Archiv: El Pais (media)

13.09.2023 - 18:55 [ El Pais ]

Thirty years after the Oslo Accords, no one talks about peace in Israel and Palestine

In November 1995, Israel’s then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin organized an event in Tel Aviv in defense of the Oslo Accords he had reached two years earlier with the Palestinians. The objective was to try to regain the initiative in the face of the growing right-wing campaign against him.

In his speech in front of a crowd of about 100,000, the pragmatic Rabin — who ended up believing in a dialogue that began behind his back — said the word ‘peace’ 31 times. On average, once every 20 words. The event concluded with the Song for Peace (“Don’t say the day will come, make it come”). Minutes later, a Jewish right-wing extremist murdered him for “handing over his land and his people to the enemies,” as he would proudly admit at trial.

25.07.2023 - 13:55 [ ]

Ecuador: Spionageberichte von UC Global über Rafael Correa sollen an CIA gegangen sein

UC Global wurde ursprünglich von der ecuadorianischen Regierung unter Correa mit der Sicherheit in der Botschaft des Andenstaates in London betraut, in der Julian Assange 2012 Zuflucht suchte. Im Schatten ihres eigentlichen Auftrags belauschte die Firma damals mehrere Gespräche zwischen Assange und seinen Anwälten und Besuchern, kopierten die Daten ihrer elektronischen Geräte und gaben die erlangten Informationen an den US-Auslandsgeheimdienst CIA weiter. Im August 2022 verklagten deshalb Anwältinnen von Assange und zwei Journalisten den CIA, dessen Ex-Chef Mike Pompeo und UC Global.

19.07.2023 - 20:54 [ ]

A Spanish security company allegedly spied on Rafael Correa at the request of the CIA | The newspaper El País published documents from a case pending in Madrid

In another part of the article published by the Spanish newspaper it is stated that Morales allegedly spied on Correa’s two daughters through computer viruses installed on his phones in 2014 when he was still in government. The two iPhone 5s delivered by UC Global to Sofia and Anne had “Trojan horses” from the Tradesegur company installed. These Trojans allowed full control over their messages and conversations while the girls studied in France without their parents knowing.

18.07.2023 - 17:50 [ El Pais ]

Spanish company that spied on Assange allegedly informed CIA about meetings held by Latin American leaders

David Morales, owner of the Spanish security company UC Global, S.L., which spied on Julian Assange during the Wikileaks founder’s time at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, also allegedly spied for the CIA on meetings held in 2018 by the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa (2007-2017), with former presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay – Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff and José Mujica – according to a new examination of his MacBook laptop ordered by Spanish Judge Santiago Pedraz, who has been investigating Morales for three years.

04.02.2022 - 08:54 [ El Pais ]

Pentagon says documents published by EL PAÍS show US is willing to negotiate with Russia

Kirby mentioned the documents in his opening remarks ahead of a news conference at the Department of Defense. “We did not make this document public, but now that it is, it confirms to the entire world what we’ve always been saying: there is no daylight between our public statements and our private discussions,” he said.

04.02.2022 - 08:45 [ El Pais ]

US offered disarmament measures to Russia in exchange for deescalation of military threat in Ukraine

(02 Feb 2022)

The United States and NATO reject signing a bilateral agreement on security in Europe with Russia and also closing the door on the future incorporation of Ukraine into the Atlantic Alliance. Those were two of the main demands presented by Moscow to put an end to the crisis in Ukraine at a moment of maximum tension between Russia and the West and that threatened Euro-Atlantic security. By contrast, both Washington and the Alliance offer Putin negotiations on disarmament agreements and trust-building measures in different forums – such as the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the US-Russia Strategic Stability Dialogue, and the NATO-Russia Council – the success of which are conditioned on the start of a deescalation of the Russian military threat to Ukraine.

10.05.2021 - 14:10 [ El Pais ]

Outdoor parties erupt across Spain as state of alarm ends

The first night without the state of alarm saw an atmosphere of partying in many parts of Spain on Saturday night, as revelers took to the street from midnight onward when the emergency measures that had been in place for six months in a bid to control the spread of the coronavirus expired. The festivities took place on the streets of the country despite the fact that the epidemiological data is far from good.