Daily Archives: 12. Juli 2023

12.07.2023 - 06:20 [ Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor ]

EU’s shocking greenlighting of spyware against journalists is extremely dangerous for media freedom

In the first place, proposing to give governments the power to spy on journalists’ phones and computers puts journalists’ sources at risk of identification and provides a high deterrent for “whistleblowers”, threatening the fundamental confidentiality of journalists’ sources and fostering a climate of impunity out of the fear of speaking up and being surveilled.

Secondly, through this new provision, the Council strongly incentivizes the deployment of threatening spyware based solely on Member States’ discretion, despite the numerous recent high-profile scandals involving the use of malware, such as Pegasus and Predator, to subtly surveil journalists and politicians’ communications, suppress dissent and undermine democracy.

12.07.2023 - 05:59 [ Spiked ]

The EU’s Orwellian crackdown on the media

The way the EU uses the term ‘media pluralism’ is a kind of Orwellian doublespeak. It means the opposite of what it implies. The EU doesn’t want pluralism – it wants to concentrate power in Brussels. It doesn’t want freedom – it wants to curb free expression and impose technocratic values from above. And it wants to do all of this without any public debate or accountability.

12.07.2023 - 04:41 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Transatlantische Massenüberwachung: Nimm das doch endlich ernst, Ursula!

Der „Transatlantische Datenschutzrahmen“ garantiert US-Konzernen wie Facebook, dass sie weiterhin Nutzer:innendaten aus Europa ungehindert in die USA übertragen können. Dass sie dort kaum rechtlichen Schutz vor dem anlasslosen wie massenhaften Zugriff der amerikanischen Behörden haben, daran ändert der neue Datenschutzrahmen ebenso wenig wie seine beiden gescheiterten Vorgänger Safe Harbor und Privacy Shield. Schon 2015 und 2020 erklärte der Europäische Gerichtshof diese Beschlüsse der EU-Kommission für ungültig, die eine Blankoerlaubnis für den Datentransfer in die USA geben. Doch allen Bedenken zum Trotz hat die EU-Kommission nun ein drittes Mal einen Blankoscheck ausgestellt – aus der Zusicherung Von der Leyens im Vorjahr wurde nun eine rechtsgültiger Beschluss.

12.07.2023 - 04:29 [ SverigesRadio.se ]

Changes on the horizon as Swedish armed forces prepare for Nato membership

Last night Nato‘s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that Turkey has, after months of negotiations, said yes to Sweden joining the military alliance.

This will mean new tasks ahead for the Swedish armed forces.

12.07.2023 - 04:04 [ Washington Post ]

NATO says it will invite Ukraine to join when ‘conditions are met’; Zelensky calls lack of timeline ‘absurd’

The U.S. delegation was furious with Zelensky’s tweet, according to a person familiar with the situation who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive diplomatic considerations.
President Biden will meet with Zelensky at the summit, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters Tuesday.