Daily Archives: 15. Oktober 2022
This country is screwed whosoever in power even if Labour! Tory grassroot members has royally damaged this country by putting a malfunctioning robot Lizbot as PM who lacks a brain like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz! Unfortunately there isn’t a Wizard she can visit to get one!
In 2019, we wanted to borrow money to fund public, regional, green investment that would pay for itself. Truss and Kwarteng want to borrow money to pay for uncapped bankers‘ bonuses. This government have crashed the economy. We would have transformed it.
The Tories no longer have a mandate from the British people. After 12 years of stagnation, excuses are all they have left. The change this country needs is a Labour government.
Leitzinserhöhung zur Inflationsbekämpfung? Was für eine Schnapsidee
Während die Chicago Boys Milton Friedmans neoliberale Lehren in Pinochets Chile umsetzten, wurden Friedmans geldpolitische Lehren also zeitgleich ausgerechnet in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erstmalig eingeführt. Bis heute gilt die Bundesbank als „Hort“ der Monetaristen und es gibt wohl kein Land, in dem die ökonomischen Fakultäten der Universitäten so sehr in der Hand der Monetaristen sind, wie Deutschland. Wen wundert es also, dass auch sehr viele Finanzjournalisten, die an eben jenen Universitäten studiert haben, monetaristische Positionen vertreten?
Inflation is causing real pain. But raising interest rates will make it worse
The current inflation situation hasn’t been about all goods in the economy getting more expensive at the same rate. Specific goods – food, fuel, cars and housing – have been experiencing massive price shocks, raising the general inflation level substantially. Controlling these changes would require aggregate demand to shrink to unbearable levels for average Americans – essentially making people too poor to buy goods, and thus alleviating bottlenecks. Rate hikes are not only ill suited to bring down these essential prices but risk a recession throwing millions out of work.
Raising interest rates is the wrong solution to the inflation problem, analyst says
Raising interest rates to tame demand — and therefore inflation — is not the right solution, as high prices have been driven mainly by supply chain shocks, one analyst said.
Global manufacturers and suppliers have been unable to produce and deliver goods to consumers efficiently during Covid lockdowns. And more recently, sanctions imposed on Russia have also curtailed supply, mainly of commodities.
Interest rates may rise even HIGHER than expected next month, Bank of England chief says if inflation is to be beaten
On September 22 the Bank‘s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) raised rates by 0.5 percentage points to 2.25%.
Speaking at the G30 annual international banking seminar, Mr Bailey said: ‚The UK Government has made a number of fiscal announcements and has set October 31 as the date for a further fiscal statement.‘
He said that the Bank‘s monetary policy committee ‚will respond to all this news at its next meeting in just under three weeks from now‘.
Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey tells IMF event in Washington of conversation with Jeremy Hunt yesterday: “Very clear & immediate meeting of minds on the importance of stability and sustainability.” @SkyNews
British government borrowing costs surged again on Wednesday after Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey told pension funds they had three days to fix liquidity problems before the bank ends emergency bond-buying that has provided support.
YouGov / Eurotrack Survey Results
New cost of living tracker reveals extent of crisis in Western Europe
While different governments have taken very different approaches to the rising cost of living, it seems that none of these approaches have quite had the desired impact yet – a majority of adults polled across all seven countries say that they have already had to make cuts to their usual spending as a result of the rising cost of living. I