Daily Archives: 22. Juni 2018

22.06.2018 - 18:16 [ cnet.com ]

Supreme Court says warrant necessary for phone location data in win for privacy

US justices say law enforcement needs a warrant to follow your digital footprints.

22.06.2018 - 18:14 [ Xinhua ]

Xi Jinping trifft Führungskräften von berühmten multinationalen Unternehmen

Der chinesische Staatspräsident Xi Jinping (2. v. r., vorne) trifft sich mit Führungskräften einiger berühmter multinationaler Unternehmen, die sich zur Teilnahme an einer Sondersitzung Rundtisch-Gipfel des Globalen CEO-Rates im Staatsgasthaus Diaoyutai in Chinas Hauptstadt Beijing befinden, 21, Juni 2018.

22.06.2018 - 18:08 [ Radio China ]

Gesichtserkennung statt U-Bahnticket

Kameras, die an Online-Netzwerke angeschlossen sind, könnten per Gesichtserkennung die Passagiere identifizieren und ihre Bewegungen nachvollziehen. Der Handabdruck könnte anstelle eines Tickets eingesetzt werden.

22.06.2018 - 15:04 [ Cuomo Prime Time ‏/ Twitter ]

“Kids taken from their parents, scattered across the country, crowded into tight spaces, overwhelmed staff, the military building camps?… This is a recipe for disaster “ #CuomoPrimeTime

22.06.2018 - 14:41 [ NBC News ]

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Denied Entry at Homestead Facility Housing Hundreds of Migrant Children

(18.6.2018) The Democratic lawmakers showed up to see the conditions of the children inside and to see how many were separated from their families at the border. Wasserman Schultz said they were told they could enter earlier in the day by the company contracted to run the facility.

22.06.2018 - 14:38 [ Miami Herald ]

Images of immigrant children held at centers raise the question: Where are the girls?

(19.6.2018) Information about where the girls are being held has been sparse.

On Tuesday morning, officials from the Department of Homeland Security and HHS told reporters on a conference call they are working on getting „government resources“ to obtain and release images of girls and toddlers being held at shelters.

22.06.2018 - 14:33 [ usnews.com ]

Kansas Group Won‘t Give Details on Immigrant Children It Has

The lack of information on the children housed by The Villages prompted two state lawmakers to schedule a Statehouse news conference Friday to demand more transparency. They said The Villages told them it needed two weeks‘ notice for a tour of its Topeka homes.

„We don‘t know what the arrangement is — that‘s the thing,“ said Democratic state Rep. John Alcala, of Topeka, one of the lawmakers calling the news conference. „It was the non-transparency that concerned us the most.“

The Villages, based in Topeka, has a contract with the federal government to house and provide services for 50 „unaccompanied children“ ages 6 to 18, Joseph Wittrock, its president, confirmed Thursday.

22.06.2018 - 14:19 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Prepares Housing Up to 20,000 Migrants on Military Bases

The 20,000 beds at bases in Texas and Arkansas would house “unaccompanied alien children,” said a Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Michael Andrews, although other federal agencies provided conflicting explanations about how the shelters would be used and who would be housed there. There were reports of widespread confusion on the border.

22.06.2018 - 14:01 [ Haaretz ]

Trump Adviser Rips Into Stephen Miller: ‚He‘s Waffen-SS‘

Stephen Miller, the 32-year-old White House adviser, has ignited a political firestorm in the United States as the Trump administration‘s immigration policy of separating migrant children from their parents and detentions in cages is putting pressure on the nation.

Miller himself is reportedly happy with how things are going, which led one fellow staffer to equate his behavior to that of the Nazi SS, Vanity Fair reported Wednesday.

22.06.2018 - 13:56 [ CNN ]

She got her son back after suing the Trump administration

The mother rushed toward her son the second he stepped off the jetway. Then she teared up.
In the waiting area of Gate C14 at Baltimore Washington International Airport, she wrapped a blanket around him, cradled his head in her arms and wept.
„I love you,“ she said in Spanish, between sobs.

22.06.2018 - 13:10 [ Blick am Abend ]

Schock-Umfrage für die Kanzlerin: Fast jeder zweite Deutsche ist für einen Merkel-Rücktritt

Von den Unions-Wählern stehen 63 Prozent zu Merkel, 27 Prozent wünschen sich einen Wechsel an der Regierungsspitze. Noch mehr Rückhalt hat die Kanzlerin mit 66 Prozent bei den Grünen-Wählern. Dahinter folgen die Anhänger der Linken (48 Prozent) vor denen der SPD (46 Prozent), der FDP (45 Prozent) und der AfD (6 Prozent).

22.06.2018 - 09:02 [ Yonhap ]

Pompeo may visit N. Korea this week or next: S. Korean lawmaker

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo may visit North Korea this weekend or next week in an effort to implement the outcome of last week‘s summit between the U.S. and the North, a South Korean opposition lawmaker said Thursday.

22.06.2018 - 08:59 [ Yonhap ]

Germany recognized as participating nation in Korean War

Germany has been belatedly classified among the participating nations in the Korean War, as South Korea has added the European country to the list of countries that provided medical assistance during the 1950-53 war, government officials said Friday.

22.06.2018 - 08:57 [ Japan Today ]

Japan to halt missile attack drills after Trump-Kim summit

Japan has decided to halt evacuation drills to prepare for a potential North Korean missile attack as tensions had eased following a historic summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea, Kyodo news agency reported on Thursday.

22.06.2018 - 08:51 [ Basler Zeitung ]

Italien droht mit der Schliessung seiner Grenzen

Nach den Drohungen Salvinis wurde der Entwurf für eine Abschlusserklärung aber «beiseitegelegt», wie Conte gestern auf seiner Facebook-Seite bekannt gab. Er sei von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel angerufen worden, und sie habe die Sorge geäussert, dass er an dem Treffen nicht teilnehmen würde. «Ich habe ihr bestätigt, dass es für mich inakzeptabel gewesen wäre, an diesem Gipfel teilzunehmen, wenn es schon einen vorgefertigten Text dafür gibt», schrieb Conte.

22.06.2018 - 08:48 [ theTimes.co.uk ]

Angela Merkel begs Italy’s PM Giuseppe Conte to attend migrant summit

The Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, yesterday threatened to pull out of an emergency European migration summit called to help save Angela Merkel’s government, and had to be won round in phone calls with the embattled German chancellor.

22.06.2018 - 07:43 [ Junge Welt ]

Deutschland hat an »Rettung« Griechenlands 2,9 Milliarden Euro verdient. Opfer brutaler Kürzungen sind unter anderem Pensionäre

Deutschland hat in Milliardenhöhe von den sogenannten Hilfsprogrammen für Griechenland profitiert. Dies geht aus einer Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Anfrage von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen hervor.

22.06.2018 - 07:23 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Was Merkel und Juncker planen, macht viele in Europa rasend

Falls es eng wird, kann sich Angela Merkel auf Jean-Claude Juncker verlassen. Dieser Mechanismus macht alle Nicht-Deutschen in Europa rasend: Wie bei der vermaledeiten Maut und anderen Streitpunkten hilft der Kommissionspräsident seiner Parteifreundin wieder aus der Patsche. Denn das Brüsseler Vorgipfel-Treffen, zu dem die Kommission an diesem Sonntag einlädt, ist im Kern nichts anderes als der Versuch, die Bundeskanzlerin vor dem Sturz zu bewahren.