Daily Archives: 12. März 2022

12.03.2022 - 21:35 [ Maria Avdeeva / Twitter ]

Usually on such a sunny Saturday afternoon streets of Kharkiv will be crowded with youth and families with children. Now I witness deserted streets with a total sense of deja vu with the WWII. You can’t provoke Putin, he’s already started a total war and will not stop in Ukraine.

12.03.2022 - 21:31 [ theGuardian.com ]

Kyiv ‘ready to fight’ as Russian forces close in Ukraine capital

Ukrainian officials have said Kyiv is “ready to fight” as Russian forces renewed their bombardment on the capital and observers warned of “an unimaginable tragedy” unfolding after more than two weeks of war.

Air raid sirens and shelling rang out over Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities on Saturday morning amid warnings from western defence officials that the Russians were beginning to gain ground around the capital.

12.03.2022 - 17:17 [ Mostafizur Rahman / Twitter ]

After Kunduz Hospital bombing, Pentagon stated that it was not war crime. War crimes are comitted only by the ‚others‘.

12.03.2022 - 17:08 [ Israel365news.com ]

Ukraine’s army has a serious Nazi problem that no one is talking about

(Mar 2, 2022 )

The notorious Azov Battalion is a neo-nazi militia that has been incorporated into Ukraine’s national guard. They are on the front lines in the civil war against Russian loyalists in the eastern regions of the country. Bearing the reputation of a cruel force, the Azov battalion is considered to be the most effective fighters against pro-Russian separatists.

12.03.2022 - 16:59 [ WDR / Youtube ]

Kosovokrieg: Die Lügen der NATO (1999) | WDR

(May 17, 2015)

Es war ein sogenannter „humanitärer Kriegseinsatz“, das Eingreifen der NATO in den Kosovo-Krieg. MONITOR zeigte, dass die US-Luftwaffe dabei wohl Splitterbomben eingesetzt hat. Bomben, die auch Zivilisten trafen. Humanitär geht anders!

12.03.2022 - 16:43 [ Researchgate.net ]

Democracy and propaganda – NATO‘s war in Kosovo

(June 2008)

Although democratic theorists recognize an independent media as central to the proper functioning of democratic institutions, democratic governments often exploit their citizens‘ faith in that independence to generate popular support or at least acquiescence for government policies. This article uses the examples of Operation Horseshoe and the fighting at Račak and Rugovo during the Kosovo conflict of 1998 and 1999 to illustrate how democratic governments in the US and Germany attempted to manipulate public perceptions of the Kosovo conflict to justify the 1999 war. The study reviews over 100 newspaper articles, found in the Lexis-Nexis database, and numerous scholarly articles to trace the development of these specific narratives. The article shows the construction of two illusions: the illusion of multiple sources and the illusion of independent confirmation. In the end, these `truths‘ and frameworks filter into scholarship, as many scholars begin to base their interpretations on these `facts‘.

12.03.2022 - 16:34 [ Democracy Now! / Youtube ]

How False Testimony and a Massive U.S. Propaganda Machine Bolstered George H.W. Bush’s War on Iraq

(Dec 5, 2018)

As the media memorializes George H.W. Bush, we look at the lasting impact of his 1991 invasion of Iraq and the propaganda campaign that encouraged it. Although the Gulf War technically ended in February of 1991, the U.S. war on Iraq would continue for decades, first in the form of devastating sanctions and then in the 2003 invasion launched by George W. Bush. Thousands of U.S. troops and contractors remain in Iraq. A largely forgotten aspect of Bush Sr.‘s war on Iraq is the vast domestic propaganda effort before the invasion began. We look at the way U.S. media facilitated the war on Iraq with journalist John “Rick” MacArthur, president and publisher of Harper‘s Magazine and the author of the book “Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the 1991 Gulf War.”

12.03.2022 - 16:18 [ Interfax Ukraine ]

Russian propagandists to respond in same way as those who drop bombs on innocent people – Zelensky

„War crimes are impossible without propagandists covering them up. I want to tell them one thing: you will respond in the same way as those who order bombs to be dropped on civilians,“ he said in a video statement distributed on Thursday afternoon.

„We will find all the property of propagandists and persons associated with them. We will do everything to have it seized, wherever it is. You love the rich life. Love prosperous countries. You won‘t have it anymore. And this is just the beginning,“ he said, adding that „you will be prosecuted for complicity in war crimes.“

12.03.2022 - 16:04 [ Ref's Channel / Youtube ]

War in Ukraine: Ukrainian army in a residential area in Mariupol, Ukraine. (footage from drone)

(March 10, 2022)

#Ukraine #Mariupol #Russia
ATGM on the roof and armored vehicles at residential buildings.

12.03.2022 - 15:59 [ Businessinsider.com ]

A pregnant Ukrainian influencer who survived the Mariupol maternity-hospital bombing gave birth to a daughter

A photo of a bloodied Vishegirskaya fleeing the hospital made global headlines, prompting the Russian Embassy to falsely claim she was a crisis actor, saying she was not at the hospital at the time of the attack and was wearing „some very realistic make-up.“

12.03.2022 - 15:10 [ Lenta.ru ]

«Больше недели им не продержаться» Жители Мариуполя — о гуманитарной катастрофе, которая разворачивается у них на глазах

(March 8, 2022)

Игорь рассказал, что в последние дни февраля в роддом, где работает его мать, пришли люди в форме. Он не знает, были это бойцы ВСУ или националистического батальона «Азов» (запрещен в РФ). Военные сбили все замки, разогнали персонал роддома, а в здании устроили огневые точки, чтобы, как они объяснили медикам, подготовить к обороне «крепость Мариуполь». На возражения у военных реакция стандартная: удары прикладами, стрельба в воздух.

12.03.2022 - 15:07 [ Julia Kanin / Twitter ]

Also, a son of one of the employees stated that everyone was told to leave this hospital because Ukraine army or Azov (he is not sure) can position itself there and use it as a cover.

Interview was published on 3/9 in Lenta, top Russian liberal outlet.

Correction: the interview was published on 3/8, a day before this attack. But it doesn‘t change a thing, in fact, it just confirms that the interviewee told this story BEFORE attack even happened.

12.03.2022 - 15:05 [ Axios,com ]

Zelensky: Russia‘s deadly hospital bombing proof of genocide

What he‘s saying: „A children‘s hospital. Maternity hospital. What did they threaten the Russian Federation with?“ Zelensky said in a televised address on Wednesday.

„What kind of country is this — the Russian Federation, which is afraid of hospitals and maternity hospitals and destroys them?“ he continued.

12.03.2022 - 14:32 [ Internationaler Strafgerichtshof - icc-cpi.int ]

Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: Additional Referrals from Japan and North Macedonia; Contact portal launched for provision of information

My Office has responded immediately to this unprecedented collective call for action by States Parties. The investigative team that I deployed to the region last week has already commenced evidence-collection activities. I am also personally seeking to engage with all relevant stakeholders and parties to the conflict with the aim of strengthening channels for the collection of relevant information and engendering coordinated action towards our common goal of ensuring accountability for crimes falling within ICC jurisdiction.

International criminal investigations require the engagement of all those who may hold information relevant to our work. Witnesses, survivors and affected communities in particular must be empowered to actively contribute to our investigations. There can be no bystanders in our effort to establish the truth and pursue those allegedly responsible for international crimes.

I can therefore announce today that my Office has established a dedicated portal through which any person that may hold information relevant to the Ukraine situation can contact our investigators. I encourage all those with relevant information to come forward and contact our Team through this platform, which can be accessed here.

12.03.2022 - 14:12 [ CNN / Twitter ]

„It‘s a very tense evening tonight. The people of Kyiv, the defense forces, the officials very anxious that we could be on the brink of a big push by the Russians.“ – @mchancecnn reports from Kyiv, Ukraine as shelling is heard around the city

(10 hours ago)

12.03.2022 - 10:27 [ ORF.at ]

Russische Armee rückt weiter auf Kiew vor

In Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine gerät die Hauptstadt Kiew wieder stärker ins Visier. Laut dem US-Sender CNN war in der Stadt aus der Ferne „minutenlanger“ Beschuss zu hören. Auch aus dem Westen des Landes unweit der Grenze zu Polen werden weitere Luftangriffe gemeldet