The Tanzania Forest Service has closed a tender for the sale of over 2.6 million trees that would result in the large-scale logging inside Selous Game Reserve, one of Africa’s most important wildernesses areas and home to globally important populations of elephants, black rhinos, African wild dogs and hippos.
This logging is designed to harvest the trees in the area that would be flooded if the proposed Stiegler’s Gorge hydropower project goes ahead. It would remove trees in a 1,436km2 area in the heart of the Selous Game Reserve – a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1982.
The tender is in clear breach of Tanzanian law, as an Environmental Impact Assessment has not been completed, and encompasses an area described by UNESCO and IUCN as containing “the most important ecological elements of the reserve”.
Over 2.6 million trees may be cut off in Selous Game Reserve when the Stiegler‘s Gorge hydroelectricity project takes off in July 2018. To meet the country‘s energy needs, the government is planning to build a huge hydropower dam in the heart of Selous Game Reserve.
Frei nach dem Motto »Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht« interpretiert die Kommission das Urteil des EUGH einfach um. Das Gerichtsurteil hatte als notwendige Grundlage allen Handelns in der Westsahara von dem Einverständnis des Sahrauischen Volkes gesprochen. Die Kommission redet jedoch nur noch von »Beratungen« mit der »lokalen Bevölkerung« – eine sehr viel übersichtlichere und für die EU sehr viel angenehmer handhabbare Situation.
Lebanon‘s Energy and Water Minister Cesar Abi Khalil said in a televised statement that the exploration project for the country‘s first oil and gas reserves began on Tuesday after Lebanese officials approved a plan submitted by a consortium of France‘s Total, Italy‘s Eni and Russia‘s Novatek.
Nach massiven Beschwerden aus Deutschland hat Italiens Präsident Sergio Mattarella einen Euro-Kritiker als Finanzminister seines Landes verhindert und einen Berlin genehmen IWF-Mann als Ministerpräsidenten installiert. Die demokratisch gewählte Mehrheit aus den Fünf Sternen und der ultrarechten Lega Nord kommt nicht zum Zuge. Grund für die Zurückweisung ist, dass der Euro-Kritiker Paolo Savona, ein renommierter Karriereökonom, keine Gewähr für den Bestand der EU-Einheitswährung geboten hätte; vielmehr wäre unter seiner Amtsführung wohl mit Widerstand gegen die Berliner Austeritätsdiktate zu rechnen gewesen.
The migrant from Mali who scaled Paris apartment building wall to save a child dangling off a balcony met with French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday and will be rewarded for his „exceptional act“ with papers to legalize his stay in France, citizenship if he wants, and a job as a firefighter.
Anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio on Monday called for mass mobilisation in support of the party‘s announced bid to impeach President Sergio Mattarella for allegedly sinking an M5S-League government bid.
„I call citizens to mobilise, make yourselves heard, it‘s important that you do it right now. We will organise peaceful and symbolic demonstrations“, Di Maio said, urging „everyone“ to come to Rome for a big demo on June 2, national Republic Day.
29.05.2018 - 16:33 [ Rosa D'Amato, Abgeordnete des EU-Parlaments / Twitter ]
Nach eigenen Angaben fliegt die israelischen Armee derzeit eine Serie von Luftangriffen auf den Gazastreifen. Es handle sich um die größte Operation seit Ende des Gazakriegs 2014. „Die Situation, dass eine Terrororganisation auf israelische Orte feuert, ist unakzeptabel. Seit Mittag haben wir eine Serie von Angriffen im gesamten Gazastreifen begonnen“, sagte Armeesprecher Ronen Manelis in einem kurzfristig einberufenen Gespräch mit Journalisten.
(1.Mai 2013) Die Existenz der neuen Rechtspartei »Alternative für Deutschland« (AfD) ist eine unmittelbare Folge der falschen Euro-Rettungspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel.
Speaking after an international summit on Libya in Paris, Macron hailed the work done with Rome and recalled the „major migratory crisis“ hitting Italy.
Die aus Italien stammende EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini zeigte sich anschließend »zuversichtlich«, dass es Rom gelingen werde, »die Interessen des italienischen Volkes zu garantieren«, die mit denen der EU übereinstimmten. Auch die Bundesregierung hoffte auf eine »stabile Regierung« in Italien. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel zog einen Vergleich zum griechischen Ministerpräsidenten Alexis Tsipras. Mit diesem habe man sich nach dessen Amtsantritt 2015 »zusammengerauft« und etwas erreicht.
Fallout on the financial markets will prompt Italians not to vote for populist parties, European Budget Commissioner Guenther Oettinger of Germany said Tuesday, according to an excerpt from a Deutsche Welle interview to be published tonight.
„Neuwahlen verlängern die politische Unsicherheit zwar gleich um mehrere Monate, dafür werden bis zu Neuwahlen aber keine politischen Katastrophen passieren“, sagte Fondsmanager Thomas Altmann vom Vermögensverwalter QC Partners. „Das reicht für Börsianer schon aus, um erst mal durchzuatmen.“
29.05.2018 - 15:27 [ Alison Hartson, v / Twitter ]
„We don‘t make our foreign policy under pressure from other countries.” The minister also commented that India recognizes restrictions from the United Nations (UN) on Caracas or Tehran but not those issued by the United States. “India follows only UN sanctions, and not unilateral sanctions by any country,” Swaraj said, adding that India would continue to trade with Venezuela, in spite of any challenges.
Seit 1961 arbeitete er zudem im Auftrag des US-Auslandsgeheimdienstes CIA. 1967 wurde Posada Carriles als „Sicherheitsberater“ zu den Militärdiktaturen in Argentinien, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala und Venezuela geschickt.
The first is North Korea declaring how far it‘s willing to go in abandoning the program. The second is deciding how and when Pyongyang will offer an explanation of that process to Washington,… and the final step is determining how the U.S. will verify those claims.
Meanwhile, as North Korea and the U.S. work to set up their summit next month, tentatively set for June 12th in Singapore, officials from both sides are said to now be in the city-state… for talks on the practicalities of the summit — things like protocol and logistics. Our Lee Ji-won has the latest.
Three thousand miles away in Singapore, a team of US logistics officials arrived late Monday and was expecting the arrival of a corresponding team from Pyongyang.
“This is what would have happened had we gone to war over Cuba, which was possible in 1962, or Berlin in 1960. 600,000,000 people. I thought they were the most evil plans that had ever been made in the history of humanity. I have spent 30 years since, trying to understand how Americans had created such plans, and such a machinery, but with very ordinary motives. The word evil is almost misleading as it suggests satanic forces or demonic motives. These were well intentioned people with very ordinary, very banal motives.
“I will go to Europe next week. I will meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and possibly British Prime Minister Theresa May,” Netanyahu said in broadcast remarks.
Achieving a cease-fire (or hudna in Arabic) between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip will most likely suffer a delay, despite ongoing negotiations being pursued through several channels.
Egypt, the United States and the United Nations have made progress in formulating a plan, and some ideas were discussed for the first time at the Gaza Conference at the White House in March.
(3.5.2018) However, during a preliminary meeting to discuss the proposal, Sara Netanyahu reportedly flew into a rage at her lawyers, saying she would rather go to jail than pay the NIS 200,000 ($55,000) that they estimated she would have to pay.
Rejecting an offer made by Sarah Netanyahu’s legal team for the prime minister’s wife to pay back state funds she allegedly diverted for personal use if criminal charges against her are dropped, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has reportedly told her lawyers that she must first give back the money, and only then will he decide on whether to indict her.
The Israeli Attorney General is expected to recommend indicting Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of receiving bribes, Israel Channel 10 reported.
According to the channel, Nir Hefetz, the Netanyahu family’s former top media adviser has provided new information of great importance in the corruption case known as ‘Case 2000’ which could lead to further arrests.
(7.5.2018) Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip have recently conveyed messages to Israel indicating their willingness to negotiate a long term cease-fire in the enclave. These messages were passed through different channels…
Kim Yong-chol, Vizevorsitzender des Zentralkomitees der Arbeiterpartei, kam am Dienstagvormittag mit einem Flug von Air Koryo am Internationalen Flughafen Peking an. Kim und weitere Nordkoreaner werden offenbar am Mittwochnachmitag nach New York weiterreisen.
Nordkorea und die USA werden ihre Arbeitsgespräche zur Koordinierung der Themen bei einem möglichen Spitzentreffen nach einer eintägigen Verschnaufpause voraussichtlich am Dienstag im Waffenstillstandsort Panmunjom fortsetzen.