Archiv: #CNNIsTrash

11.02.2022 - 04:14 [ Fox News ]

CNN analyst calls to ‚slash the tires‘ of the Canadian trucker convoy

„The convoy protest, applauded by right-wing media as a ‘freedom protest,’ is an economic and security issue now. The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada. Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks,“ Kayyem wrote.

18.02.2021 - 15:28 [ CNN ]

Biden administration says investigation into SolarWinds hack is likely to take „several months“

The US government‘s probe into the devastating SolarWinds breach is likely to take „several months“ at least, according to the top White House cybersecurity official, speaking to reporters Wednesday in the Biden administration‘s first public assessment of the gravity of the suspected Russian spying campaign.

24.07.2020 - 18:40 [ CNN ]

Shut down the country and start over to contain Covid-19, US medical experts urge political leaders

Covid-19 „will end up as a Top 10 leading cause of death“ this year, statisticians from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted in a Thursday email to CNN.

09.05.2020 - 05:59 [ CNN ]

Trump sought a reopening but found the virus in the White House instead

President Donald Trump hoped this would be the week he emerged into a nation recovering from pandemic. Instead the pandemic came to him.

08.05.2020 - 18:39 [ CNN ]

The price of reopening the economy: tens of thousands of American lives


Depressing new death toll projections and infection data on Monday dashed the optimism stirred by more than half the country taking various steps to reopen an economy that is vital to Trump‘s reelection hopes and has shed more than 30 million jobs. Stay-at-home orders slowed the virus and flattened the curve in hotspots like New York and California, but they have so far failed to halt its broader advance, leaving the nation stuck on a grim plateau of about 30,000 new cases a day for nearly a month.

24.04.2020 - 14:55 [ CNN ]

Homeland Security official who detailed effect of temperature on coronavirus has long military background

The New York Times reported in 2018 that American and Ukranian government officials expressed concern about whether Bryan was being co-opted by a Ukranian company seen as aligned with an oligarch …

09.02.2020 - 10:41 [ Eliza Mackintosh ]

Iowa conspiracy theories show US democracy has bigger problems than foreign interference

The US intelligence community anticipates foreign actors will try to use the same tactics again in 2020, and there are already signs of interference from Russia (Moscow denies all claims of meddling).

23.01.2020 - 00:18 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal went on CNN to talk about Hillary. Here‘s how that went

Krystal went on CNN to talk about Hillary. Here‘s how that went

22.01.2020 - 20:36 [ CNN ]

CNN poll: Bernie Sanders surges to join Biden atop Democratic presidential pack

Overall, 27% of registered voters who are Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents back Sanders, while 24% favor Biden. The margin between the two is within the poll‘s margin of sampling error, meaning there is no clear leader in this poll.

16.01.2020 - 02:03 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Cenk Uygur: Mark my words, Bernie will go up after Warren spat

Young Turks‘ Cenk Uygur shares his reactions to the Iowa debate.

16.01.2020 - 01:55 [ The Hill / ]

Saagar Enjeti calls out CNN‘s outrageous conduct during debate

Saagar Enjeti describes why CNN‘s moderation of debate night 7 was so bad.

16.01.2020 - 01:29 [ ]

At the Iowa Debate, Bernie Sanders’s Most Vociferous Opponent Was CNN

This time, though, it was CNN moderators who brought out the bat and swung it hard at Sen. Bernie Sanders. The Vermont independent had topped a major Iowa poll last week, compounding fears that have only recently emerged among the party establishment that he may be on course for the nomination.

In contrast to Sanders’s treatment, former Vice President Joe Biden, the national frontrunner, was barely touched — either by moderators or his rivals.

16.01.2020 - 01:10 [ Huffington Post ]

CNN Completely Botched The Democratic Presidential Debate

Who will stand up for the “insurance town” in the 2020 election? Why should the government do things? Will Bernie Sanders bankrupt America? Who onstage will let Iran have a nuclear weapon ― you know, just because?

If these sound like terrible questions to you, you’re right. They were awful. And they were the focus of CNN’s tedious, interminable, frivolous debate on Tuesday night ― a fiasco of irrelevance held three weeks before the Iowa caucuses.

16.01.2020 - 00:59 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

#CNNIsTrash Trends As Pushback Grows Against Oligarchic Election Meddling

The joint smear job against Sanders had many arms, including wildly biased questions like Wolf Blitzer deliberately associating Bernie with “Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei” by pointing out that they both want US troops out of the Middle East and demanding to know how he was going to avoid “bankrupting the country” with a healthcare plan used in nations all over the world.

But by far the most glaringly egregious assault on the Vermont Senator’s image was when CNN moderator Abby Phillip took a completely evidence-free sexism smear which defies all logic and presented it to the debate audience as an established and undeniable fact.