Daily Archives: 9. Mai 2018

09.05.2018 - 23:32 [ KBS ]

Südkorea, China und Japan nehmen Sondererklärung für Unterstützung der Panmunjom-Erklärung an

Südkoreas Präsident Moon Jae-in, Chinas Ministerpräsident Li Keqiang und Japans Premierminister Shinzo Abe verabschiedeten bei ihrem Gipfeltreffen am Mittwoch in Tokio eine Sondererklärung zur Unterstützung der beim jüngsten innerkoreanischen Gipfel vereinbarten Panmunjom-Erklärung.

Darin begrüßten sie, dass in der Panmunjom-Erklärung das Ziel der vollständigen Denuklearisierung bestätigt wurde. Sie hoffen darin auf einen Erfolg des geplanten Spitzentreffens zwischen Nordkorea und den USA.

09.05.2018 - 23:30 [ CNN ]

Exclusive: Mueller‘s team questions Russian oligarch about payments to Cohen

The attorney for Stormy Daniels — the porn star who received $130,000 to keep quiet about an alleged affair she had with Trump a decade ago — produced information Tuesday evening that appears to add further details to CNN‘s reporting. Michael Avenatti alleged that Cohen received half a million dollars from a company affiliated with Vekselberg in the months after the presidential election.

09.05.2018 - 23:27 [ New York Times ]

Viktor Vekselberg, Russian Billionaire, Was Questioned by Mueller’s Investigators

(4.5.2018) Federal agents working with Mr. Mueller stopped Mr. Vekselberg, a billionaire businessman, at a New York-area airport this year, searched his electronic devices and questioned him, according to people familiar with the matter. They confronted him after he stepped off a private plane about two months ago, according to one of the people.

There is no indication that Mr. Mueller suspects Mr. Vekselberg of wrongdoing. But Mr. Vekselberg attended the presidential inauguration last year,

09.05.2018 - 23:23 [ Julia Davis ‏/ Twitter ]

#Russia‘s state TV is having a panel discussion as to where to find 8 trillion rubles needed to implement Putin’s domestic policy goals. Female host says: „Looks like we found it. Trump is withdrawing US from the #Iran nuclear deal. Oil prices should go up, which is good for us.“

09.05.2018 - 23:21 [ israelnationalnews.com ]

Watch: Netanyahu, Putin, attend parade together

The leaders are currently participating in a Kremlin event honoring Victory Day and veterans of World War II, after which they will meet for a private discussion.

Last week, Putin invited Netanyahu to join him for the parade and celebratory events, after which the two would discuss privately recent developments in the Middle East.

09.05.2018 - 23:18 [ Haaretz ]

Trump Tells World to Drop Dead as Netanyahu Dictates His Nixing of Iran Deal

(8.5.2018) A few minutes past two in Washington, the president of the United States adopted the “Netanyahu Doctrine” wholesale and made it official American policy.

09.05.2018 - 23:16 [ Time.com ]

The 3 American Detainees Released By North Korea Were Freed Just 1 Hour Before Leaving With Pompeo

After meeting leader Kim Jong Un, Pompeo had given a fingers-crossed sign when asked if there was good news. A North Korean emissary came to the hotel shortly after to say the detainees were being freed.

The three men finally left custody at 7:45 p.m. local time, and by 8:42 p.m. they were flying home.

09.05.2018 - 19:01 [ The Globe and Mail ]

Why Trudeau’s reaction to Trump’s Iran decision was muted

Mr. Netanyahu sent a senior Israeli intelligence official to Canada last week to seek its support for scrapping the Iran deal, Mr. Trudeau’s government kept mum. The Liberals rather they didn’t have to talk about it at all.

09.05.2018 - 18:47 [ Roll Call ]

Greg Pence, Vice President’s Brother, Likely Coming to Congress

Before getting into the antique mall business in 2006, he worked for Marathon Oil and Unocal Corporation, then became vice president of Kiel Brothers Oil Company, the family’s gas station and convenience store business. In 2004, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and Greg Pence resigned.

In 2005, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels appointed him deputy commissioner of the state’s Department of Environmental Management — the very same agency that had cited Kiel Brothers for violations in the past.

09.05.2018 - 17:22 [ Radio China ]

Telefongespräch zwischen Xi Jinping und Donald Trump

Xi sagte, dass sich die chinesisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen in einer wichtigen Phase befinden. Die Handelskooperation gelte weiterhin als Grundstein und Antrieb für die bilateralen Beziehungen. In der letzten Woche hätten beide Seiten in Beijing über die Handelsfrage aufrichtige, effektive und konstruktive Konsultationen geführt. Beide Seiten könnten durch kontinuierliche Gespräche eine für beide Seiten zufriedenstellende Lösung finden.

09.05.2018 - 17:11 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Thanks Putin for ‚Chance to Discuss Ways to Remove Regional Threats‘

During his visit to Russia, Netanyahu attended a parade and wreath-laying ceremony at the Red Square, followed by talks with Putin and a briefing to the press

09.05.2018 - 17:09 [ Washington Times ]

U.S., Israeli defense chiefs consult prior to latest round of Syrian airstrikes

Defense Secretary James N. Mattis and Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman held a private discussion on the growing threat posed to Tel Aviv from Syria and Iran, hours before a new wave of airstrikes in Damascus that left nine dead and scores wounded.

09.05.2018 - 17:02 [ Times of Israel ]

Death toll from Syria strike rises to 15, including 8 Iranians — monitor

It is not the first time that Kisweh has been targeted. In December, Israel reportedly bombed military positions in the area south of Damascus, including a weapons depot.

Since the start of Syria’s civil war in 2011, Israel has repeatedly targeted positions of the Syrian army and the Lebanese Hezbollah terror group backing it inside the country.

09.05.2018 - 16:53 [ Al Masdar News ]

Dramatic footage of Syrian Air Defense confronting Israeli missile

The Syrian Arab News Agency has released dramatic security camera footage showing the moment air defenses brought down an Israeli missile in the al-Kisweh area about 12 km southwest of the capital.

09.05.2018 - 16:47 [ AP Archive / Twitter ]

Iranian official tells Assad that US and allies have been defeated in Syria

(30 Apr 2018) Syrian President Bashar Assad met a visiting Iranian official in Damascus on Monday who claimed what he called „the project“ of the United States and its allies in Syria had been defeated. Alaeddin Boroujerdi, who heads Iran‘s parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, spoke hours after reports of a missile attack that killed dozens of Iranian fighters in northern Syria on Monday.

09.05.2018 - 16:34 [ CNBC ]

Here are the sanctions that will snap back into place now that Trump has pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear deal

After passing a 90-day mark on Aug. 6, the following sanctions will snap back on Iran, according to the Treasury Department:

– Sanctions on Iran buying or acquiring U.S. dollars
– Sanctions on Iran trading gold and other precious metals
– Sanctions on Iran‘s sale, supply or trade of metals such as aluminum and steel, as well as graphite, coal and certain software for „integrating industrial processes“
– Sanctions on „significant“ sales or purchases of Iranian rials, or the maintenance of significant funds or accounts outside the country using Iranian rials
– Sanctions on issuing Iranian debt
– Iranian auto sanctions

09.05.2018 - 16:13 [ Junge Welt ]

Rüstungsdeal mit US-Konzern: US-Außenministerium bewilligt Milliardengeschäft von Lockheed Martin mit der Bundeswehr

Das Außenministerium in Washington erklärte, es habe dem Deal auch im eigenen Interesse zugestimmt. »Der Verkauf trägt zur Verteidigungsfähigkeit eines NATO-Verbündeten bei, der eine wichtige Kraft für die politische und wirtschaftliche Stabilität in Europa ist«, heißt es in seiner Mitteilung. Damit sei das Geschäft »auch ein Beitrag zur nationalen Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten und im Interesse unserer Außenpolitik«.

09.05.2018 - 16:11 [ Wikipedia ]

Der Untertan

Der Untertan ist ein Roman von Heinrich Mann. Heinrich Mann erzählt mit ironischer Distanz Heßlings Lebensgeschichte von dessen Kindheit bis hin zur Sicherung seiner Stellung in der wilhelminischen Gesellschaft.

Der Roman erzählt von Diederich Heßling als Beispiel für einen bestimmten Typ Mensch in der Gesellschaft des deutschen Kaiserreichs. Heßling ist obrigkeitshörig, feige und ohne Zivilcourage. Er ist ein Mitläufer und Konformist.

09.05.2018 - 16:04 [ Richard Goldberg / ForeignPolicy.com ]

Elephants in the Room – If the U.S. Reimposes Sanctions on Iran, Allies Will Follow

(2.10.2017) Cry as they might along the way, no European or Asian corporation is going to choose a terrorist regime over access to the U.S. dollar.

09.05.2018 - 15:48 [ Richard Grenell, U.S. Ambassador ‏to Germany / Twitter ]

As @realDonaldTrump said, US sanctions will target critical sectors of Iran’s economy. German companies doing business in Iran should wind down operations immediately.


09.05.2018 - 15:36 [ Paul Craig Roberts / Institute for Political Economy. ]

America’s Word Is Worthless

It was already evident, but America’s renewal alone in the world of the fabricated conflict with Iran is proof that US foreign policy is in the hands of Israel. All you have to do is to watch Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN, groveling at the feet of AIPEC, to watch US Secretary of State Pompeo groveling at the feet of Netanyahu, to see the glee all over the face of neoconservative Israeli agent John Bolton, the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States, from his realization that his conflict agenda with Iran has prevailed.

09.05.2018 - 15:15 [ Dr Can Erimtan / Twitter ]

Somebody should give the #Drumpf (@realDonaldTrump) an audiobook version of Gareth Porter (@GarethPorter)‘s book on the charade that is the Iran nuclear programme,

the fruits of a „disinformation campaign that the Israeli government“ has been pursuing since the last century . . .

09.05.2018 - 15:02 [ Barbara Lee / Twitter ]

By withdrawing from the Iran Deal, the White House is sending a message to the world that America‘s word can’t be trusted. There’s nothing more dangerous than that.


09.05.2018 - 14:56 [ Congressman Jan Schakowsky / Twitter ]

“President Trump has consistently demonstrated his ignorance of the complexity of the world’s challenges and today’s decision further highlights his inability to protect U.S. interests abroad.” #IranDeal #JCPOA


09.05.2018 - 14:44 [ Truthdig ]

Is Trump Being ‚Played‘ by Israel With Bogus Intel on Iran?

The evidence presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on April 30 alleging a covert Iranian nuclear weapons program shows blatant signs of fabrication. That evidence is linked to documents presented by the Bush Administration more a decade earlier as proof of a covert Iran nuclear weapons program. Those documents were clearly fabricated as well

09.05.2018 - 14:32 [ Press TV ]

US following Israeli diktats over Iran nuclear deal: Commentator

A commentator believes the reason why President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal is because Israel which is “dictating” the policy of the United States is not “satisfied” with the agreement and is “sabre-rattling for war.”

09.05.2018 - 10:14 [ Radio Utopie ]

Im Weißen Irrenhaus

Das Gefährliche an Donald Trumps am 73. Jahrestag vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs abgesonderten Potburi des Wahnsinns waren nicht der Bruch des internationalen Iran-Abkommens oder die Unterwürfigkeitsgesten der üblichen Untertanen. Es war das Schweigen der Staatskader in der großen Koalition des Krieges in China und Russland.

09.05.2018 - 07:42 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

Trump‘s Iran deal decision sends ‚very clear message‘ to North Korea: Bolton

While President Trump says the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal will not derail his upcoming meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,…

09.05.2018 - 07:37 [ Reuters ]

Syrian state media says Israel attacked just after U.S. quit Iran deal

Syrian state media accused Israel of launching missiles at a target near Damascus on Tuesday, shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump announced he was quitting the Iranian nuclear deal, a move that had prompted Israel to go on high alert.

09.05.2018 - 07:31 [ Times of Israel ]

Saudi Arabia, Gulf allies welcome Trump pullout from Iran deal

Riyadh, UAE and Bahrain, staunch rivals of Islamic Republic, join Israel in offering rare support for US decision to reimpose sanctions

09.05.2018 - 07:26 [ Washington Post ]

The Latest: Australia and Japan still support Iran deal

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Wednesday that he regrets President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the landmark pact. Turnbull is urging all parties involved in the pact to show restraint.

In Japan, the Foreign Ministry says Japan continues to support the deal and that it “hopes for a continued constructive response from the nations involved.”

09.05.2018 - 07:15 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

JCPOA lost 1 out of 5+1/I instructed FM to meet with other 5 countries soon/JCPOA to stand if other sides meet Iran’s goals/People mustn’t worry; we knew from long ago that Trump isn’t trustable

Speaking in a televised address to the people on the JCPOA, President Hassan Rouhani said: “As verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has lived up to all its commitments and tonight, it was revealed who the unfaithful is”.

He continued: “Today, we saw what we were reiterating from 40 years ago, and that is Iran is a country that lives up to its commitments and the United States is a country that has never done so”.

“In the past 40 years or even before that, history tells that Americans have had a hostile approach towards the great Iranian nation and the nations of the region; from the coup in Iran against the legal government of Dr Mosadeq to their interference in the affairs of the past regime, supporting Saddam and attacking Iran’s passenger plane and killing innocent people and what they have done against the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and the Middle East and North Africa and against other peoples of the world”.

He also referred to the US’ withdrawal from the JCPOA and continued: “In fact, this was a confirmation of what they have been doing in the past months in another way”.

09.05.2018 - 07:09 [ Downing Street No 10 ]

Joint statement from Prime Minister May, Chancellor Merkel and President Macron following President Trump’s statement on Iran

It is with regret and concern that we, the Leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom take note of President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States of America from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Together, we emphasise our continuing commitment to the JCPoA. This agreement remains important for our shared security. We recall that the JCPoA was unanimously endorsed by the UN Security Council in resolution 2231. This resolution remains the binding international legal framework for the resolution of the dispute about the Iranian nuclear programme. We urge all sides to remain committed to its full implementation and to act in a spirit of responsibility.

09.05.2018 - 06:44 [ Barack Obama / Facebook ]

There are few issues more important to the security of the United States than the potential spread of nuclear weapons, or the potential for even more destructive war in the Middle East.

That’s why the United States negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the first place.

The reality is clear. The JCPOA is working – that is a view shared by our European allies, independent experts, and the current U.S. Secretary of Defense. The JCPOA is in America’s interest – it has significantly rolled back Iran’s nuclear program. And the JCPOA is a model for what diplomacy can accomplish – its inspections and verification regime is precisely what the United States should be working to put in place with North Korea. Indeed, at a time when we are all rooting for diplomacy with North Korea to succeed, walking away from the JCPOA risks losing a deal that accomplishes – with Iran – the very outcome that we are pursuing with the North Koreans.

That is why today’s announcement is so misguided.

09.05.2018 - 06:42 [ Tehran Times ]

Barack Obama: The JCPOA is working

Barack Obama, the former U.S. president, publishes an article on his personal facebook page criticizing Donald Trump for withdrawing from the JCPOA. The full text is given below.