Archiv: Arab-Americans

09.09.2024 - 18:00 [ ]

Grief over Gaza, qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans

Demoralized by the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, Palestinian American Samia Assed found in Vice President Kamala Harris’ ascension — and her running mate pick — “a little ray of hope.”

That hope, she said, shattered during last month’s Democratic National Convention, where a request for a Palestinian American speaker was denied and listening to Harris left her feeling like the Democratic presidential nominee will continue the U.S. policies that have outraged many in the anti-war camp.

28.11.2023 - 15:27 [ ]

Biden Supporters Still Don’t Get That He’s Sinking Because of Gaza

(November 25, 2023)

I’m not actually worried that a majority of Arab American or young voters will vote for Trump; I’m worried that they’ll stay home and not vote at all. The ultimate weakness in the “Trump would be worse” argument is that many voters will see two candidates they don’t like and simply avoid the polls or cast protest votes for a third-party candidate running for president.

04.11.2023 - 19:55 [ CNN ]

Palestinian American family mourns 42 relatives killed in a single day in Gaza


Thousands of miles away from the brutality of war in Gaza, Tariq Hamouda and his wife Manal are in disbelief over the loss of three generations of their family.

The Palestinian Americans, who live in Maple Grove, Minnesota, say it’s been over a week since they learned 42 relatives were killed in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, and they’re still unable to fully comprehend the news.

04.11.2023 - 00:45 [ American Muslims for Palestine / Twitter ]

American citizens in Gaza targeted by Israeli forces while traveling to the crossing after given instructions by the U.S. Embassy.

01.11.2023 - 19:00 [ Reuters ]

Arab American support for Biden, Democrats plummets over Israel, poll shows


A quarter of Arab Americans said they were unsure whom they would support in 2024; 13.7% said they would back Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and 3.8% are backing Cornel West. (…)

The poll showed that 45% of Arab Americans were concerned about their personal safety due to the recent violence in Israel and Palestine.