Archiv: Schande.. über DICH!

13.02.2025 - 14:48 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utope ]

Die Republik braucht ständige Geheimdienste-Ausschüsse in Bundestag und Länderparlamenten

(July 8, 2012)

Gewaltenteilung ist nicht Gewaltensammlung. Entweder der größte Sauhaufen der Republik, der Bundestag – der nichts anderes mehr versucht als mit Händen und Füßen strampelnd sich selbst zu entmachten und die Verfassung zu stürzen – bildet jetzt, nach Vorbild der beiden Kammern des Kongresses der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, einen ständigen Geheimdienste-Ausschuss und ebenso jedes einzelne Länderparlament in allen 16 Bundesländern (mit jeweils 30 Angestellten, abhörsicheren Büros, Befugnissen zu unangemeldeten Kontrollen überall und dem entsprechenden Etat), oder jeder einzelne Abgeordnete, jeder einzelne Funktionär in Polizei, Inlandsspionage (Verfassungsschutz), Auslandsspionage (Bundesnachrichtendienst), Militärspionage (Militärischer Abschirmdienst), Finanzspionage (Zollkriminalamt), sowie jeder einzelne Regierungsvertreter und jeder Journalist erzählen einfach weiter für die Tonne und alles bleibt im Apparat einfach so, wie es ist.

Wohlgemerkt – im Apparat. Der Rest der Gesellschaft, der Berliner Republik, der verändert sich. Und irgendwann ist da eine Partei, die auf dem Boden des Grundgesetzes steht und mit diesem ganzen Sauhaufen aufräumt. Und zwar ohne Gnade.

11.02.2025 - 20:10 [ ]

Mitglied der Hamas? Terror-Razzia gegen Sohn von Nobelpreisträgern

(February 8, 2025)

Medhursts Mutter und Vater hatten 1988 als Teil eines UN-Kontingents symbolisch den Friedensnobelpreis für die Blauhelme bekommen. Jetzt der brisante Verdacht gegen ihn nach Paragraf 278b: Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung! Dafür drohen bis zu zehn Jahre Haft.

11.02.2025 - 20:05 [ Consortium News ]

Austrian Police Detain Richard Medhurst; Accuse Him of Being Hamas Member; UK Extends Probe Against Him

(February 7, 2025)

“I categorically deny all of these accusations by the Austrian and British governments, I’m a journalist, not a terrorist, and they bloody-well know it,” Medhurst said in his video. He added that he was a Christian being accused of belonging to Hamas, an Islamist organization resisting Israel’s occupation of Gaza.

Medhurst said the allegations by both countries were similar, but there has now been a “massive escalation” to accuse him of being a “member of a proscribed organization.” The British only accuse him of supporting the proscribed organization, Hamas, through his journalism.

“This is insanity,” he said. “This is an attack on the entire profession, on freedom of speech, on democracy itself.”

Medhurst said he could face up to 14 years of prison in Britain, plus 2-5 years if he doesn’t give them the passwords to his devices and perhaps 10 years in Austria.

09.02.2025 - 17:51 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

Archiv: TKÜV (Telekommunikations-Überwachungsverordnung)

(archive entries)

31.12.2024 - 15:10 [ Middle East Eye ]

Unrwa chief condemns global inaction as Israeli ‚horrors‘ persist in Gaza

Since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza on 7 October 2023, 258 staff members from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees have lost their lives, and at least 650 attacks on Unrwa facilities have been recorded. Additionally, 20 Unrwa workers have been abducted by Israel.

Lazzarini condemned the ongoing violence, stating, “This cannot become the new standard, and impunity cannot become the new norm.” His remarks highlight the growing frustration over the global community’s lack of action in halting Israel’s aggression which has been widely described by human rights organisation as genocidal.

30.12.2024 - 10:12 [ Guardian ]

The world court will rule on Germany’s support for Israel. That shows how geopolitics has changed

(April 9, 2024)

Western governments could once be confident of protecting their friends. Nicaragua’s case shows those days are gone

25.12.2024 - 16:19 [ Médecins Sans Frontières ]

Gaza death trap: MSF report exposes Israel’s campaign of total destruction

(December 19, 2024)

„What our medical teams have witnessed on the ground throughout this conflict is consistent with the descriptions provided by an increasing number of legal experts and organizations concluding that genocide is taking place in Gaza,” Lockyear said. (…)

MSF calls on states, particularly Israel’s closest allies, to end their unconditional support for Israel and fulfill their obligation to prevent genocide in Gaza. Nearly a year ago, on January 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to take “immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” Israel has taken no meaningful action to comply with the court order. Instead, Israeli authorities continue to actively block MSF and other humanitarian organizations from providing lifesaving assistance to people trapped under siege and bombardment.

25.12.2024 - 16:12 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Extermination and Acts of Genocide

(December 19, 2024)

To All States

– Take all measures within their power to prevent genocide by Israeli authorities in Gaza by pressuring Israel to lift the blockade and comply with the orders of the International Court of Justice, including by discontinuing any military assistance and arms sales or transfers, imposing targeted sanctions, and reviewing bilateral deals and diplomatic relations.

– Publicly condemn war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and the genocide convention committed by the Israeli authorities, and urge them to immediately halt those violations and crimes and cooperate with international judicial bodies, investigative mechanisms, and UN special procedures.

– Increase public and private pressure on the Israeli government to comply with international humanitarian law in the conduct of hostilities, and ensure the entry and safe distribution at scale throughout Gaza of adequate aid and provision of basic services.

– Demand that Israel implement UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on Israel and Palestine, including all provisions relating to humanitarian aid delivery to the residents of Gaza and compliance with international humanitarian law.

Review and possibly suspend bilateral agreements with Israel, such as the EU-Israel Association Agreement, whose review has been proposed by the Spanish and Irish governments.

– End all forms of support for and complicity in the atrocities being carried out by Israel, including suspending military assistance and arms transfers to the Israeli government so long as its forces commit serious rights abuses and war crimes against Palestinian civilians with impunity.

– Publicly support the ICJ’s work and its decisions as an independent judicial institution and press Israel to comply with the ICJ’s binding orders.

– Publicly support the work of the International Criminal Court across all situations under its jurisdiction, including the ongoing Palestine investigation, and render any assistance necessary to give effect to orders of the Court. Uphold the court’s independence and publicly condemn efforts to intimidate or interfere with its work, officials, and those cooperating with the institution.

– Support foreign domestic investigations and prosecutions under the principle of universal jurisdiction, as relevant and appropriate, of those credibly implicated in serious crimes in Gaza.

– The United States should immediately reverse its decisions to suspend funding to UNRWA and state clearly the intention to continue to fund the agency, and all states should urge Israeli authorities to reverse Israel‘s decisions to bar UNRWA from operating within Israel.

– Fund repairs of damaged and destroyed water and sanitation infrastructure, and press Israel to urgently allow the infrastructure to be repaired.

– Support the creation of an international mechanism to address reparation for Palestinians and an international register of damages.

– Call on Israeli authorities to allow water filtration systems, water tanks, and other materials needed to repair water infrastructure and to improve the water supply into Gaza.

– Support the United Nations to establish a plan that would ensure Palestinians have access to water at least equal to what Israel grants Israeli citizens, and pressure Israel to facilitate and contribute to the plan.

– Address long-standing impunity by Israeli authorities and Palestinian armed groups for serious crimes under international law.

To the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation

– Request access to Gaza in order to monitor and report publicly on the human rights situation regarding access to water and sanitation, including damage and destruction of water and sanitation infrastructure; obstruction of repairs and targeting of repair workers; restrictions on the entry of fuel; and the human rights impacts stemming from these actions.

To the International Criminal Court Prosecutor

– Investigate Israeli authorities’ actions and policies that have deprived the civilian population of Gaza of water, including as war crimes, as the crime against humanity of extermination, and as genocide.

25.12.2024 - 16:02 [ Amnesty International ]

‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza

(December 5, 2024)

To make a determination on genocide, Amnesty International first examined whether Palestinians in Gaza constitute part of a protected group under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention), that is a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. It then focused on three out of the five prohibited acts under the Genocide Convention: “killing members of the group”; “causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group”; and “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. It finally examined whether Israel committed these acts with the specific “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, [the] group, as such”.

To this end, Amnesty International interviewed 212 people as part of its research. They included Palestinian victims, survivors and witnesses of air strikes, displacement, detention, the destruction of farms, homes and agricultural land, as well as individuals who faced the impact of Israel’s restrictions on humanitarian aid. Amnesty International also spoke with members of local authorities in Gaza, Palestinian healthcare workers and representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and UN agencies involved in the humanitarian response in Gaza.

Amnesty International complemented these interviews with its analysis of an extensive range of visual and digital evidence, including satellite imagery, video footage and photographs posted on social media or obtained directly by its researchers. It authenticated and, where possible, geolocated video footage and photographs. It reviewed an extensive collection of media reports, statements, reports and data sets published by UN agencies and humanitarian organizations operating in Gaza, as well as Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups. It reviewed statements by senior Israeli government and military officials and official Israeli bodies, including spokespersons of the Israeli military and the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), a unit within Israel’s Ministry of Defense tasked with administering civilian matters in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) . Amnesty International also examined submissions made to and decisions taken by the Israeli Supreme Court as well as publicly available material relating to South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Despite its repeated attempts to engage with the Israeli authorities through information and meeting requests, the organization received no substantive answer to any of its letters sent between 30 October 2023 and 16 October 2024.

20.12.2024 - 00:25 [ Médecins Sans Frontières ]

Gaza death trap: MSF report exposes Israel’s campaign of total destruction

MSF calls on states, particularly Israel’s closest allies, to end their unconditional support for Israel and fulfill their obligation to prevent genocide in Gaza. Nearly a year ago, on January 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to take “immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” Israel has taken no meaningful action to comply with the court order. Instead, Israeli authorities continue to actively block MSF and other humanitarian organizations from providing lifesaving assistance to people trapped under siege and bombardment.

19.12.2024 - 23:50 [ Palestune Chronicle ]

‘Anyone who Enters is Shot’ – Israeli Army Officers Reveal ‘Kill Zone’ in Gaza

Israeli army officers have revealed that an area along the Netzarim corridor in the Gaza Strip was a designated “kill zone” where “anyone who enters is shot,” the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Wednesday.

A commander in Division 252 said that “forces in the field call it ‘the line of dead bodies,” because “after shootings, bodies are not collected, attracting packs of dogs who come to eat them.”

“In Gaza, people know that wherever you see these dogs, that’s where you must not go,” the commander is quoted as saying.

19.12.2024 - 21:24 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Extermination and Acts of Genocide: Israel Deliberately Depriving Palestinians in Gaza of Water

To All States

– Take all measures within their power to prevent genocide by Israeli authorities in Gaza by pressuring Israel to lift the blockade and comply with the orders of the International Court of Justice, including by discontinuing any military assistance and arms sales or transfers, imposing targeted sanctions, and reviewing bilateral deals and diplomatic relations.

– Publicly condemn war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and the genocide convention committed by the Israeli authorities, and urge them to immediately halt those violations and crimes and cooperate with international judicial bodies, investigative mechanisms, and UN special procedures.

– Increase public and private pressure on the Israeli government to comply with international humanitarian law in the conduct of hostilities, and ensure the entry and safe distribution at scale throughout Gaza of adequate aid and provision of basic services.

– Demand that Israel implement UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on Israel and Palestine, including all provisions relating to humanitarian aid delivery to the residents of Gaza and compliance with international humanitarian law.

Review and possibly suspend bilateral agreements with Israel, such as the EU-Israel Association Agreement, whose review has been proposed by the Spanish and Irish governments.

– End all forms of support for and complicity in the atrocities being carried out by Israel, including suspending military assistance and arms transfers to the Israeli government so long as its forces commit serious rights abuses and war crimes against Palestinian civilians with impunity.

– Publicly support the ICJ’s work and its decisions as an independent judicial institution and press Israel to comply with the ICJ’s binding orders.

– Publicly support the work of the International Criminal Court across all situations under its jurisdiction, including the ongoing Palestine investigation, and render any assistance necessary to give effect to orders of the Court. Uphold the court’s independence and publicly condemn efforts to intimidate or interfere with its work, officials, and those cooperating with the institution.

– Support foreign domestic investigations and prosecutions under the principle of universal jurisdiction, as relevant and appropriate, of those credibly implicated in serious crimes in Gaza.

– The United States should immediately reverse its decisions to suspend funding to UNRWA and state clearly the intention to continue to fund the agency, and all states should urge Israeli authorities to reverse Israel‘s decisions to bar UNRWA from operating within Israel.

– Fund repairs of damaged and destroyed water and sanitation infrastructure, and press Israel to urgently allow the infrastructure to be repaired.

– Support the creation of an international mechanism to address reparation for Palestinians and an international register of damages.

– Call on Israeli authorities to allow water filtration systems, water tanks, and other materials needed to repair water infrastructure and to improve the water supply into Gaza.

– Support the United Nations to establish a plan that would ensure Palestinians have access to water at least equal to what Israel grants Israeli citizens, and pressure Israel to facilitate and contribute to the plan.

– Address long-standing impunity by Israeli authorities and Palestinian armed groups for serious crimes under international law.

To the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation

– Request access to Gaza in order to monitor and report publicly on the human rights situation regarding access to water and sanitation, including damage and destruction of water and sanitation infrastructure; obstruction of repairs and targeting of repair workers; restrictions on the entry of fuel; and the human rights impacts stemming from these actions.

To the International Criminal Court Prosecutor

– Investigate Israeli authorities’ actions and policies that have deprived the civilian population of Gaza of water, including as war crimes, as the crime against humanity of extermination, and as genocide.

19.12.2024 - 21:20 [ Middle East Eye ]

Human Rights Watch: Israel is guilty of extermination and acts of genocide in Gaza

Israel is guilty of the crime of extermination and acts of genocide in Gaza, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has concluded in a new report published on Thursday.

The US-based human rights organisation found that Israel has inflicted conditions of life in Gaza calculated to destroy the enclave‘s Palestinian population. This amounts to extermination, which is a crime against humanity, and acts of genocide.

Coming two weeks after fellow rights group Amnesty International similarly concluded that Israel is guilty of genocide, the Human Rights Watch report is the latest sign of a growing consensus around Israel‘s actions in Gaza.

18.11.2024 - 21:44 [ ]

Germany against EU proposal to end dialogue with Israel

(November 16, 2024)

„Cutting off dialogue with Israel does not benefit the people suffering in the Gaza Strip, the hostages of Hamas, nor the people in Israel who are ready for dialogue,“ said a statement from the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin.

It was reported from Berlin that the EU-Israel Association Council is creating an „appropriate framework“ to discuss with the Israeli government the respect of the principles of international humanitarian law, they write.

18.11.2024 - 21:41 [ Middle East Eye ]

EU will not halt dialogue with Israel, says Poland

“We know that there are tragic events in Gaza, huge civilian casualties, but we do not forget who started the current cycle of violence,” Sikorski said in Brussels. “And I can tell you that there was no agreement on the idea of suspending negotiations with Israel.”

18.11.2024 - 21:29 [ ]

Top EU diplomat‘s proposal to halt dialogue with Israel blocked

Diplomats said the politicians who did not support Borrell‘s initiative at the meeting included foreign ministers from Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and the Netherlands.

05.11.2024 - 15:14 [ UN Palestinian Rights Committee / Youtube ]

Is it possible that after 42,000 people killed, you cannot empathize with the Palestinians?

(October 30, 2024)

In her address to the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee, UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese expressed frustration, saying, „I always experience a sense of shock and delusion when I come to this room because many of you recite the same script you had last year.“ She acknowledged the condemnation of Hamas‘s attack, the solidarity shown to Israeli victims, and calls for the release of hostages but questioned the lack of empathy toward Palestinians, stating, „Is it possible that after 42,000 people killed, you cannot empathize with the Palestinians?“ Albanese criticized those who had ignored the crisis in Gaza, saying, „Empathy has evaporated from this room, and empathy is the glue that makes us stand united as humanity.“

05.11.2024 - 15:07 [ UN Human Rights Council / Youtube ]

Francesca Albanese: „Gaza is now a wasteland of rubble, garbage and human remains.“

(October 31, 2024)

Francesca Albanese, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, presented her latest report to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 30 October 2024.

27.10.2024 - 20:44 [ ]

Gaza-Krieg: UN-Kommissar fordert Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Genozid

(October 25, 2024)

Türk erinnerte daran, dass Staaten nicht nur verpflichtet sind, gegen Kriegsverbrechen vorzugehen. „Nach der Völkermordkonvention sind die Vertragsstaaten auch dafür verantwortlich, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um ein solches Verbrechen zu verhindern, wenn eine Gefahr erkennbar wird“, sagte er. „Ich flehe Sie an, den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung und die Menschenrechte an erste Stelle zu setzen und dieses Minimum an Menschlichkeit nicht aufzugeben“, appellierte er an Staats- und Regierungschefs.

24.10.2024 - 08:57 [ B’Tselem ]

The world must stop the ethnic cleansing of northern Gaza

For a year now, since the war began, the international community has shown utter impotence to stop the indiscriminate attack on civilians in the Gaza Strip. Now, when it is clearer than ever that Israel intends to forcibly displace northern Gaza’s residents by committing some of the gravest crimes under the laws of war, the world’s nations must take action.

Without immediate, decisive action from the international community, without using every tool available – political, legal, economic – the mass killings in the northern Gaza Strip will continue and the suffering of its besieged civilians will grow. All international bodies and institutions must act now to compel Israel to stop the war and end the carnage.

28.09.2024 - 16:21 [ Al Jazeera ]

Netanyahu violating state sovereignty with complicity of US, Europe: French MP

“Appalled by the scale of the ongoing massacre in Lebanon,” Jean-Luc Melenchon, a left-wing French politician and a former Member of the European Parliament, said in a post on X.

“Netanyahu is violating the sovereignty of states throughout the region with the complicity of Europe and the USA. The genocide in Gaza is spreading without limits.”

26.09.2024 - 17:33 [ ]

Israel sends scores of unidentified, decomposing bodies of Palestinians to Gaza

The Gaza health ministry has demanded that Israel provide details about their identities and how they were killed after Israel sent the bodies across the border loaded into a container.

Health officials at Khan Younis‘ Nasser Hospital urged the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to intervene and retrieve the information from Israel.

19.09.2024 - 21:15 [ ]

tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 19.09.2024

Hisbollah-Chef Nasrallah droht nach Explosionsserien im Libanon mit Vergeltung, Explosionsserien im Libanon laut Experten wohl aus israelischen Geheimdienst Mossad zurückzuführen, …

16.04.2024 - 19:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Ghassan Abu Sittah accuses Germany of ‚genocide complicity‘ after being refused entry


„This morning, at 10 o‘clock, I landed in Berlin to attend a conference on Palestine, where I had been asked, along with many others … to give my evidence of the 43 days that I had seen in the hospitals in Gaza, working in both al-Shifa and al-Ahli hospitals,“ he said.

Abu Sittah said he was escorted from the passport office to the basement of the airport, where he was questioned for three-and-a-half hours.

„At the end of three-and-a-half hours, I was told that I woud not be allowed to enter German soil and that this ban will last the whole of April,“ he said.

16.04.2024 - 19:44 [ ]

Berlin: „Palästina-Kongress“ von Polizei aufgelöst


Die Organisatoren hatten den Tagungsort erst am Vormittag bei einer Pressekonferenz im Stadtteil Wedding und auf der Webseite des Kongresses bekannt gegeben. In der Ankündigung für den Kongress und in der Pressekonferenz warfen sie Israel unter anderem „Apartheid“, „Kolonialismus“ und „Völkermord“ (Genozid) im Gazastreifen vor. Deutschland trage eine „Mitschuld“, weil es Waffen an Israel liefere.

16.04.2024 - 19:36 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Beweise begraben, Zeugen zum Schweigen bringen

Es ist Freitag gegen Abend, der 12. April 2024. In der Hand hält der Arzt ein Mikrophon von Middle East Eye (MEE), einem in England ansässigen Internetportal, das in englischer und französischer Sprache Nachrichten über den Nahen und Mittleren Osten veröffentlicht. Ruhig und überlegt berichtet der Arzt, was ihm am Berliner Flughafen widerfahren ist, eindringlich blicken seine Augen durch die großen, dunkel gerahmten Brillengläser.

29.03.2024 - 19:07 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Von der ethnischen Säuberung zum Völkermord. Die Bundesregierung macht mit.

Der israelische Historiker Ilan Pappe hat den Umgang Israels mit Palästina als ethnische Säuberung bezeichnet. Die Zustände sind nicht besser geworden. Sie sind schlimmer. Dazu und zur Rolle Deutschlands kam ein Leserbrief aus Kanada mit einer treffenden Collage. Siehe unten Abschnitt A. Außerdem in Abschnitt B. eine einschlägige Äußerung des UNICEF-Sprechers James Elder in Gaza.