Kleiner Ratgeber für den Untertan in des Kaisers neuer Bundesrepublik.
Daily Archives: 5. Dezember 2021
Italy – Turin [Dec 4, 2021] Other weekend of massive protests in Italian cities over Vax passports & mandates!
Guadeloupe – Pointe-à-Pitre [Dec 4, 2021] Massive protest on the French island Guadeloupe, against Vax mandates & passports
Anti-regerings protest in Belgrado. 30.000 demonstranten blokkeren de snelweg!
Denmark – Copenhagen [Dec 4, 2021] Huge protest in #Copenhagen against Vax mandates & passports!
#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #Manifs4decembre #CovidGesetzNein #NoAlPaseSanitario #coronaprotest #NoVaccineMandates #Freedomrally #DoNotComply #Widerstand #meninblack
Luxembourg – Luxembourg [Dec 4, 2021] Even in 1 of the smallest countries in Europe, massive protests against Vax mandates!
France – Strasbourg [Dec 4, 2021] Another weekend of Nationwide protests in France against Vax passports & mandates!
UK – Scotland – Edinburgh [Dec 4, 2021] Even in the freezing cold, thousands say NO to Vax mandates & passports!
Jailed for 51 weeks for protesting? Britain is becoming a police state by stealth
The government’s back-door amendments to the policing bill are tyrannical. We should be on the streets in our millions
Great turn out in #York yesterday #wedonotcomply
#FreedomRally #westandwithaustralia #wedonotcomply #YORKSHIRE
Scenes At The Worldwide Freedom Rally/ The North Unites March In York, England. As People March Against Further Restrictions, & Vaccination Passports
#yorkprotest #York #UK #Highlights #worldwidefreedomrally #VaccinePassports #antilockdown #yorkmarch #YorkDemo #thenorthunites
‚We‘re not anti-vaxxers!‘ So why did Covid protesters march today?
Many of the hundreds of people who gathered in York for today‘s protest march – organised by The North Unites – insisted they were not ‚anti-vaxx‘.
They said they just think that getting vaccinated should be a matter of choice – and that the Covid vaccines have been rushed into use without the proper clinical trials being completed.
Today. WROCLAW, POLAND. Red heart A march against sanitary segregation. All Poland United.
#StopSegregacjiSanitarnej #StopDictatureSanitaire
Football fans in the Netherlands protest against COVID restrictions
Utrecht vandaag!! Een verbaasd Frowning face with open mouth iemand die met eigen ogen kan zien hoe druk het is. De corrupte media zal dit nooit laten zien
Run into an anti-vaccine protest in Lisbon. They’re protesting vaccines for children.
Aboriginal protests against vax tyranny in New Zealand
New Zealand – Tauranga [Dec 4, 2021] Protests happening worldwide against Vax passports & mandates!
#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #Manifs4decembre #CovidGesetzNein #NoAlPaseSanitario #vaccinatieplicht #Tauranga #NoVaccineMandates #Freedomrally #DoNotComply #Widerstand
WATCH: Protests in Tel Aviv, Israel against Vaccine green cards
– CIVIL UNREST Melbourne, Australia Protests are still continuing today in Melbourne as people protest against existing COVID vaccine mandates Absolutely massive turnout@ אוסטרליה מפגינה נגד חוק חיסון חובה
Spain – Barcelona [Dec 4, 2021] Massive protest tonight in #Barcelona against Vax passports & mandates!
#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #Manifs4decembre #CovidGesetzNein #NoAlPaseSanitario #coronaprotest #NoVaccineMandates #Freedomrally #DoNotComply #YoNoMeVacuno
Slovenia – Ljubljana [Dec 4, 2021] Huge protest in Slovenia‘s capital against Vax mandates & passports!
#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #Manifs4decembre #CovidGesetzNein #NoAlPaseSanitario #vaccinatieplicht #NoVaccineMandates #Freedomrally #DoNotComply #Ljubljana
Giant protest against Vax mandates in Vienna, Austria [December 4th, 2021]
Massive demonstration against Vax mandates & passports in Vienna, Austria on December 4th, 2021. Impressive! At least 100.000 people!
Weltweite Massendemonstrationen gegen Corona-Maßnahmen
Auch am zweiten Adventswochenende sind trotz überwiegend schlechter Wetterlage Zehntausende gegen die drohende Impfpflicht, Hygienepässe und Corona-Maßnahmen-bedingte Grundrechtseingriffe in Deutschland und auf der ganzen Welt auf die Straße gegangen.
Die Demonstrationen waren zu zahlreich, um sie alle innerhalb dieses Beitrags abzudecken. Der Beitrag liefert nur einen Ausschnitt.