Archiv: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe / Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSCE / OSZE)

23.10.2023 - 14:34 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]

Mehr Zusammenarbeit, Souveränität und Frieden: Für ein neues Selbstverständnis in der Außenpolitik

Eine Militärallianz, deren Führungsmacht in den zurückliegenden Jahren fünf Länder völkerrechtswidrig überfallen und in diesen Kriegen mehr als 1 Million Menschen getötet hat, schürt Bedrohungsgefühle und Abwehrreaktionen und trägt so zu globaler Instabilität bei. Statt eines Machtinstruments für geopolitische Ziele brauchen wir ein defensiv ausgerichtetes Verteidigungsbündnis, das die Grundsätze der UN-Charta achtet, Abrüstung anstrebt, statt zu Aufrüstung zu verpflichten, und in dem sich die Mitglieder auf Augenhöhe begegnen. Europa benötigt eine stabile Sicherheitsarchitektur, die längerfristig auch Russland einschließen sollte.

Unser Land verdient eine selbstbewusste Politik, die das Wohlergehen seiner Bürger in den Mittelpunkt stellt und von der Einsicht getragen ist, dass US-amerikanische Interessen sich von unseren Interessen teilweise erheblich unterscheiden. Unser Ziel ist ein eigenständiges Europa souveräner Demokratien in einer multipolaren Welt und keine neue Blockkonfrontation, in der Europa zwischen den USA und dem sich immer selbstbewusster formierenden neuen Machtblock um China und Russland zerrieben wird.

24.06.2021 - 20:14 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation - ]

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security, Moscow, June 24, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen,


I am honoured to be invited once again to address the Moscow Conference on International Security, which is organised by the Defence Ministry of Russia. We are pleased that participants from many states and multilateral organisation are attending it despite the pandemic. I regard this as a shared interest in combining our efforts to improve the international situation and find the best possible solutions to numerous challenges of our time. I am sure that the high level of representation at this event will promote the achievement of these goals.

Eighty years ago today, on June 22, 1941, our homeland was attacked by Nazi Germany, which had occupied nearly all of Europe by that time. The tragedy of World War II is a vivid reminder of what a betrayal of the principle of equal and indivisible security and a feeling of superiority can lead to.

It was through enormous sacrifice and huge losses, above all of the Soviet peoples, that Nazism was defeated and our civilisation was saved. During the terrible war years, the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition demonstrated exceptional teamwork, wisdom, acumen and solidarity, quickly joining forces in the name of routing the aggressor.

26.04.2021 - 23:47 [ ]

Putin, Macron discuss situation in Karabakh

Mutual readiness to coordinate on various aspects of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement was expressed, including through the OSCE Minsk Group“.

02.11.2020 - 14:29 [ ZDF ]

Kritik an US-Wahlen – Nur eingeschränkte Wahlbeobachtung möglich

18 US-Bundesstaaten lassen keine Wahlbeobachter zu: Diese Einschränkungen kritisiert der Chef der OSZE-Wahlbeobachter im ZDF. Auch der Swing State Florida ist betroffen.

16.06.2018 - 07:47 [ OSCE ]

Spot report by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM): Surface-to-air missiles and rounds fired in direction of SMM long-range UAV

Immediately after, the UAV recorded a surface-to-air missile system (9K33 Osa) (in violation of withdrawal lines) about 2km north-west of Panteleimonivka (non-government-controlled, 26km north-east of Donetsk), and about 4km north-east of the area where the UAV was flying, firing a second missile in the direction of the UAV which also followed a ballistic trajectory at a significantly lower altitude than the UAV. About three minutes later, the UAV recorded a probable anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23, 23mm) located near the surface-to-air missile system also firing several rounds in the direction of the UAV. The SMM assessed the fire as directed at the UAV which was returned to base safely.

03.04.2018 - 10:43 [ Tass ]

Germany insists UN peacekeeping mission should be deployed across Donbass

(4.1.2018) A UN mission should be deployed in the areas of eastern Ukraine gripped by the conflict, not just along the contact line to protect observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM), visiting German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said in Kiev on Wednesday.

„It is necessary that a UN armed and powerful mission can be deployed across the entire territory [of Donbass], but not merely for protection of a small group of OSCE mission and along the contact line as a new border of Ukraine,“ Gabriel told a joint news conference with Ukrainian counterpart Pavel Klimkin.