Archiv: Uvalde massacre 24-05-2022

08.10.2022 - 07:32 [ ]

Nach Amoklauf: Gesamte Polizei im Schulbezirk Uvalde beurlaubt

„Der Bezirk hat die Entscheidung getroffen, alle Aktivitäten der für den Schulbezirk Uvalde zuständigen Polizei für eine gewisse Zeit auszusetzen. Die derzeit beschäftigten Beamten werden andere Aufgaben im Bezirk übernehmen“, hieß es in einer vom Schulbezirk veröffentlichten Mitteilung. Ende August war der umstrittene Polizeichef des Schulbezirks entlassen worden.

08.10.2022 - 07:12 [ CNN ]

Uvalde school district suspends its police force, 2 school officials placed on administrative leave after CNN report

“Our children have been taken from us. We will not stop fighting until we have answers and we ensure the safety of the children in our community is the top priority,” said a statement from representatives for families of district students.

26.08.2022 - 09:55 [ ]

Uvalde Class Action Lawsuit to be Filed Against Law Enforcement Agencies, Gun Manufacturer

He then listed off Uvalde ISD, its police chief Pete Arredondo, the Uvalde Police Department, the Uvalde County Sheriff, the Texas Rangers, the Department of Public Safety (DPS), and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol as the law enforcement subjects of the impending suit.

26.08.2022 - 09:51 [ ]

Uvalde school police chief fired for response to shooting

In a unanimous vote Wednesday evening, the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District’s board of trustees fired Arredondo during a meeting also attended by parents and survivors of the May 24 massacre. Arredondo, who was not present, is the first officer to lose his job following one of the deadliest classroom shootings in U.S. history.

18.07.2022 - 17:45 [ New York Times ]

Report on Uvalde Shooting Finds ‘Systemic Failures’ in Police Response

After the report came out, the mayor of Uvalde, Don McLaughlin, said the acting chief during the shooting, Lt. Mariano Pargas, had been placed on administrative leave and that the city had begun its own internal investigation. The city released body camera footage documenting the actions of the Uvalde officers at the scene.

The facts laid out in the report also made clear that neither existing gun laws, nor expanded background checks passed by Congress in response to the shooting, would have prevented the gunman, Salvador Ramos, from obtaining the weapon he used.

17.07.2022 - 12:30 [ San Antonio Express-News ]

In June 2 meeting, Uvalde officials painted police response to Robb Elementary shooting as heroic

“My recollection is that (Uvalde Mayor Donald McLaughlin Jr.) was upset with the way that DPS had conducted the press conferences, and they had prepared that narrative and they were going to release it,” Busbee said in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News. “And then I objected to it because … the investigation had just begun so we did not know if that was a true assessment of what transpired. There was no way for us to tell or assess whether or not that narrative was accurate.”

Busbee’s office is investigating the school shooting and how officers on the scene responded.

13.07.2022 - 10:53 [ Newsweek ]

Uvalde Mayor Condemns ‚Chicken‘ Media for Releasing School Shooting Video

Mayor Don McLaughlin criticized The Austin American-Statesman and ABC affiliate KVUE at a meeting of the city council on Tuesday for releasing school surveillance video from the shooting.

McLaughlin told the meeting: „I want to go on the record. The way that video was released today was one of the most chicken things I‘ve ever seen.

Another member of the city council said that it was „chickensh*t.“

13.07.2022 - 10:42 [ ]

Exclusive: Watch Uvalde school shooting video obtained by Statesman showing police response

A 77-minute video recording captured from this vantage point, along with body camera footage from one of the responding officers, obtained by the American-Statesman and KVUE, shows in excruciating detail dozens of sworn officers, local, state and federal — heavily armed, clad in body armor, with helmets, some with protective shields — walking back and forth in the hallway, some leaving the camera frame and then reappearing, others training their weapons toward the classroom, talking, making cellphone calls, sending texts and looking at floor plans, but not entering or attempting to enter the classrooms.

13.07.2022 - 10:20 [ ]

US-Schulmassaker: Neue Videoaufnahmen sorgen für Empörung

Gestern von der Zeitung „Austin American-Statesman“ und dem Lokalsender KVUE veröffentlichte Bilder einer Überwachungskamera zeigen unter anderem, dass Polizisten sich eine Stunde und 14 Minuten lang im Schulflur aufhielten, bevor sie den 18-jährigen Angreifer in einem Klassenzimmer erschossen.

10.06.2022 - 20:43 [ Reese Oxner, breaking news reporter @texastribune / ]

Breaking: DPS confirms to @TexasTribune that on day of the Uvalde school shooting, a teacher shut the door the gunman later entered from but its automatic lock malfunctioned. DPS is investigating why. This contradicts earlier DPS statements that the teacher left the door open.


10.06.2022 - 19:40 [ Texas Tribune ]

Waiting for keys, unable to break down doors: Uvalde schools police chief defends delay in confronting gunman

Eventually, a janitor provided six keys. Arredondo tried each on a door adjacent to the room where the gunman was, but it didn’t open.

Later, another key ring with between 20 and 30 keys was brought to Arredondo.

“I was praying one of them was going to open up the door each time I tried a key,” Arredondo said in an interview.

None did.

Eventually, the officers on the north side of the hallway called Arredondo’s cellphone and told him they had gotten a key that could open the door.

The officers on the north side of the hallway formed a group of mixed law enforcement agencies, including U.S. Border Patrol, to enter the classroom and take down the shooter, Arredondo said.

10.06.2022 - 19:30 [ CNN ]

Uvalde school police chief says he didn‘t keep officers from breaching massacre scene and didn‘t consider himself the commander, report says

I didn‘t issue any orders,“ he told the Tribune, though the outlet reports the chief did instruct officers to start breaking the outside windows of other classrooms and begin evacuating students. „I called for assistance and asked for an extraction tool to open the door“ of one of the classrooms where the shooting happened, he said.

Arredondo „assumed that some other officer or official had taken control of the larger response,“ the Tribune wrote.

09.06.2022 - 11:38 [ CNN ]

Uvalde mayor says he‘s frustrated by lack of transparency in school shooting investigation

„We‘ve asked for a briefing or something but we‘re not getting it. I‘ve been told they‘re law enforcement and we‘re not going to be entitled to it at this time,“ Mayor Don McLaughlin said at a city council meeting. „I‘ve asked everybody involved for a briefing at one point or another. It‘s frustrating, but again I‘ve been told I‘m not law enforcement, but it makes me feel real frustrated.“
He said he has asked other officials with insights on the investigation to hold a press conference, to no avail.

06.06.2022 - 18:05 [ WFAA / Youtube ]

Why the Texas school shooting records may not be released

As another Uvalde student is laid to rest, Texas officials are calling for the end of the „dead suspect loophole,“ which can stop records from being released.

06.06.2022 - 18:02 [ Fox News ]

Uvalde, Texas school shooting response hampered by poor police radio communications: official

Mr. Anderson, who was serving as homeland security director for nine counties in South Texas at the time the system was installed, said state investigators have tested the radio system inside the building in the last few days, but he didn’t know the outcome of that test. An official from the Texas Department of Public Safety, which is leading the state investigation, didn’t respond to a request for comment about the results of the test.

02.06.2022 - 15:46 [ ]

Uvalde school shooting: Narratives, and blame, shift again as dysfunction engulfs shooting probe


In the school teacher’s case, Texas DPS Director Steven McCraw said Friday that the unnamed teacher had propped open the door through which the gunman entered the school. DPS now says a teacher shut that door but its automatic lock malfunctioned. Considine said DPS is investigating why the lock didn’t work.

The reversal came hours after a lawyer representing the teacher told the San Antonio Express-News that the teacher closed the door before the shooter entered the building.

02.06.2022 - 15:21 [ ]

Border Patrol Agents Killed the Uvalde School Shooter. But Why Were They on the Scene?

(May 26, 2022)

A CBP official told Texas Monthly that as emergency calls first came in, four agents with CBP’s Bortac SWAT team were investigating stash houses on the border to the west of Uvalde. The agents immediately responded, arriving at the school just before noon. Bortac (Border Patrol Tactical Unit) is CBP’s’s paramilitary force, an elite group of agents trained to exchange gunfire with cartels.


In all, as many as eighty CBP agents, including some who were off duty, rushed to the school during and after the shooting.


CORRECTION: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents did not respond to the shooting. ICE agents were on the scene during and after the shooting. The article has been updated.

02.06.2022 - 15:13 [ ]

Border patrol agent drove 40 miles to respond to mass shooting at Uvalde elementary school, sources say


Escalon said Ramos entered the school through an unlocked door. DPS officials said at 11:44 am officers entered the school and came under heavy gunfire from Ramos. (…)

Sources close to this investigation tell KPRC 2 Investigates the Border Patrol agent who is credited with stopping Ramos was eating lunch at the Mill Creek Café in the town of Leakey when he heard the call go out over his radio. Sources tell KPRC 2 even though the agent was not in uniform, he didn’t hesitate to jump into his vehicle and drive 40 miles to Robb elementary. We are told the agent is a member of Border Patrol’s tactical team known as BORTAC.

02.06.2022 - 14:58 [ CNN ]

A timeline of how the Texas school massacre — and the police response — unfolded

(June 1, 2022)

11:33 a.m.: The shooter enters the school and begins shooting into a classroom, which is connected to a second class. He shot „at least“ 100 rounds, McCraw said.


11:42 a.m.: A source close to a teacher receives a text saying there was an active shooter on campus. CNN saw the text chain and confirmed the timestamps.


12:15 p.m.: Members of the Border Patrol‘s tactical unit, BORTAC, arrive on scene, McCraw said.


12:50 p.m.: Law enforcement breach the locked classroom door using keys from a janitor, McCraw said. They shoot and kill the suspect.

02.06.2022 - 14:56 [ NBC News ]

‚Please send the police now‘: Uvalde student called 911 multiple times during shooting

(May 27, 2022)

The first 911 call came in at 12:03 p.m. local time. McCraw said the girl whispered that she was in room 112. The call lasted one minute and 23 seconds.

The girl called back again at 12:10 and said multiple people were dead, he said. She called at 12:13, and again at 12:16 to say that eight or nine students were alive.

02.06.2022 - 14:47 [ Huffington Post ]

America Had 3 Simultaneous Shootings On Wednesday, Less Than 2 Weeks After Uvalde


Four people were killed in a shooting at a medical building in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Wednesday. Police said a gunman carrying a rifle and a handgun opened fire on a hospital campus just before 5 p.m. local time, wounding several others before the shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Just before, the Los Angeles Police Department said shots were fired outside Grant High School in the Van Nuys neighborhood. Authorities said an unknown gunman fired three or four shots from a vehicle. A 10th grader was shot in the leg and taken to the hospital. The extent of injuries was unclear.

28.05.2022 - 06:56 [ ]

Schulmassaker in Uvalde: Behörde räumt schwere Fehler ein

Stattdessen sei in die Entscheidung getroffen worden, auf Spezialkräfte zu warten. Die Einsatzkräfte vor Ort seien davon ausgegangen, dass der Schütze nicht mehr schieße, sondern sich lediglich verbarrikadiert habe. Dies habe sich im Nachhinein als Fehleinschätzung erwiesen. Erst um 12.50 Uhr öffneten Spezialkräfte, Beamte der Grenzschutzpolizei, die Tür zum Klassenraum mit einem Schlüssel, wie McCraw weiter schilderte. Diesen Schlüssel hätten sich die Einsatzkräfte vom Hausmeister besorgt.

28.05.2022 - 06:49 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Uvalde Shooter Fired Outside School for 12 Minutes Before Entering

Local residents voiced anger Thursday about the time it took to end the mass shooting at an elementary school here, as police laid out a fresh timeline that showed the gunman entered the building unobstructed after lingering outside for 12 minutes firing shots.

28.05.2022 - 06:33 [ NBC News ]

‚Please send the police now‘: Uvalde student called 911 multiple times during shooting

The first 911 call came in at 12:03 p.m. local time. McCraw said the girl whispered that she was in room 112. The call lasted one minute and 23 seconds.

The girl called back again at 12:10 and said multiple people were dead, he said. She called at 12:13, and again at 12:16 to say that eight or nine students were alive.

At 12:19, a second student called 911 from room 111, according to McCraw. The girl hung up when another student told her to, he said.

McCraw said that during a 911 call at 12:21, three shots could be heard in the background. An additional call came in at 12:36 but only lasted 21 seconds. The director said the first girl called 911 again and „was told to stay on the line and be very quiet.“

At approximately 12:43 and 12:47, the girl asked a 911 operator to „please send the police now,“ McCraw said.

28.05.2022 - 06:29 [ ]

Border Patrol Agents Killed the Uvalde School Shooter. But Why Were They on the Scene?

A CBP official told Texas Monthly that as emergency calls first came in, four agents with CBP’s Bortac SWAT team were investigating stash houses on the border to the west of Uvalde. The agents immediately responded, arriving at the school just before noon. Bortac (Border Patrol Tactical Unit) is CBP’s’s paramilitary force, an elite group of agents trained to exchange gunfire with cartels.

28.05.2022 - 06:09 [ Texas Tribune ]

Gov. Greg Abbott says he was misled about poor police response to Uvalde shooting

“I am livid about what happened,” Abbott said during a news conference in Uvalde, the site of the shooting where a gunman killed 19 students and two adults Tuesday. “The information I was given turned out, in part, to be inaccurate, and I am absolutely livid about that.”

In his first news conference after the shooting, Abbott had praised how police handled the shooting, applauding their „amazing courage.“

28.05.2022 - 06:04 [ associated press ]

‘Horrifying’ conspiracy theories swirl around Texas shooting

(May 26, 2022)

By now it’s as predictable as the calls for thoughts and prayers: A mass shooting leaves many dead, and wild conspiracy theories and misinformation about the carnage soon follow.

27.05.2022 - 10:55 [ ZDF ]

Täter eine Stunde an Schule : Kritik an US-Polizei nach Amoklauf in Texas

Darüber, wie genau sich die Tat abgespielt hat, hatte es in den vergangenen Tagen widersprüchliche Angaben von der Polizei gegeben. Zunächst hieß es, der Schütze sei bereits vor der Schule von einer Sicherheitskraft konfrontiert worden. Das bestätigte Escalon nun nicht. Stattdessen konnte der 18-Jährige ungehindert durch eine unverschlossene Tür in die Schule laufen.

Bei der Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag gerieten die Behörden unter Rechtfertigungsdruck. „Warum klären Sie das nicht auf und erklären uns, wie es sein kann, dass Ihre Beamten eine Stunde lang drin waren (…), aber niemand in der Lage, in diesen Raum zu gelangen?“, fragte ein Journalist.

25.05.2022 - 12:32 [ KPIX CBS SF Bay Area / Youtube ]

Bay Area districts express grief, increase patrols following massacre at Texas elementary school

School officials across the Bay Area expressed sorrow and extra patrols are planned in the wake of a massacre at a Texas elementary school where 19 students were killed. Sara Donchey reports. (5/24/22)

25.05.2022 - 11:59 [ ]

Arizona Democrat drops f-bombs on ‚baby killer‘ Ted Cruz for dismissing gun control

Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), a potential challenger to centrist Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, criticized Cruz as a hypocrite for identifying himself as an anti-abortion lawmaker and pushing for the reversal of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortions nationwide, but not taking more steps to fight mass shootings.