Daily Archives: 21. August 2018

21.08.2018 - 23:21 [ teleSUR ]

US: Prisoners Strike Over Conditions Akin to ‚Modern Slavery‘

Prisoners across the United States, which is home to the world‘s largest prison population, went on strike in at least 17 states Tuesday. Prisoners are refusing to work, holding sit-ins and going on hunger strike from August 21, the 47th anniversary of the murder of Black Panther member, George Jackson, by correctional officers in San Quentin, until September 9, which marks the 47th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising for humane conditions and fundamental sociopolitical rights.

21.08.2018 - 23:20 [ teleSUR ]

UK Private Prisons Under Fire After ‚Crisis‘ Jail Takeover

The move was seized upon by opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, a fierce privatization critic who has pledged a programme of re-nationalizations if his Labour party regains power. „Another week, another privatisation crisis,“ he wrote on Twitter. „This government‘s obsession with selling off our public services has been a total failure.“

21.08.2018 - 23:07 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil: Marielle Franco‘s Family Requests Protection After Death Threats

Family members of slain Black activist and Rio de Janeiro city councilwoman Marielle Franco have requested state protection due to repeated threats and hate speech. The request was submitted to the State Secretary of Security, Richard Nunes, Monday, during a meeting at the Integrated Center of Command and Control (CICC).

21.08.2018 - 22:56 [ German Foreign Policy ]

„Artificial Intelligence made in Germany“

Die Bundesregierung treibt die Förderung von Forschung und Nutzung Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) sowie deren Nutzung durch die Bundeswehr voran. KI sei „keine Innovation wie viele andere“, sondern eine überaus weit reichende Basisinnovation, die bereits in wenigen Jahren sämtliche Bereiche von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft umwälzen werde, urteilte jüngst Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier. Laut einem Eckpunktepapier, das der Vorbereitung eines umfassenden staatlichen „Masterplans Künstliche Intelligenz“ dient, sollen „Deutschland und Europa“ in der KI „auf ein weltweit führendes Niveau“ gebracht werden; das neu gewonnene Know-how soll „in Wertschöpfung umgemünzt werden“. Laut Prognosen könnten Millionen Arbeitsplätze durch KI überflüssig gemacht werden – wie es heißt, wohl besonders im Dienstleistungssektor. Experten erklären, besondere Anstrengungen seien unumgänglich, damit Berlin und die EU nicht gegenüber China und den USA in Rückstand gerieten. Die Bundeswehr bereitet ein eigenes KI-Projekt vor – um Krisen und sogar Kriege vorhersagen zu können.

21.08.2018 - 19:14 [ RT / Youtube ]

Syrische Armee rückt auf letzte Bastionen der Islamisten vor

Der Krieg in Syrien könnte in seine letzte Phase eintreten. Die einst so mächtigen islamistischen Aufständischen halten im Grunde nur noch die Provinz Idlib. Und Damaskus ist entschlossen, auch dieses Gebiet wieder unter seine Kontrolle zu bringen.

21.08.2018 - 19:04 [ Heise.de ]

Afghanistan: Superlative des „failed state“?

(26.7.2018) Mitten im Kabuler Stadtteil Kote Sangi hissten Taliban-Kämpfer ihre Flagge und wurden von Sicherheitskräften mit Freude empfangen. Man umarmte sich, machte Selfies und trank gemeinsam Tee. In der Provinz Farah, die einige Tage zuvor noch von den Taliban belagert wurde, empfing der Gouverneur Aufständische in seinem Palast und lud sie zum Essen ein.

21.08.2018 - 19:01 [ Spiegel.de ]

Taliban kommen offenbar nach Moskau

Lawrow sagte, die Kontakte zu den Taliban seien bekannt. Sie gehörten zur russischen Afghanistan-Strategie, weil die Fundamentalisten dort Teil der Bevölkerung seien. Außerdem gehe es bei den Kontakten oft um Fragen der Sicherheit russischer Bürger.

21.08.2018 - 18:53 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Taliban plans to take part in Moscow talks on Afghanistan on Sept. 4

The Taliban plans to take part in Afghanistan peace talks in Moscow on Sept. 4, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency on Tuesday.

21.08.2018 - 18:51 [ TaskAndPurpose.com ]

Don’t Let Erik Prince Anywhere Near The War In Afghanistan

NBC News reported on Friday that Prince, founder of notorious private security company Blackwater and brother of current Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, is once again pushing to effectively privatize the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan.

Prince’s plan to take over the Forever War isn’t new.

21.08.2018 - 18:48 [ Sean McFate / Politico ]

I Was a Mercenary. Trust Me: Erik Prince’s Plan Is Garbage.

(31.8.2017) Mercenaries are back, a dangerous trend occurring in the shadows. Their very lack of accountability is their main selling point; they offer plausible deniability and brute force to those too weak or squeamish to wage war. Customers are buying too, with mercenary proliferation in Afghanistan, Congo, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen. Clients include countries, extractive industry and even terrorists. This trend may one day alter international relations: When anyone can rent a military, then super-rich and large corporations can become a new kind of superpower. Worse, mercenaries can start and elongate conflicts for profit, breeding endless war. A world with more mercenaries means a world with more war, which is why Prince’s proposal is so dangerous.

21.08.2018 - 18:43 [ Bruce Riedel / Brookings ]

The Warlord Who Defines Afghanistan: An Excerpt From Bruce Riedel’s ‘What We Won’

(27.7.2017) Since the 1980s, Shibirghan has been the stronghold of Abdul Rashid Dostum, an Uzbek Afghan warlord who has played a complex role in the wars that have wracked Afghanistan since 1978. In 1998, Dostum was my host during a visit to Shibirghan. I had met him before, in my Pentagon office, where he had related his life’s journey to me. A physically strong and imposing man, he has an Asian appearance, a hint of his Mongol roots. That day he was dressed to look like a modern political leader, in a suit and tie. The notorious warlord was hosting a meeting of the Northern Alliance, the coalition of Afghan parties that opposed the Taliban, in his hometown. In addition to Dostum, Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani, Hazara Shia leader Karim Khalili, and Mohammad Abdullah, a deputy of the legendary Ahmad Shah Massoud, were in attendance. The U.S. party was led by Bill Richardson, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and Karl “Rick” Inderfurth, assistant secretary of State. At the start of the meeting, all the Afghans and Americans held each other’s hands in a symbol of unity for the cameras.

21.08.2018 - 18:34 [ Zaka Afridi ‏/ Twitter ]

And here is Mufti Nematullah the ISIS deputy leader of Jowzjan Province smiling with the Vice President of Afghanistan Dostum. ..


21.08.2018 - 18:26 [ DRKNURPAKT ‏/ Twitter ]

Video Showing #ISKP Deputy Leader Mufti Nematullah hugging Dostum when he left #Taliban & Joined Government & then Joined #ISKP & Then Left #ISKP & joined Government again #Afghanistan


21.08.2018 - 18:21 [ businessinsider.com ]

Blackwater founder Erik Prince is pushing to privatize America‘s costly war in Afghanistan — and going on cable TV to persuade Trump

Between 2001 and 2017, the US spent an estimated $714 billion on a war that many observers argue America is still far from winning, Task & Purpose reported last August. Prince intends to privatize the conflict to reduce US manpower in the country and ultimately reduce spending.

Prince‘s plan would see troops replaced with private military contractors who work for a special envoy that reports directly to the president.

21.08.2018 - 16:14 [ Spiegel.de ]

SPD: Brandenburgs Wirtschaftsminister Gerber tritt zurück

Brandenburgs Wirtschaftsminister Albrecht Gerber (SPD) ist zurückgetreten. Darüber soll er die Mitglieder der SPD-Landtagsfraktion informiert haben. Das teilte die Staatskanzlei mit.

Hintergrund des Rücktritts seien persönliche Gründe, hieß es aus Regierungskreisen.

21.08.2018 - 15:19 [ Rodong Sinmun (Nordkorea) ]

DPRK-U.S. Ties Can Never Become victim of Political Scramble in U.S.

It is important for the DPRK to improve the relations with the U.S. as soon as possible, but the former thinks that more pressing task is to handle the divided and confusion-ridden U.S. political landscape.

The present deadlock of the DPRK-U.S. relations demands a bold decision on the part of President Trump.

As President Trump admitted, the “fantastic meeting”, realized by no other president in the history of America, could come to success to be greatly cheered and welcomed by the world and American people because he acted with his own decision and will, not wavering by the opposition’s offensive nor blindly following his aides’ view.

21.08.2018 - 15:19 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

N. Korea reiterates need for declaring end to Korean War

North Korea on Tuesday reiterated its demand for the declaration of an official end to the 1950-53 Korean War, the country‘s leading Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported, amid U.S. President Donald Trump‘s indication that he will most likely meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un again.

The Rodong Sinmun of the ruling Workers‘ Party said in a commentary, „The declaration of an end to the war is a task that cannot be postponed in the implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration.“

21.08.2018 - 15:06 [ derStandard.at ]

Maria Stern will Liste Pilz Neustart verpassen

Listengründer Pilz will sich jetzt auf die anstehenden U-Ausschüsse zum Verfassungsschutz und rund um die Eurofighter stürzen, weil: „Wir sind die einzigen Profis der Kontrolle!“, meinte er. Über die neue Chefin sagte Pilz: „Ich glaube, dass es die Maria besser kann.“

21.08.2018 - 14:08 [ Radio Utopie ]

Israel, Irak legalisieren zivilen Besitz von Pistolen und Maschinengewehren

Entgegen dem weltweiten Trend, Schusswaffen, die im Besitz von Bürgern sind, mit Hilfe von Anreizen, Überzeugungsarbeit oder Amnestiegesetzen zur Abgabe ihrer Waffen zu bewegen, werden im Irak und in Israel unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen Zivilisten ihre Waffen behalten oder eine solche erwerben können.

21.08.2018 - 11:37 [ KBS ]

Seoul will mit Pjöngjang über regelmäßige Familientreffen diskutieren

Laut dem Ministerium sind 85 Prozent der 56.000 noch Lebenden, die ein Wiedersehen mit ihren Angehörigen in Nordkorea beantragten, über 70 Jahre alt.

Zu einem im September geplanten innerkoreanischen Spitzentreffen hieß es, das Ressort wolle baldigst den Zeitplan festlegen und Arbeitsgespräche über Protokoll- und Sicherheitsfragen zustande bringen.

21.08.2018 - 11:31 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

War-separated families meet for first time in over 6 decades at North Korea‘s Mt. Kumgang

92-year old Lee Geum-seom met her 71-year old son. She burst into tears seeing her son, who grew up in North Korea. On the eve of this long awaited moment, at a press interview, Lee said she‘d like to ask how he was raised and by whom.

Then there‘s 99-year old Han Shin-ja who met the two daughters she left behind in North Korea. She thought she‘d be reunited with them in two to three months during the war. With tears in her eyes, Han wouldn‘t let go of their hands through the entire meeting.
Kim Gwang-ho, who‘s 80 years old, met his younger brother, who is 78-years-old. Kim had seven siblings in the North when he headed down to South Korea in 1950. He said he thought he could reunite with them in just a week, but that week turned into 68 years.

21.08.2018 - 11:29 [ KBS ]

Private Treffen am zweiten Tag innerkoreanischer Familienzusammenführung

Am Mittwoch, dem letzten Tag der ersten Runde, finden von 11 bis 13 Uhr ein Abschiedstreffen und ein gemeinsames Mittagessen statt. Anschließend werden die südkoreanischen Teilnehmer um 13.30 Uhr den Berg Geumgang verlassen und die Heimfahrt antreten.

21.08.2018 - 11:16 [ Tulsi Gabbard, Abgeordnete im US-Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

The US is complicit in this atrocity. Saudi Arabia‘s interventionist war in Yemen has resulted in the world‘s worst humanitarian crisis, with more than 22 million people—three-quarters of the population—in desperate need of aid.

21.08.2018 - 11:14 [ Heise.de ]

Saudi-arabische Koalition: Angriff auf Kinder ist ein legitimer Angriff auf Planer und Operateure

In den USA sind Kongressabgeordnete darüber beunruhigt, dass die Unterstützung der saudi-arabischen Koalition im Jemenkrieg amerikanische Militärs vor Gericht bringen könnte

21.08.2018 - 11:09 [ arabnews.com ]

Russia rejects Canada’s ‘authoritative tone’ toward Saudi Arabia

(8.8.18) DUBAI: Russia sided with Saudi Arabia in the ongoing diplomatic rift with Canada on Wednesday, issuing a statement accusing the latter of attempting to “politicize human rights issues.”

The statement said Russia rejected the “authoritative tone” of Canada toward Saudi Arabia, adding that the Kingdom had the full sovereign right to manage its own affairs.

21.08.2018 - 11:03 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

‚They are the world‘s worst oppressor of women‘: Saudi Arabia ramps up bizarre propaganda campaign against Canada that‘s included the threat of a 9/11-style attack and allegations of widespread gender inequality

– The dispute began August 6 when a Canadian government-linked account tweeted criticizing Saudi government for imprisoning women‘s rights activists
– Two tweets mentioned imprisoned blogger Raif Badawi and his sister Samar
– Saudi Arabia responded with a full-force attack on Canada‘s civil rights record
– A Saudi TV station has called Canada ‚the world‘s worst oppressor of women‘
– The Middle Eastern country is known for its poor track record on women‘s issues
– Saudi pundits have also claimed University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson is being held as a political prisoner by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
– Numerous Saudi social media accounts have been sharing similar smears
– One government-affiliated account tweeted an apparent threat to carry out a 9/11-style attack on Toronto last week

21.08.2018 - 10:57 [ Grüne München / Twitter ]

Unsere Bundestagsabgeordnete @MargareteBause fordert ein klares Bekenntnis der Bundesregierung im Streit zwischen Kanada und Saudi-Arabien. Merkel und Maas müssten „unmissverständlich“ für Menschenrechte eintreten.


21.08.2018 - 10:12 [ theGuardian.com ]

‘We don’t have a single friend’: Canada’s Saudi spat reveals country is alone

(11.8.2018) Several countries expressed support for Saudi Arabia, including Egypt and Russia. But Canada continued to stand alone, even as state-run media in the kingdom reported the beheading and “crucifixion” of a man convicted of killing a woman and carrying out other crimes.

21.08.2018 - 10:09 [ @Reem_AlHarmi / Twitter ]

Saudi claims @Infographic_ksa that threatened #Canada with 9/11 style attacks, is owned by a private citizen, this is utterly false. The account reportedly owned by Saud Al-Qahtani, Saudi gov’t-owned media, Alekhbariya, Riyadh and AlJazirah newspapers, quoted the account before.


21.08.2018 - 10:00 [ nationalpost.com ]

With echoes of 9/11, pro-government Saudi Twitter account posts image of plane flying towards Toronto skyline

(6.8.2018) The image, shared by the account @infographic_ksa, was accompanied by a message in English that contained the saying “He who interferes with what doesn’t concern him finds what doesn’t please him.” The text “sticking one’s nose where it doesn’t belong!” was also superimposed over the image.

21.08.2018 - 09:58 [ thesun.co.uk ]

EYE FOR AN EYE: Paralysis, eye gouging and crucifixion – the Medieval and grotesque punishments faced by criminals in Saudi Arabia

Trials are reported to have lasted a day and confessions extracted under torture.

The country has no written penal code and no code of criminal procedure and judicial procedure.

That allows courts wide powers to determine what constitutes a criminal offence and what sentences crimes deserve.

The only means of appeal is directly to the King, who decides whether the condemned lives or dies.

The list of punishments makes for grim reading.

21.08.2018 - 09:30 [ Bloomberg.com ]

JPMorgan, HSBC Among Banks to Help Manage Saudi Dollar Bond

(5.3.2018) The world’s biggest oil exporter plans to borrow the equivalent of $31 billion this year to bridge an expected budget deficit of $52 billion and fund growth plans after its economy shrank last year. The kingdom on Friday said it’s increasing a $10 billion syndicated loan by $6 billion after existing lenders and new banks showed “an exceptional response.”

21.08.2018 - 09:15 [ Third Man Records / Twitter ]

“It’s been a thought of mine for a few years now that I would love to do a free concert for the employees at the Fremont factory. I am a huge fanatic and supporter of everything @Tesla has been doing since day one.” – #JackWhite

21.08.2018 - 09:11 [ Rolling Stone ]

Jack White Stages Free Concert for Tesla Employees at California Plant

(18.8.2018) Jack White staged a private concert for Tesla workers Friday at the electric-car manufacturer’s plant in Fremont, California, where the rocker also test drove an upcoming Tesla model.

21.08.2018 - 08:24 [ Fortune.com ]

Saudi Arabia Might Not Fund Elon Musk‘s Take-Tesla-Private Plans After All

In August alone the entrepreneur has become the subject of an SEC investigation, made a dubious Twitter announcement about taking his company Tesla private, and gave a teary interview to the New York Times, causing Tesla shares to plummet.

Now it looks like the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund, the main candidate to take Tesla private, might actually invest in a Tesla rival instead.

21.08.2018 - 08:18 [ Elon Musk / Tesla.com ]

Update on Taking Tesla Private

(13-8.2018) I left the July 31st meeting with no question that a deal with the Saudi sovereign fund could be closed, and that it was just a matter of getting the process moving. This is why I referred to “funding secured” in the August 7th announcement.

21.08.2018 - 08:01 [ Forbes.com ]

Here‘s Why JP Morgan Reversed Course On Tesla

In the course of just under two weeks, J.P. Morgan’s Tesla analyst Ryan Brinkman increased his price target for Tesla from $195 to $308 and then reversed course back to $195 this morning, all while keeping an underweight rating.

21.08.2018 - 07:35 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

„Werteunion“ und „Union der Mitte“: CDU-Spitze kanzelt neue interne Zirkel ab

Nach dem ersten Treffen der CDU-Spitze nahm Generalsekretärin Kramp Karrenbauer zu verschiedenen Themen Stellung.
So will die Parteiführung der Union neue Parteigrupperierungen wie die „Werteunion“ und die „Union der Mitte“ nicht als offizielle Organisationen anerkennen.

21.08.2018 - 01:27 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Wiederaufbau in Syrien (II)

Um sich Einfluss zu sichern, setzt die Bundesregierung seit einiger Zeit darauf, den Wiederaufbau des stark kriegszerstörten Landes als Druckmittel zu nutzen. Die Kosten, die nötig sind, um Syrien aufzuhelfen, werden auf Summen zwischen 250 und 500 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt. Solche Beträge könne Russland unmöglich aufbringen, heißt es seit einiger Zeit in Berlin; Moskau sei auf Unterstützung durch Dritte zwingend angewiesen. Die Bundesrepublik hat prinzipiell Mittel für Syrien in Aussicht gestellt, besteht aber darauf, im Gegenzug Einfluss auf die Neuformierung des Landes zu erhalten.