Daily Archives: 15. März 2022

15.03.2022 - 20:24 [ Newsweek ]

Volodymyr Zelensky Says Ukraine Won‘t Join NATO

Media outlet Nexta quoted Zelensky as saying: „We realized that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO. We understand this, we are adequate people.“

„Kyiv needs new formats of interaction with the West and separate security guarantees.“

15.03.2022 - 19:59 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

„I want to thank everyone for their support“ Marina Ovsyannikova after leaving the courtroom. The court decided to fine Marina 30,000 rubles ($280)

15.03.2022 - 19:58 [ Julia Davis / Twitter ]

This is fantastic. A brave woman interrupted Russian state TV’s live broadcast with a sign that says: “Stop the war. Don’t believe propaganda. They’re lying to you here.“ It was signed: „Russians against war.”


15.03.2022 - 19:49 [ UKRAINE NOW / Twitter ]

Russian MLRS strikes in Kharkiv. MASSIVE EXPLOSION!

#UkraineWar #Russia #Russian #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine

15.03.2022 - 19:38 [ Mateusz Morawiecki, Prezes Rady Ministrów / Twitter ]

It is here, in war-torn Kyiv, that history is being made. It is here, that freedom fights against the world of tyranny. It is here that the future of us all hangs in the balance. EU supports UA, which can count on the help of its friends – we brought this message to Kyiv today.

15.03.2022 - 19:34 [ ORF.at ]

Morawiecki, Fiala und Jansa in Kiew angekommen

Die Regierungschefs von Polen, Tschechien und Slowenien sind nach Angaben des polnischen Ministerpräsidenten Mateusz Morawiecki in Kiew angekommen.

15.03.2022 - 16:00 [ Norbert Häring ]

Liebe Mitmenschen: Bitte bleiben Sie Menschen aller Nationen gegenüber menschlich

Die berechtigte Empörung über den Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine darf uns nicht vergessen lassen, dass wir alle Menschen sind, auch Russen, die in Deutschland leben oder arbeiten. Ihr Akzent, ihr Aussehen oder ein Eintrag in ihrem Pass machen sie nicht zu Sympathisanten oder gar Mittätern oft ist sogar das Gegenteil der Fall. Sie deswegen zu schikanieren ist eine unmenschliche Form von Nationalismus

15.03.2022 - 15:10 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Israel refuses sale of Iron Dome missile defense system to Ukraine


In an effort to avoid at all cost, Israeli involvement in the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, Israel refused to sell the Iron Dome missile defense system to Kyiv in order not to annoy the Russians.

15.03.2022 - 15:06 [ יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel / Twitter ]

Israel, like Slovakia, condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and calls for an end to the fighting. There is no justification for violating Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and there is no justification for attacks on a civilian population.


15.03.2022 - 15:01 [ יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel ]

Israel will not be a route to bypass sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States & other western countries.


@IsraelMFA is coordinating the issue together with partners including the Bank of Israel, @Israel_MOF, @Misrad_Calcala, the Airports Authority, @Energy_IL, & others.

15.03.2022 - 14:56 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. Growing Alarmed Over Israel‘s Safe Harbor for Russian Oligarchs


Washington is signaling to Israel that joining the economic pressure on Putin‘s regime, including the oligarchs closest to him, is more important than mediating between Russia and Ukraine

15.03.2022 - 14:35 [ Eitan Nechin, A writer from Israel in NY / Twitter ]

If the head of the GOP didn‘t get out of the nuclear deal in ‘16 and wasn‘t parroting Putin‘s talking points, maybe we wouldn‘t be in this mess. Also, JCPOA is a good deal, Russia aside.

15.03.2022 - 14:19 [ Bloomberg ]

Russia Says U.S. Guaranteed Sanctions Won’t Impede Iran Business

The U.S. has given Russia “written guarantees” that sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine won’t affect its nuclear supply agreements with Iran, clearing the way for a resumption of talks to revive the 2015 atomic accord. Oil prices fell.

15.03.2022 - 14:15 [ cnbc.com ]

U.S. oil tumbles more than 8%, dips below $100 per barrel

Published Mon, Mar 14 202211:14 AM EDT

U.S. oil tumbled on Monday, breaking below $100 per barrel, amid talks between Russia and Ukraine as well as new Covid-19 lockdowns in China.

15.03.2022 - 13:50 [ Interfax Ukraine ]

Military and Political Situation in Ukraine. Morning of March 15th, 2022 – Ihor Zhdanov

Informational Defence of Ukraine provides a daily review of the military-political situation in Ukraine, morning of March 15th, based on an analysis of open sources.

1. The russian occupiers have not achieved a success in any of the operational areas and have sustained heavy losses as a result of counterattacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.