Daily Archives: 24. November 2018
DUP leader Arlene Foster blasts May‘s Brexit deal as ‚worse than a Corbyn government‘ as she warns her MPs might not back it in Commons vote
(24.11.2018) Mrs Foster dismissed claims that the DUP is merely playing a game of brinkmanship and would cave in and support Mrs May if the alternative was a general election and a possible Labour government.
Dominic Raab: Theresa May‘s deal worse than staying in EU
(23.11.2018) Former Brexit secretary condemns PM’s plan, as ministers reportedly consider ‘no-deal deal’
Banner in Greek and English: „The peoples have the power and never surrender. Organize counter-attack“.
May has capitulated to every single EU demand. She’s abandoned NI, and now Gibraltar. At no time does she push back. As Barnier said, they have given May the deal she asked for and she has given them everything they have asked for. It’s almost beyond words how bad this is.
Huge quake edges New Zealand islands closer together
„The whole area is going down maybe 10 to 20 millimetres. It‘s not a huge amount but it is observable at our sites,“ she said. GNS principal scientist, Kevin Berryman, said all earthquakes of 7.5 and above are very complex but it was „certainly unusual“ for 25 faults to rupture simultaneously.
I don‘t have the words.. Tory cowards is the nearest I can get.
The agreement on #Gibraltar reached today within the framework of the #Brexit negotiations is highly positive for #Spain and the most important one since the #Utrecht Treaty of 1713. I want to personally thank the Secretary of State for the #EU, our Permanent Representation (1/2)
‚UK is a colony!‘ What the EU REALLY thinks? Shock BBC outburst reveals Brexit ‚defeat‘
A SHOCK outburst on a BBC news panel when he admitted that Brexiteers were right when they claimed that Theresa May‘s Brexit draft deal turned Britain into a „colony“ of the EU.
Jean-Claude Juncker puts a reassuring hand on Theresa May‘s shoulder as they arrive for talks ahead of tomorrow‘s summit. She ignored a shouted question about whether she had „compromised over Gibraltar“ #euco
Spanish PM announces deal on Gibraltar ahead of Brexit summit
Pedro Sánchez will vote on Sunday in favor of the United Kingdom’s Withdrawal Agreement, something he had been saying he would not do due to the text’s position on the British Overseas Territory
Noam Chomsky Turns 90: How a U.S. Anarchist Has More Than Survived
On December 7, 2018, Noam Chomsky turns 90 years old. In a 2013 Reader’s Digest poll of “The 100 Most Trusted People in America” (topped by Hollywood celebrities), Noam Chomsky, a self-described anarchist, ranked #20 (behind #19 Michelle Obama but in front of #24 Jimmy Carter). Given that anti-authoritarians throughout U.S. history have been routinely shunned, financially punished, psychopathologized, criminalized, and assassinated, Chomsky’s surviving and thriving are remarkable.
In the early 1960s, when few Americans were criticizing the U.S. government’s war in Vietnam, Chomsky was among the first to challenge and resist it. He risked prison time and the loss of an academic career in linguistics in which he had become highly esteemed for his groundbreaking contributions. For more than a half century, Chomsky has used his platform to challenge all illegitimate authorities, including the U.S. government and oppressive regimes around the world. He has voiced a consistent contempt for elite rule—for its atrocities as well as for its subversion of working-class autonomy.
Argentine airline cancels 371 flights due to strike ahead of G20
Argentina’s state-owned airline Aerolineas Argentinas said on Friday that it had canceled all flights scheduled for Monday due to a strike called by pilots and other personnel, just days before the country is to host a meeting of the G20, Reuters reported.
More than 370 flights, affecting 40,000 travelers, have been scratched from the schedule, Aerolineas [AERA.UL] said in a statement.
Former CIA director Michael Hayden suffers stroke
In August, Hayden said he would consider it an honor if Trump took away his security clearance.
Hayden made the statement to show solidarity with former CIA director John Brennan after Trump revoked Brennan’s security clearance.
The White House said in August that Hayden’s security clearance was under review.
NGO: Amazon Critical, Bolsonaro Projects Threaten More Loss
Several projects, proposed by President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, threatens the protected Amazon forests and peoples, who are already severely neglected.
Note: this is what Communists always say.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
„Der ideale Untertan totalitärer Herrschaft ist nicht der überzeugte Nazi oder engagierte Kommunist, sondern Menschen, für die der Unterschied zwischen Fakten und Fiktion, wahr und falsch, nicht länger existiert.“ Hannah Arendt
Hard to avoid! They were talking loudly at next table while I was trying to catch up on emails
The EU does not want a deal. This anti-democratic empire wants to crush Brexit
Fact not fantasy, as journalist Ian Birrell told the BBC back in the summer.
At the time, we might have been wondering if what we heard was merely the wishful fantasising of overzealous Remainers. The current deal shows that it was indeed a real Le Carré moment, a secret conversation about high political games.
Is May‘s deal already sunk? Eighty nine Tories have already come out against it meaning she must find more than 90 votes from Brexiteer rebels, DUP and Labour to get it through the Commons
– If Theresa May gets Cabinet backing her deal will have to go to Parliament
– She can only be certain of around 225 votes but needs to get 318 MPs in favour
– PM needs to squeeze Tory rebels, win over the DUP and get some Labour votes
Proteste in Tschechien nach gescheitertem Misstrauensvotum
Die Regierung unter Andrej Babis kann bleiben. Knapp der Hälfte der Bevölkerung passt das nicht.…
Misstrauensvotum in Tschechien gescheitert
Die Opposition wirft Babis Betrug mit EU-Subventionen in Millionenhöhe vor. 92 Abgeordnete stimmten für die Absetzung des Kabinetts, 101 Stimmen wären für eine erfolgreiche Abwahl nötig gewesen. …
Proteste in Frankreich: Tränengas und Wasserwerfer in Paris
Erneut sind in Paris Tausende auf die Straßen gegangen, um Präsident Macron ihren Unmut über hohe Steuern zu zeigen. Doch die Polizei hält sie mit Tränengas und Wasserwerfern vom Élyséepalast fern.
LIVE: Paris – Erneuter Protest der Gelbwesten
Wegen der hohen Spritpreise blockieren Demonstranten seit einer Woche Straßen in ganz Frankreich. Jetzt erreicht der Protest die Hauptstadt Frankreichs. Hohe Sicherheitsvorkehrungen sollen gegen Ausschreitungen vorbeugen.
Sonntagsfrage zur Landtagswahl in Sachsen (#ltwsn) • IM Field / Sächsische Zeitung: CDU 29 % | AfD 24 % | DIE LINKE 17 % | SPD 11 % | GRÜNE 8 % | FDP 6 % | Sonstige 5 %
The dangers of letting algorithms make decisions for you
Experts warn that AI systems used by recruiters, banks and even judges learn from data that can contain an undesired bias
Ein Kolonialist kapituliert
Wie konnte diese gerade vom außereuropäischen Kriegsschauplatz heimkehrende militärische Schar für einen nicht geringen Teil der deutschen Bevölkerung zu den »unbesiegten Helden von Ostafrika« und ihr Kommandeur zum »Löwen von Afrika« werden?
Ringen um jeden Beistrich im Brexit-Vertrag
Am Sonntag stimmen die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU-27 über den Austrittsvertrag mit dem Vereinigten Königreich und die Zukunftserklärung ab – derstandard.at/2000092104231/Offenbar-doch-kein-Durchbruch-bei-Brexit-Streit-um-Gibraltar
Theresa May’s Brexit blueprint is not passing the House of Commons as there’s no sign of weakening the Tory rebellion
RIGHT now, Theresa May’s Brexit deal is not passing the House of Commons.
Even if No10 halved the Tory rebellion at a stroke, it still would not have the votes.
Arlene Foster interview: ‘Our message to Mrs May is clear: we cannot accept your Brexit deal’
Having grown up in the Troubles, the DUP leader is deadly serious about defending the Union
Artists for Brexit bring you a fascinating commentary on the cultural and economic loss suffered as a result of our drift from the Commonwealth. A remarkable piece by author and journalist, Peter Mason.
Other countries would die for the traditional links we have with the bloc of countries that constitutes the Commonwealth. We have the inside track, based on a historical relationship with its members that – notwithstanding the old tensions of empire – has generally remained friendly and cooperative. Economists have suggested that due to the ‘commonalities’ of language, law and business practice across Commonwealth countries, the costs of each country trading with the other is typically 10-15 per cent lower than when dealing with other nations. Increasingly it has become clear that we’ve been running with the wrong pack.
Brexit: Spanien droht mit Gipfel-Absage
Vor dem EU-Sondergipfel zum Brexit steht die mühsam ausgehandelte Einigung auf der Kippe: Spanien droht mit einer Absage des Gipfels, falls es keine Einigung in der Gibraltar-Frage gibt.
Take note @UKLabour : Jeremy is not enough to win over Labour leave voters. You must make sure Brexit is delivered.
@Telegraph cartoon #Brexit #TheresaMay #PoliticalDeclaration #flexible
May’s Brexit deal: the legal verdict
The PM’s plan isn’t bad – it’s atrocious
Democracy must be upheld
For those MPs who were elected to deliver upon this mandate, the choice is clear. If they believe in democracy, UK sovereignty and prosperity they should take courage in delivering for the small business owners, the just-about-managing, for the many not the few.
They should take back control and vote this deal down.“
Brendan Chilton
Labour Leave
Prof Patrick Minford
Economists for Free Trade
Michael Lightfoot
Artists for Brexit
Gawain Towler
Museum of Brexit
Rebecca Ryan
Campaign Director, StandUp4Brexit
Richard Tice
Leave Means Leave
Lucy Harris
Leavers of Britain
Brian Montieth
Global Britain
Daniel Hodson
City for Britain
Spain rejects EU offer to create separate declaration on Gibraltar after Brexit
The Spanish government has reiterated its threat to veto the Withdrawal Agreement if the position of the British Overseas Territory is not clarified
It‘s astonishing that Great Britain risks ending up an EU colony after Brexit
For those of us who come from what were once British colonies, we can‘t help being astonished by the debate about whether the UK should remain in the EU customs union post-Brexit.
Theresa May awards knighthood to Eurosceptic Tory MP ahead of knife-edge Brexit vote
The decision was described as ‚a spectacular act of desperation‘ by the Labour Party
SIR BREXIT: Theresa May accused of bribery for handing Brexiteer MP John Hayes a knighthood as she launches push to get MPs to back her deal
The ex-Transport minister will get an honour as the Prime Minister launches an all-out assault to try and get her Brexit agreement through Parliament
Theresa May to embark on Brexit tour amid ‚gongs for votes‘ row
Theresa May is to set to come to Scotland as part of a planned grand tour of the UK to sell her Brexit plan directly to voters.
Cabinet Brexiteers are gambling on a managed No Deal – and there‘s a good chance their bet will pay off
Jeremy Hunt, Geoffrey Cox, Liam Fox, Andrea Leadsom, Chris Grayling, Michael Gove: all are known to be in despair about the fate of Brexit – but none have resigned. To their critics, they embody the Tory spinelessness that led to this mess; the “pizza plotters” who can eat together, but not much more.
Brexit: May heads to Brussels on eve of EU summit
Theresa May is heading to Brussels later ahead of a special EU summit to formally sign off the Brexit deal.
The prime minister will hold talks with top EU officials, before leaders of all 28 countries meet to endorse the agreement on Sunday.
May in Brüssel: Dieser Deal oder keiner
Vor dem EU-Sondergipfel am Sonntag trifft sich die britische Premierministerin May heute noch einmal mit EU-Kommissionschef Juncker. Dabei dürfte auch noch einmal Gibraltar zur Sprache kommen.