Daily Archives: 26. September 2018

26.09.2018 - 23:07 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Frontex oder Realismus

Demgegenüber beziffert die EU die Gesamtkosten für die personelle und materielle Aufstockung von Frontex für den Zeitraum 2019-2020 mit 1,3 Milliarden Euro – und mit 11,3 Milliarden für den Zeitraum 2012-2027. Die Gewinner dieser herrschenden Sicherheitsideologie sind die Sicherheitsindustrie, die Überwachungsapparate

26.09.2018 - 16:53 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Unverständnis über Freispruch von Sektenarzt Hopp nach Flucht aus Chile

Der Politologe und Colonia-Dignidad-Experte Jan Stehle sprach gegenüber amerika21 von einem „bitteren Tag für die Opfer“ der Sektensiedlung. „Es ist auch ein düsterer Tag für die Aufarbeitung der Verbrechen der Colonia Dignidad“, so Stehle weiter. Deutschland bleibe ein sicherer Hafen für die Täter: „Seit 30 Jahren ermittelt die bundesdeutsche Justiz ergebnislos gegen Hopp und andere Täter der Colonia Dignidad“, kritisierte Stehle. Eine Justizflucht nach Deutschland lohne sich weiterhin, denn die Ermittlungen blieben ergebnislos und chilenische Urteile würden nicht vollstreckt. „Dieser Beschluss des OLG Düsseldorf bestätigt jene Täter, die sich vor der chilenischen Justiz nach Deutschland abgesetzt haben, in der Hoffnung, dass sie hier straffrei bleiben“, so Stehle.

26.09.2018 - 16:36 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Sechs Polizisten in Argentinien wegen Folter verurteilt

Soziale Aktivisten, Menschenrechtsverteidiger und Journalisten haben die Verurteilung von sechs Polizisten einer Spezialeinheit wegen der unrechtmäßigen Festnahme, Entführung und Folter zweier junger Männer vor zwei Jahren in Buenos Aires gefeiert.

26.09.2018 - 16:30 [ Greenpeace ]

Five reasons to support a total ban of nuclear weapons today

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is a roadmap to achieving the total elimination of these weapons of mass destruction. To enter into force, the Treaty must be signed and ratified by 50 countries. To date, there are 15 ratifications and 60 signatures.

26.09.2018 - 13:32 [ EUObserver.com ]

World upside down as EU and Russia unite against US

The threat of US sanctions has seen EU firms such as French and German car makers Daimler, Peugeot, and Renault, German engineering company Siemens, and French energy firm Total walk away from new ventures in Iran.

But „we [the EU] cannot accept that the US decided the regions with which European companies can or cannot do business,“ Belgian prime minister Charles Michel said after meeting Iranian president Hassan Rohani in New York.

„We‘re working hard on this [the SPV] with our European partners,“ German foreign minister Heiko Maas said.

26.09.2018 - 13:23 [ CNN ]

Mogherini: Is war the alternative to Iran diplomacy?

„In times of conflict and crisis is there a better way than diplomacy and dialogue? Is war the alternative?“, says EU Foreign Policy chief on dealings with Iran.

26.09.2018 - 13:19 [ Al Jazeera ]

Top US official John Bolton to Iran: ‚There will be hell to pay‘

„So I might imagine they would take me seriously when I assure them today that if you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie cheat and deceive. Yes there will indeed be hell to pay,“ the US National Security Advisor said.

Speaking at an organisation that opposed the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, from which the Trump administration withdrew in May, Bolton criticised the deal as „the worst diplomatic debacle in American history“.

26.09.2018 - 13:17 [ Breitbart.com ]

Watch: U.S. ‘Disturbed, Disappointed’ by E.U. Plan to Evade Iran Sanctions

This is one of the of the most counterproductive measures imaginable for regional and global peace and security,” he said in a speech delivered against a backdrop of protests from anti-war protesters.

“By sustaining revenues to the regime, you are solidifying Iran’s ranking as the number-one state sponsor of terror,” Mr. Pompeo added, observing Iran’s “corrupt ayatollahs” and elite Revolutionary Guards had to be “laughing this morning.”

26.09.2018 - 13:10 [ Koz Post ]

Macron denounced “the law of the strongest” in the tribune of the UN

The iranian issue demonstrates this profound difference of approach. When Donald Trump called on the international community to “isolate the iranian regime”, Emmanuel Macron advocates “dialogue” with Tehran.

“What is it that will fix the real situation in Iran?, he asks. “The law of the strongest? The pressure of a single? No!”

“We know that Iran was on the path to a nuclear military, but what is it that has stopped? The Vienna agreement of 2015,” he continued.

26.09.2018 - 12:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu to meet Trump ahead of UN Security Council meeting on Iran

Netanyahu arrived in New York late on Tuesday evening, missing speeches to the UN by Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Trump will meet Netanyahu at the United Nations headquarters in Turtle Bay at 9:15 a.m. (4:15 p.m. Israel time), according to the White House.

26.09.2018 - 11:51 [ Newsweek ]

Trump‘s Alliance Against Iran: Saudi Arabia and Partners Join Israel in Supporting U.S. as Others Turn Away

While President Donald Trump condemned Iran in his address Tuesday to the United Nations General Assembly, a small but influential group of countries gathered elsewhere in New York City in an attempt to rally support for an increasingly controversial cause among the international community.

The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the ambassadors of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to Washington and the director of Israel‘s Mossad spy agency were among those who spoke alongside two of President Donald Trump‘s most senior officials at the 2018 United Against Nuclear Iran summit.

26.09.2018 - 11:40 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die Achse des Religiösen

(8.Mai 2013) Israel, Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Jordanien und die Türkei wollen einen Militärpakt gründen. Die U.S.A. befördern die Angelegenheit, so israelische „Offizielle“.

26.09.2018 - 11:36 [ thenational.ae ]

Donald Trump to support plan for ‚Arab Nato‘

(22.9.2018) President Donald Trump has backed plans to offer a Middle East Security Alliance (MESA) to members of the GCC supportive of America’s stand on Iran, a proposal that is expected to be discussed behind the scenes at the UNGA meetings in New York.

Diplomats see the evolving position of Washington towards a new core group as a product of the Iran situation but also a plank of the Middle East peace process review undertaken by Mr Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

26.09.2018 - 11:30 [ Saudi Gazette ]

Trump hails Saudi achievements, criticizes Iran in UN speech

“Following my trip to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf countries opened a new center to target terrorist financing. They are enforcing new sanctions, working with us to identify and track terrorist networks and taking more responsibility for fighting terrorism and extremism in their own region,” Trump told the crowd of world leaders.

“The United States is working with the Gulf Cooperation Council, Jordan, and Egypt to establish a strategic alliance so Middle Eastern nations can advance security and stability across their home region,” he added.

26.09.2018 - 11:24 [ NBC News ]

‚No One Will Trust‘ U.S. if Trump Ends Nuclear Deal, Iran‘s President Says

„So we will never go towards production of nuclear weapons, just as in the past we never intended to go towards that path nor did we ever. It has always been peaceful.“

Rouhani defended Iran‘s use of ballistic missiles, saying that it fell outside the nuclear agreement and that his country would never sacrifice its „defensive missile capabilities.“

He also complained that the Trump administration was lumping Iran in with North Korea by describing both countries as nuclear threats.

26.09.2018 - 11:10 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

Sovereignty, equality should go hand in hand, if Trump really means it

Surely, there are positive aspects as Trump emphasized the idea of national sovereignty in his UN speech. Meanwhile, it is common sense that sovereignty will only play a positive role if it is pre-conditioned on equality, the basic principle everyone abides by. Historically, the concept of sovereignty and equality among nations was born at the same time in the Peace of Westphalia, a peace treaty that first introduced and assured the equality of national sovereignty. Nowadays, the indivisibility of sovereignty and equality bears crucial meanings to the world.

26.09.2018 - 11:07 [ Weißes Haus ]

Remarks by President Trump to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly | New York, NY

United Nations Headquarters
New York, New York

10:38 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Madam President, Mr. Secretary-General, world leaders, ambassadors, and distinguished delegates:

One year ago, I stood before you for the first time in this grand hall. I addressed the threats facing our world, and I presented a vision to achieve a brighter future for all of humanity.

Today, I stand before the United Nations General Assembly to share the extraordinary progress we’ve made.

In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.
America’s — so true. (Laughter.) Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s okay. (Laughter and applause.)

America’s economy is booming like never before. Since my election, we’ve added $10 trillion in wealth. The stock market is at an all-time high in history, and jobless claims are at a 50-year low. African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American unemployment have all achieved their lowest levels ever recorded. We’ve added more than 4 million new jobs, including half a million manufacturing jobs.

26.09.2018 - 11:02 [ Infosperber.ch ]

Trump attackiert Iran und beschwört «nationale Souveränität»

US-Präsident Donald Trump nutzte seine Rede vor der UN-Vollversammlung zu scharfen Attacken und neuen Sanktionsdrohungen gegen Iran

Zudem appellierte Trump an die Staats- und Regierungschefs oder Aussenminister der anderen 192 UN- Mitgliedsstaaten, es seiner Administration gleich zu tun, und nationale Interessen und Souveränitätsrechte über globale Vereinbarungen und Institutionen zu stellen.

26.09.2018 - 10:54 [ Radio China ]

Wang Yi nimmt an Außenministerkonferenz über iranische Atomfrage teil

Am Montag hat der chinesische Außenminister Wang Yi in New York an der Außenministerkonferenz über die iranische Atomfrage teilgenommen. Die Konferenz wurde von der EU-Außenbeauftragten Federica Mogherini geleitet.

Dabei meinte Wang Yi, die umfassende Vereinbarung über die iranische Atomfrage sei ein vom Weltsicherheitsrat anerkanntes multilaterales Abkommen.

26.09.2018 - 10:45 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Die Europäer wagen den Aufstand gegen Trump

In einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit dem iranischen Außenminister Mohammad Javad Zarif gab die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini bekannt, die EU werde eine Zweckgesellschaft gründen mit dem Ziel, den Zahlungsverkehr mit Iran aufrechtzuerhalten. Zweck dieser Bank: Trumps Sanktionen gegen Iran umgehen.

26.09.2018 - 10:35 [ Al Jazeera ]

EU and Iran agree on new payment system to skirt US sanctions

In a major snub to the United States, the European Union has decided to set up a new mechanism to enable legal trade with Iran without encountering US sanctions.

The EU will create new payment channels to preserve oil and other business deals with Iran, Federica Mogherini, the bloc‘s foreign policy chief said late on Monday, in a bid to evade US punitive measures.

26.09.2018 - 10:25 [ Express.co.uk ]

Trump warns Iran MUST be ISOLATED and condemns Merkel in furious UN speech

Instead, Mr Trump’s fury was this time directed at Iran, which he branded a “corrupt dictatorship”.

He said: „Iran‘s leaders sow chaos, death and destruction.

„They do not respect their neighbours or borders or the sovereign rights of nations.“

Mr Trump said his administration has launched a “campaign of economic pressure to deny Iran funds” for its role in stoking conflict in the Middle East.

26.09.2018 - 10:17 [ ZDF.de ]

Neuer Unionsfraktionschef im ZDF – „Zwischen die Kanzlerin und mich passt kein Blatt“

Jetzt gehe es mittelfristig darum, Regierung und Fraktion zu stärken, dazu wolle er beitragen: „Ich habe den Willen, sie zu unterstützen.“ Im ZDF-Interview sagte Brinkhaus auch, wie er sich das vorstellt: „Es geht um das Wir in der Fraktion und wir müssen offensiver Themen besetzen.“ Es gehe nicht darum, den Zusammenhalt in der Gesellschaft zu stärken, „da ist in den vergangenen Jahren viel kaputt gegangen“.