Speaking in a televised address to the people on the JCPOA, President Hassan Rouhani said: “As verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has lived up to all its commitments and tonight, it was revealed who the unfaithful is”.
He continued: “Today, we saw what we were reiterating from 40 years ago, and that is Iran is a country that lives up to its commitments and the United States is a country that has never done so”.
“In the past 40 years or even before that, history tells that Americans have had a hostile approach towards the great Iranian nation and the nations of the region; from the coup in Iran against the legal government of Dr Mosadeq to their interference in the affairs of the past regime, supporting Saddam and attacking Iran’s passenger plane and killing innocent people and what they have done against the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and the Middle East and North Africa and against other peoples of the world”.
He also referred to the US’ withdrawal from the JCPOA and continued: “In fact, this was a confirmation of what they have been doing in the past months in another way”.