Archiv: Helsinki

22.01.2022 - 16:05 [ Henunen / Twitter ]

Kyllä kansa ei vaan siedä enää. Mielenosoitus koronapassia, sotealan itsemääräämisoikeutta, ja lasten koronarokotuksia vastaan Helsingissä 22.1.2022. #koronapassi #rokotuspassi #koronarajoitukset

20.11.2021 - 19:21 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Finland – Helsinki [Nov 20, 2021] World Wide Demonstration for FREEDOM

06.10.2020 - 20:12 [ RFL/RL ]

U.S., Russian Officials Hold Arms-Control Talks In Finland

Negotiators from Russia and the United States have met in the Finnish capital for a new round of arms-control talks as the two powers‘ last remaining bilateral nuclear arms pact is due to expire early next year.

02.04.2020 - 20:49 [ ]

Despite isolation, Uusimaa accounts for 61% of new coronavirus cases

Despite government orders to restrict movements, tighten controls at airports and isolate the capital area to contain the spread of the virus, the number of infections registered in the region of Helsinki increased to 934.

This is 38 cases more than those reported on Tuesday and this amount also represents 61% of the total of new infections detected in Finland.

25.03.2020 - 23:05 [ ]

Defence Minister pledges military to help enforce curbs on movement

Government is considering isolating the Uusimaa region in the south to slow the spread of novel coronavirus.

01.09.2019 - 20:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

Persischer Golf: Entsendung der Bundeswehr-Marine aufgeschoben

Außenbeauftragte Mogherini: Entsendung einer koordinierten E.U.-Kriegsflotte in den Golf von Guinea, derzeit keine E.U.-Option für den Persischen Golf.

01.09.2019 - 09:09 [ ]

Arrival and doorstep by Heiko MAAS, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany, at the Informal Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers (Gymnich), taking place on 29 August 2019, in Helsinki.


01.09.2019 - 09:05 [ Times of Israel ]

European leaders vow to step up efforts to get US and Iran talking


The foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany — the three European parties to the deal — were joined by EU diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini for talks on the sidelines of an EU meeting in Helsinki.

Germany’s Heiko Maas said the trio wanted to build on momentum from last weekend’s G7 summit, where Trump indicated willingness to talk to Iran.

29.08.2019 - 19:25 [ ]

EU-Minister für Aufbau maritimer Präsenz „light“

Die bestehenden Flotten der EU-Länder würden daran auf freiwilliger Basis teilnehmen und der nationalen Kommandokette unterworfen bleiben.

29.08.2019 - 19:01 [ Sabrina Bellosi, Deputy head of Strategic Communication at EEAS and adviser to EU HR/VP Federica Mogherini / Twitter ]

#MaritimeSecurity @FedericaMog Growing demand for #EU role as a security provider. Discussion on a EU Coordinated Maritime Presences in areas of strategic interest, to share informations & analysis, & promote international cooperation at sea. First test could be in Gulf of Guinea

29.08.2019 - 18:58 [ ]

EU to test new naval coordination in Africa

A pilot project will take place targeting piracy in the Gulf of Guinea area in Africa, EU foreign relations chief Federica Mogherini said after the talks in Helsinki Thursday.

25.08.2019 - 09:30 [ ]

EU ministers will meet in Helsinki to discuss Middle East and hybrid threats

The meeting will start on Thursday 29 August with a discussion held jointly with the EU defence ministers. Countering hybrid and cyber threats is one of the priorities of Finland‘s Presidency of the Council of the EU.

28.07.2018 - 14:30 [ Paul Craig Roberts / Rubikon ]

Der Staat im Staate – Der Tiefe Staat der USA fürchtet nichts mehr als den Willen zum Frieden.

Wir wissen nun, warum der Neokonservative John Bolton das Treffen in Helsinki arrangiert hat. Es war eine Falle für Trump. Es bereitete ihn für die politische Exekution durch die Medien und den Kongress, beide vom Militär- und Sicherheitskomplex gesteuert, vor. Es gibt in den USA keinerlei Unabhängigkeit in den Print- und TV-Medien – mit Ausnahme Tucker Carlsons – und keinerlei Unabhängigkeit im Kongress. Dies sind gesteuerte Institutionen und auch Tucker Carlson wird nicht mehr lange toleriert werden.

20.07.2018 - 05:41 [ ]

Controversial John Bolton Ally Breaks With Trump Over Helsinki Summit

Having long derided the Iran nuclear deal as “defective,” Trump during the Helsinki summit stood alongside Putin as the Russian president spoke of “lamentable consequences” if the treaty was not maintained.

17.07.2018 - 13:06 [ David Stockman / ]

The Vlad and Donald Show – A Glorious Blow for Peace!

The Vlad and Donald show in Helsinki Monday was simply brilliant and breathtaking – we’d say even a beautiful thing to behold.

Between them, they left CNN’s nattering nabobs of neocon nonsense sounding like the shrieking monkeys they actually are. And that’s to say nothing of the fools they made out of the newly minted liberal and progressive warmongers on the Dem side of the aisle in Washington or the so-called journalists who fill 90% of the space in the so-called mainstream media with endless pro-war propaganda.

17.07.2018 - 01:51 [ John V. Walsh / ]

Der steinige Weg nach Helsinki

Und natürlich haben die Experten herumgeschrien, dass Trump die Ordnung des Kalten Krieges stört. Die Luft ist voller solcher Ausströmungen, wie uns der Experte für Russland Stephen F. Cohen erinnert:

17.07.2018 - 01:48 [ John V. Walsh / ]

The Rocky Road to Helsinki

And afterwards if the Summit does not take us in the direction of peace, complain like hell to the White House. But if the outcome of the Summit inches us away from Armageddon and toward Détente, as did the Singapore summit, have at the naysayers – they are standing in the way of our survival. And likewise praise to the skies a positive outcome. It is this attitude that the press is trying to prevent.

Let them not instill in the populace a hatred of Trump that is stronger than the hatred of war.

14.07.2018 - 16:35 [ ]

The 4 key things to watch for at the Trump-Putin summit

That’s a lot to pack into a four-hour meeting on July 16 in Helsinki, and it’s unclear what they will — or won’t — agree to. But the question on everyone’s mind is, which one is going to have the most success advancing their agenda?