Daily Archives: 17. April 2022

17.04.2022 - 22:52 [ Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Twitter ]

Wishing all our Christian citizens a happy Easter.

17.04.2022 - 22:49 [ Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Twitter ]

What happened in Punjab Assembly was condemnable & against all democratic norms & constitutional provisions. No one was in the Chair conducting the supposed elections – a total violation of all norms. We reject this sham mafia-captured „elections“

17.04.2022 - 22:35 [ Sky News / Twitter ]

Tens of thousands of people turned out in Karachi to protest against the removal of former Prime Minister Imran Khan from power. Imran Khan has accused the US of being behind his downfall because he asked Russia for economic help.

17.04.2022 - 22:29 [ Hindustan Times ]

Over 40 civilians including children killed in Pakistan airstrikes in Afghanistan

Over 40 Afghan civilians, including children, were killed after Pakistani aircraft launched airstrikes in different parts of Khost and Kunar provinces on Friday night, according to Habib Khan, a journalist and the founder of Afghan peace watch, Afghanistan‘s independent peace watchdog.

17.04.2022 - 21:30 [ ORF.at ]

Afghanistan meldet fast 50 Tote durch pakistanische Luftangriffe

Durch pakistanische Luftangriffe sind in Afghanistan nach Angaben der Behörden fast 50 Menschen getötet worden, die meisten von ihnen Frauen und Kinder. Wie ein Behördenvertreter heute der Nachrichtenagentur AFP sagte, wurden in der Provinz Khost im Osten des Landes bei den Angriffen am Vortag 41 Zivilisten getötet und mehr als 20 weitere verletzt. Aus der ebenfalls im Osten Afghanistans gelegenen Provinz Kunar wurden sechs Todesopfer gemeldet.

17.04.2022 - 21:13 [ Kathimerini ]

Exchange of gunfire at border leaves one woman dead

A serious incident was recorded late on Saturday night on the Evros river border crossing that left one woman dead. According to information available to Kathimerini, there was an exchange of gunfire between Greek border guards and a Turkish vessel smuggling migrants across the border.

17.04.2022 - 20:43 [ ORF.at ]

Athen protestiert gegen türkische Kampfjets über Ägäis

Griechenland hat gegen Flüge türkischer Kampfjets über Ägäis-Inseln protestiert. Außenminister Nikos Dendias sagte der Athener Zeitung „Kathimerini“ (Sonntag-Ausgabe), die zahlreichen Überflüge der Militärflugzeuge seien eine eklatante Verletzung des internationalen Rechts und stünden nicht im Einklang mit den jüngsten Bemühungen um Entspannung zwischen Athen und Ankara.

17.04.2022 - 20:30 [ Interfax.com.ua ]

Attention: people disappeared in Chernihiv, Kiev and Kharkov regions, please help in the search („Find your loved ones“, 04/16/2022)

We ask citizens whose relatives do not get in touch to send us all the information. We recommend using the following contact form:
1. Full name of the missing person;
2. Your contact details;
3. Photo of the missing person, description of special features;
4. Approximate place of the last stay of the missing person.

The „Find Your Loved Ones“ project is non-commercial, all your appeals will be edited and published free of charge in the media.

We invite colleagues from the media to join the initiative!

17.04.2022 - 20:11 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

The head of the #Zaporizhzhya regional state administration, Oleg Buryak, reports that the #Russian military kidnapped his 16-year-old son Vladislav. This information was also confirmed by Zlata Nekrasova, deputy head of the Zaporizhzhya regional military administration.

„My son was kidnapped. #Russians kidnapped him. He is only 16 years old. I don‘t know where my son is now. I appeal to #European community, to all humanity – help me. Let the whole world know that Russians are kidnapping children here in the country,“ said Oleg Buryak.

17.04.2022 - 08:23 [ Interfax.com.ua ]

Zelensky believes that peace treaty with Russia should consist of two documents

„Moscow would like to have one treaty that would contain the solution of all issues. However, everyone does not quite see themselves at the table with Russia. For them, security guarantees for Ukraine are one issue, while agreements with Russia are another issue. Russia wants everything to be in one document, but people say: sorry, they saw what happened in Bucha, circumstances are changing,“ the president said.

17.04.2022 - 07:58 [ ZEIT ONLINE / Twitter ]

Die #EU-Kommission will Russland-Sanktionen auf #Sberbank ausweiten. Auch an einem Mechanismus für ein #Ölembargo wird laut Ursula von der Leyen gearbeitet.

17.04.2022 - 07:44 [ Reitschuster.de ]

Der Maskensumpf – Millionen-Provisionen für Vermittlung

“In einem aktuellen Verfahren beim Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) in Karlsruhe um Sauter und Nüßlein hat die Bundesanwaltschaft Partei ergriffen für die beiden ehedem führenden CSU-Politiker. Nach Ansicht der Bundesanwaltschaft verstoßen die Masken-Provisionen nicht gegen den Anti-Korruptionsparagrafen (§ 108e) für Parlamentarier. Das geht aus einer 50-seitigen Stellungnahme der Bundesanwaltschaft von Ende Februar für den BGH hervor, der über diesen Fall entscheiden muss”, schreibt die Süddeutsche Zeitung, die bereits das Verfahren am OLG begleitete.