Daily Archives: 9. Januar 2019

09.01.2019 - 23:07 [ NPR ]

‚They Conveniently Forgot To Notify Us‘: EU Diplomat Downgraded In D.C.

Updated Jan. 9 at 11 a.m. ET The United States has quietly reclassified the European Union‘s Mission to the U.S., marking a snub that comes amid two years of tempestuous relations during the Trump administration.

09.01.2019 - 21:38 [ BBC ]

Arlene Foster: Theresa May‘s Brexit backstop plan is ‚dead‘

Theresa May is still not listening to critics of her Brexit deal and is putting a plan to Parliament that is already „dead“, Arlene Foster has said.

The DUP leader said proposals to give Stormont a say over new EU rules if the border backstop took effect after Brexit added nothing.

09.01.2019 - 20:20 [ theGuardian.com ]

John Bercow‘s decision endangers the office of Speaker, and our democracy

Whatever shape Brexit takes, the effects of this unilateral change to parliamentary rules will be felt for a long time

09.01.2019 - 19:57 [ Spectator.co.uk ]

John Bercow’s disregard of precedent is a serious constitutional issue

Then there’s the matter of how the Commons works in the future, long after Bercow has gone. Does this mean that another Speaker can change procedure as he pleases, even against the advice of his own clerks? How can the Commons prevent this leading to the next referee being so obviously lacking in neutrality that their authority is even less than Bercow’s?

09.01.2019 - 19:54 [ Independent.co.uk ]

We now know John Bercow is as out of control as Brexit itself

Given the propensity of thought-to-be-lost Morecambe and Wise episodes to turn up decades later in west African cinema store cupboards, we must advise the parliamentary archivists immediately to incinerate all recorded footage of the House of Commons between 12.41 and 13.53 on the afternoon of Wednesday 9 January 2019, and promptly blast the ashes deep into outer space.

Actually, perhaps that’s too risky.

09.01.2019 - 19:48 [ basiapuszkar ‏/ Twitter ]

More #Brexit drama, this time involving Speaker Bercow and the distinction between a motion and an amendment.

09.01.2019 - 19:35 [ Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor, The Telegraph / Twitter ]

We are now in full-fledged constitutional crisis territory. Bercow has accepted the Grieve amendment which *his own clerks* say is against the standing orders of the House. This is going to be carnage.

09.01.2019 - 19:18 [ Sam White ‏/ Twitter ]

The American right is psychopathic, the British right is in a state of toothless submission. There must be an ideal medium somewhere between the two.

09.01.2019 - 19:15 [ John Alistair ‏/ Twitter ]

How does a Conservative speaker giving time for a Conservative backbencher‘s amendment to a Conservative government‘s motion constitute partisanship in favour of the Labour party?

09.01.2019 - 19:12 [ Mark Wallace, Executive Editor of ConservativeHome @ConHome / Twitter ]

Constitutions based in part on convention are delicate things. Mess with them without proper thought, and you can quite quickly go from ringing the bells to wringing your hands. I fear Parliament will rue the day they allowed this.

09.01.2019 - 19:07 [ NewStatesman.com ]

What does John Bercow’s unprecedented action mean for Brexit – and for him?

It is true to say that you cannot really make an argument that Bercow’s action is supported by precedent or the rules of the House. What matters is if they are supported by the one rule of British politics that does matter: do you have a majority in the House of Commons? If you have a majority in the House of Commons, it doesn’t matter if you are found to have misled MPs, provided that majority is willing to sustain you in office. It doesn’t matter if you are upending centuries of precedent, because the only precedent that matters in our constitution is that Parliament can do whatever it wants.

09.01.2019 - 18:56 [ Blue Labour ‏/ Twitter ]

This is obvious but worth repeating again and again. This ‘crisis’, which can ‘only be solved by a second referendum’ is in fact a concerted, long-term, cross-party effort to overturn Brexit. Wildly irresponsible.


09.01.2019 - 18:55 [ Trade Unionists Against the EU ‏/ Twitter ]

Anti-EU, not anti-Europe


09.01.2019 - 18:52 [ Tim Dawson, writer and journalist ‏/ Twitter ]

The root cause of our national discontent is simple. We had a referendum, but the losing side refuses to honour it. We are therefore stuck in a political groundhog day; forced to replay the same exhausting, exhausted arguments over and over again. 2 years on- tempers are fraying.

09.01.2019 - 18:39 [ Sky News ]

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow defends impartiality amid Brexiteers‘ anger

Furious Brexiteers raise questions about the Remain-supporting Speaker in angry parliamentary exchanges.

09.01.2019 - 18:35 [ ProductiehuisEU / Twitter ]

BREXIT – Angry Mark Francois hits out at Speaker Bercow (9th January 2019)

Raising a point of order after PMQs, he said: “Mr Speaker, I have not been in this House as long as you but I have been here for 18 years and I have never known any occasion when any Speaker has overruled a motion of the House of Commons. “You have said again and again you’re a servant of this House and we take you at your word, and I have heard you many times on points of order when people have challenged you say ‘I cannot do X or Y because I am bound by a motion of the House’. “You have done that multiple times in my experience, so why are you overruling this today?”

09.01.2019 - 18:13 [ Sky News Politics ‏/ Twitter ]

„We had a row in the Commons for over an hour.“ Tory MP Mark Francois says many MPs believe John Bercow was „exceeding his authority“ by approving a vote on a controversial amendment.

Follow the #Brexit debate here: http://po.st/FKBjwo

09.01.2019 - 18:08 [ Mark D'Arcy, parliamentary correspondent / BBC ]

Bercow‘s unprecedented ruling could change the course of Brexit

I suspect that, one way or another, Mr Bercow‘s turbulent tenure in the Commons chair is coming to an end.

Perhaps in months rather than weeks, but not before the big Brexit votes (and it‘s not impossible that somewhere along the way, he might have to make this kind of ruling again).

The basic question his would-be successors will have to answer is how much of the Bercow revolution in the way the Commons works should be scrapped – and how much should be retained?

09.01.2019 - 18:02 [ Sky News Politics / Twitter ]

Tory MP Mark Francois criticises John Bercow‘s decision to approve a debate on a controversial amendment which could impact the process of leaving the EU.

A row has broken out in the House of Commons over #Brexit – follow the latest here: http://po.st/FKBjwo

09.01.2019 - 18:00 [ Trend.az ]

Israel Aerospace Industries, Brazil‘s Santos lab collaborate on agriculture drones

IAI, Israel‘s leading aviation manufacturer, will provide its fully-automated BirdEye 650D UAV systems and analyze collected data. Santos Lab will operate the UAVs, equipped with a hyper-spectral wide-coverage imager especially developed to pursue the precision agriculture market.

09.01.2019 - 17:58 [ PoliticsHome.com ]

AS IT HAPPENED: PMQs and Commons chaos as angry MPs confronted John Bercow over Brexit amendment row

> MPs have voted by 308 to 297 to force Theresa May to return to the Commons with a Brexit plan in just three days if her current deal is defeated

> Tory MPs accused Commons Speaker John Bercow of not being impartial on Brexit – but he denied the charges.

09.01.2019 - 17:56 [ ORF.at ]

Niederlage für May bei wichtigem Votum zu Brexit-Prozedur

Das Unterhaus stimmte heute mit 308 zu 297 Stimmen dafür, dass die Regierung für den Fall, dass der Brexit-Deal mit der EU am Dienstag im Parlament durchfällt, binnen drei Sitzungstagen ihre Pläne für das weitere Vorgehen offenlegen muss.

09.01.2019 - 17:17 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Angriff auf Magnitz: Staatsanwalt widerspricht AfD

Magnitz sei am Montagabend in Bremen von einem von insgesamt drei zu sehenden Männern von hinten angesprungen worden, sagte der Sprecher der Bremer Staatsanwaltschaft, Frank Passade, mit Blick auf die Videoaufnahmen, die den Überfall in Gänze zeigen. Daraufhin sei Magnitz gestürzt und offenbar ungebremst mit dem Kopf aufgeschlagen. „Wir gehen davon aus, dass die gesamten Verletzungen allein dem Sturz geschuldet sind“, sagte Passade.

09.01.2019 - 16:33 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Bolivien führt kostenlose Gesundheitsversorgung ein

Um ihren Protest gegen die Gesundheitsreform kund zu tun, hatte die Ärztekammer zu einem 48-stündigen Streik aufgerufen. Präsident Morales kritisierte die Haltung der Ärzte scharf und mahnte: „Die Ärztekammer sollten auf der Seite ihres Volkes stehen und nicht gegen das Recht auf Leben“. Der Streik sei für ihn deshalb nicht nachvollziehbar gewesen.

09.01.2019 - 15:40 [ Junge Welt ]

Dessauer Zustände

Diallo ist der Bruder des vor 14 Jahren in einer Dessauer Polizeizelle verbrannten Asylbewerbers. Anlässlich des Todestages ist er aus Guinea angereist, auf Kosten der Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh. Er bedankt sich auf deutsch bei den Demonstranten, während sich der Platz weiter füllt.

09.01.2019 - 12:42 [ KBS.co.kr ]

Seouls Washington-Botschafter: USA und Nordkorea halten wegen Gipfels inoffiziellen Kanal aufrecht

Das sagte Botschafter Cho Yoon-je am Dienstag Reportern in Washington. Da US-Präsident Donald Trump und der Vorsitzende Kim Jong-un den festen Willen für Gespräche hätten, rechne er mit Vorbereitungsgesprächen in naher Zukunft.

09.01.2019 - 12:35 [ IT'S MY COUNTRY AND I'LL CRY IF I WANT TO / Twitter ]

He ACTUALLY said that people build walls not because they hate the people outside but because they love the people inside. How did that work for the residents of East Berlin? The GDR just loved them so much they wanted to give them a big concrete hug?

09.01.2019 - 12:25 [ theLily.com ]

‘A shattering of the walls’: Muslim women celebrate the swearing in of Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

(4.1.2018) A group of Christian clergy, including leaders in the United Church of Christ and United Methodist denominations, planned to deliver a welcome letter on Thursday afternoon to the two Muslim representatives signed by 7,000 Christians.

Suleman had a simple summation of what the moment represents:
“I think the message, really, is that this is America.”

09.01.2019 - 11:58 [ Washington Post ]

Trump won the night. Schumer and Pelosi lost.

President Trump did something Tuesday night that he has rarely done since taking office: He used the presidential bully pulpit to reach beyond his hardcore base of supporters to make his case to the American people as a whole.

Speaking from the Oval Office for the first time during his presidency, Trump embraced our country’s tradition as a nation of immigrants, declaring “America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation.”

09.01.2019 - 11:55 [ USA Today ]

Trump speech: Twitter pokes fun of Schumer, Pelosi ‚hostage tape,‘ ‚American Gothic‘ vibe

The famous „American Gothic“ depicts a woman and man with a pitchfork standing tall in front of a house, and some thought to two lawmakers were shoo-ins for a recreation of it.

09.01.2019 - 06:36 [ NDR ]

G20: Was wurde aus Anzeigen gegen Polizisten?

Man müsse Gesetzesverletzungen, die vom Staat begangen werden, kritisieren, zur Anzeige bringen und zum Gegenstand öffentlicher Debatten machen. Sonst gebe man demokratischen Grund preis. Nicht, wenn eine legitime Staatsmacht seriös ihr Gewaltmonopol ausübe, betont er. „Aber was hier passiert ist, war eben das Austoben individueller Gewalt durch Polizeibeamte. Das ist etwas völlig anderes.“

09.01.2019 - 06:33 [ Sky News ]

May tries to woo the DUP as meaningful vote debate restarts

The vote on Mrs May‘s Brexit deal is due next week after being postponed in December as the government faced defeat.

09.01.2019 - 06:31 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Humiliated Theresa May hit by Brexit ambush defeat as rebel MPs vote to sink No Deal

Labour joined forces with the DUP and Tory rebels to pass a motion 303 to 296 which will make it much harder to leave with no agreement in place at all.
Around 20 Tories defied the Government and teamed up with Jeremy Corbyn to BAN ministers from changing tax laws in a No Deal situation unless MPs openly vote for it, we get a deal passed, or Article 50 is delayed.

09.01.2019 - 06:20 [ Dietmar Pieper, Spiegel-Journalist / Twitter ]

60.000 politische Gefangene in Ägypten (laut Human Rights Watch), und Deutschland liefert Kriegsschiffe…

09.01.2019 - 06:13 [ NDR ]

23-Jähriger Göttinger ist in Ägypten in Gewahrsam

Ein 23-Jähriger aus Göttingen, der von seiner Familie seit knapp zwei Wochen in Ägypten vermisst wird, ist von den ägyptischen Behörden in Gewahrsam genommen worden. Eine entsprechende Rückmeldung habe die deutsche Botschaft in Kairo erhalten, teilte das Auswärtige Amt am Dienstag mit. Der 23-Jährige war zusammen mit seinem 24 Jahre alten Bruder am 27. Dezember am Flughafen in Kairo gelandet.

09.01.2019 - 06:04 [ Zeit.de ]

Ägypten: Zwei Deutsch-Ägypter bei Familienbesuch verschwunden

Im Dezember verschwinden zwei junge Deutsch-Ägypter an ägyptischen Flughäfen. Zu einem der beiden gibt es nun eine Spur: Sie führt zu den ägyptischen Behörden.

09.01.2019 - 05:14 [ Luftpost Kaiserslautern ]

Die Veterans for Peace nehmen Stellung zu dem von Trump angekündigten Truppenabzug aus Syrien

Es ist höchste Zeit, all diese verlustreichen, nicht zu gewinnenden und unnötigen Angriffskriege zu beenden, in denen es nur um Dominanz und Ausplünderung geht. Es wir Zeit, eine neue Seite im Geschichtsbuch aufzuschlagen und eine neue Welt aufzubauen, die auf den Menschenrechten, der Gleichheit aller Menschen und gegenseitigem Respekt beruht. Wir müssen uns mit aller Kraft für einen dauerhaften Frieden einsetzen, weil sonst das Überleben der menschlichen Zivilisation auf dem Spiel steht.

09.01.2019 - 03:05 [ CBS News / Youtube ]

Donald Trump national address tonight from the Oval Office and Democratic response, live stream

President Trump will deliver his first prime-time address from the Oval Office Tuesday, as the partial government shutdown over border wall funding continues into its third week. It will be Mr. Trump‘s first prime-time Oval Office address since taking office. The president‘s remarks, expected to last roughly eight minutes, will air at 9 p.m. ET. Democrats have also requested time on the networks to respond to the president‘s remarks. Shortly after the president‘s remarks conclude, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer will deliver a response, expected to be about five minutes long. Mr. Trump is demanding $5.7 billion for border wall funding, while Democrats say they won‘t fund his wall. It‘s unclear where the shutdown stalemate ends.