Archiv: Haifa (city)

30.08.2024 - 15:28 [ Adalah ]

Israeli police foil film screening of Mohammed Bakri’s Janin Jenin by issuing temporary order to close Communist Party headquarters in Haifa

(August 27, 2024)

Monday night, the Maki Haifa Branch was shut down by the police for an event that included a screening of Mohammed Bakri’s new film. Bakri’s earlier film, Jenin, Jenin, was banned by an Israeli Court in 2021. Adalah demands immediate intervention by the Attorney General to ensure police will not obstruct the next screening. This action is part of broader Israeli police policies designed to suppress dissent against Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza.

30.08.2024 - 15:15 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Fascism in practice

(4 days ago )

The Israeli police decides to close down the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa

Israel and Ben Gvir’s Police have just decided to shut the headquarters of the Communist Party in Haifa for ten hours starting at 19:00 this evening.

01.02.2024 - 09:06 [ Uri Weltmann אורי וולטמן أوري فلطمان, National Field Organizer at Standing Together / Twitter ]

מרגש ממש. למעלה מ-1200 איש כבר נרשמו לאסיפת השלום והשוויון של עומדים ביחד @omdimbeyachad, שתתקיים מחרתיים (יום שישי) בין 9:00 ל-15:00 במרכז הקונגרסים בחיפה.

הסעות מרחבי הארץ:

16.12.2023 - 20:15 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

In Haifa, an Arab-Jewish pro-peace rally calls for a deal to ensure the release of all the hostages. „We want them home. With their families, with all of us. It‘s possible.“

03.07.2023 - 16:30 [ ]

Israeli demonstrators escalate to blocking Haifa seaport, threaten airport access

Israeli demonstrators opposing the government‘s judicial reform blocked access to the Haifa port on Monday, with parallel rallies organized abroad. According to the organizers, the highlight of the day‘s protests will be a blockade of Ben Gurion airport in the afternoon.

The protest movement stated thousands of people were planning to protest against the resumption of work on the reform in the Knesset, scheduled to be discussed in the afternoon.

03.07.2023 - 12:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Israel prepares for disruptive judicial reform protests

The State of Israel girded itself for disruptive protests against the judicial reform on Monday, with protesters blocking the Haifa Port in the morning and a large contingent of demonstrators expected at Ben Gurion airport at 5:30 p.m.

14.05.2023 - 19:54 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

Haifa, week 19, when the protest was cancelled due to security concerns…


06.05.2023 - 19:00 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Nitter ]

Live, from Haifa, its Saturday Night Week 18

14.01.2023 - 19:52 [ Uri Weltmann אורי וולטמן أوري فلطمان / Nitter ]

בשבוע שעבר התעקשנו בעומדים ביחד לסיים את הפגנת הענק בעצרת שקרוב למחצית מהנואמים בה היו ערבים-פלסטינים אזרחי ישראל, שרוב גדול מהדוברים בה היו נשים, ושנתנה ביטוי גם למאבק של הקהילה הטרנסית נגד אפליה ודיכוי, לקולות מתוך הציבור החרדי שמתעקשים על שלום ישראלי-פלסטיני ועל שוויון, >

14.01.2023 - 19:38 [ Yonat Friling (Frühling) / Nitter ]

Happening now in Tel Aviv: more than 50,000 people protesting against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, despite the rainy weather. This is the 2nd week. Similar protests in Jerusalem and Haifa.

28.08.2020 - 11:07 [ Haaretz ]

Hundreds of Israelis Call for Netanyahu‘s Resignation in Tel Aviv, Haifa Protest Marches

Hundreds of Israelis marched in protest in Tel Aviv and Haifa on Thursday, calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign.

A wave of anti-Netanyahu protests has swept Israel over the summer, with the largest weekly demonstration taking place every Saturday night near the prime minister‘s official residence in Jerusalem.

06.06.2018 - 10:13 [ Kommunistische Partei von Israel ]

Hundreds Display Solidarity in Haifa with Besieged People of Gaza

Several hundred persons, Arabs and Jews, participated in a demonstration in the German Colony in Haifa on late Friday afternoon, June 1, to express solidarity with the nearly 2 million Palestinian people living under the Israeli blockade and repression of the Gaza Strip.

22.05.2018 - 20:01 [ +972 Magazine / Youtube ]

Jafar Farah describes how police broke his knee

Head of Mossawa, an Arab civil rights organization in Israel, tells reporters in a Haifa court how police broke his knee while he was in custody after being arrested at a protest against the killings in Gaza, May 20, 2018.

22.05.2018 - 19:58 [ +972 Magazine / Youtube ]

Police arrest protesters in Haifa, May 19, 2018 (Compiled by Adalah)

A compilation of videos showing police violence at a protest in Haifa in which 21 people were arrested, seven of whom had to be brought to a hospital for medical treatment. Compiled and produced by Adalah.

22.05.2018 - 19:56 [ +972 Magazine ]

‚Police broke my knee, threatened my doctors,‘ Arab civil society leader tells court

Police file criminal complaint against Arab MK Ayman Odeh for calling the officers who refused to let him visit a hospitalized protester ‘losers’.

19.05.2018 - 21:21 [ Haaretz ]

21 Israeli Arabs Arrested During Haifa Protest Against Gaza Killings

Twenty one Israeli Arabs protesting the killing of Gazans were arrested Friday in the northern Israeli city of Haifa. Dozens participated in a demonstration in the city‘s lower commercial area. Police said those arrested were suspected of public disorder offenses. Protesters held up Palestinian flags, according to reports.

18.04.2018 - 10:03 [ Kommunistische Partei von Israel ]

Hundreds Protest US-Led Strikes vs. Syria outside Haifa Consulate

Holding aloft red flags and chanting anti-imperialist slogans, several hundred Hadash and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) activists demonstrated in Haifa Saturday evening, April 14, against Washington-led missile strikes on Syrian targets. The rally against the attack was held in front of the US Consulate in Haifa.

Hadash and CPI condemned the attack and said that the US has a history of “aggression and bullying in the region, with the excuse of destroying weapons of mass destruction, which turned out to be false.”