as cabinet colleagues say he continues to lead Government

Robert Jenrick, the Housing and Communities Secretary, insisted that the Prime Minister „will continue to be kept informed as to what‘s happening and to be in charge of the Government“ from his hospital bed.

This was echoed by Sir Iain Duncan Smith who said Mr Johnson remained „clear headed“ and would be able to continue running the country, with extra demands falling „on the shoulders“ of his cabinet.

28.08.2019 - 06:34 [ ]

POLITICAL DEATH THREAT: Brexiteers warn Boris Johnson that ditching the backstop is just the start as they push for Theresa May’s deal to be completely scrapped

And ex-Tory party leader Iain Duncan Smith warned there were far more problems with Mrs May’s deal than the backstop – such as the lengthy transition period and the collaboration with the EU on defence.

But in a sign of the hardening attitudes in No.10, a senior ally of the PM said: “We know the ‘Spartans’ are going to accuse us of betrayal at some point.”

18.08.2019 - 22:43 [ Daily Mail ]

Die-hard Remainer Philip Hammond‘s camp is blamed for leaking Project Fear 2.0 dossier as its predictions of No Deal Brexit chaos on October 31 are dismissed as ‚not believable‘ and ‚scaremongering‘

Former Tory former cabinet ministers Iain Duncan Smith and Owen Paterson claimed the leak of documents on ‚Operation Yellowhammer‘ was an example of the ‚establishment‘ plot to ‚sow fear in people‘s minds‘.

In a joint statement, they said: ‚This Operation Yellowhammer leak is the version of what the contingency executive put together. We remember attending a briefing on privy council terms which they said was not worst case but reasonable worst case. Theresa May had asked for this to be done. It was obviously Project Fear dressed up.

14.04.2019 - 11:34 [ Sky News ]

LIVE: Brexit delay ‚political death‘ for Tories, says leading Brexiteer Iain Duncan Smith

All the latest updates from the Sunday politics shows, as polling shows the Conservatives might lose 60 seats at the next election.

25.03.2019 - 07:16 [ ]

May tells Brexiters in Chequers meeting she’ll quit if they vote for her Brexit deal

I am reliably told that Theresa May told Boris Johnson, Iain Duncan Smith, Steve Baker, Jacob Rees Mogg, David Davis et al at Chequers that she will quit if they vote for her deal, including the backstop they hate.

But she gave no specifics. So there is not a lot of trust she would actually quit.

16.12.2018 - 06:38 [ ]

Labour and Tories reject Theresa May‘s call for cooperation

(13.12.2018) Theresa May’s appeal for cross-party unity to halt the deepening Brexit crisis appears to have been rejected after the former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith said there was “no way on earth” the public wanted the Tories teaming up with Jeremy Corbyn.

The Tory rebel, who had been gathering plotters in his office hours before the vote that could have ended May’s premiership, said the party needed the prime minister to threaten to walk away from the deal, not reach out to Labour.

13.12.2018 - 11:50 [ Sky News Breaking / Twitter ]

Former Conservative party leader Iain Duncan Smith tells Sky News the prime minister should tell the EU „if you want a deal you‘d better damn well step up to the plate“

08.12.2018 - 13:11 [ ]

MAY ‚WILL GO‘: Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith warns Theresa May she have to quit if her Brexit deal is defeated in the Commons next week

Questioning Mrs May’s leadership for the first time, Iain Duncan Smith said it would be a “disaster” if the deal did not pass and she tried to soldier on.

He told The Daily Telegraph: “How the PM responds after the vote matters more than anything else she has done.

“I believe that if the response is, ‘We’ve lost but we will do this all over again’, it will become a leadership issue.

22.11.2018 - 20:52 [ Robert Peston, ITV (pol ed) / Twitter ]

Duncan Smith confirms EU Brexit deal will be killed by him and his Brexiter colleagues in parliament: he rejects her work to adopt his tech solution to the Northern Ireland border problem in the Political Declaration, implying it‘s meaningless. Very bad for @theresa_may

14.12.2017 - 10:27 [ ]

Nach Niederlage im Parlament: May fährt geschwächt nach Brüssel

Jetzt muss sie möglicherweise Zugeständnisse an EU-freundliche Abgeordnete in der Regierungsfraktion machen, um das Ja des Parlaments zum Abkommen mit Brüssel zu erhalten. Das könnte bedeuten, dass sie weiter von ihrer harten Brexit-Linie abrücken muss. Der Tory-Abgeordnete Iain Duncan Smith, Verfechter eines harten Brexits, kritisierte, damit würden der Regierung in den Austrittsverhandlungen mit der EU „die Hände gebunden“.