Daily Archives: 4. März 2020

04.03.2020 - 20:58 [ David Knowles / Twitter ]

Bernie Sanders says he „hasn‘t seen the latest delegate count.“ Really?

04.03.2020 - 20:56 [ Bernie Sanders / Youtube ]


BIG WINS ON SUPER TUESDAY: Bernie reacts to the Super Tuesday results and gives an update on how we will win the nomination.

04.03.2020 - 20:48 [ John Couvillon, Founder of JMC Analytics and Polling / Twitter ]

CALIFORNIA BASELINE (99.9999% of precincts counted) Dems: 2.987 million. Sanders 34 (+1), Biden 25 (+1), Bloomberg 14 (-1), Warren 12

And the counting will take place until April 1. Once we get an idea of how many votes are left to count (which JMC believes are in the 3-4 million range) at the end of the week, the „California counting“ begins.

04.03.2020 - 19:43 [ Bloomberg.com ]

Stocks Extend Gains on Stimulus Hopes, Biden Wins: Markets Wrap

The S&P 500 headed for its second gain in three days after former Vice President Joe Biden won a majority of state primaries on Super Tuesday, dulling some investors concerns about the possibility of a more liberal candidate challenging President Donald Trump in November.

04.03.2020 - 19:33 [ John F. Harris / Politico ]

How a raw exercise of power yielded the Biden-Sanders showdown

Super Tuesday was a demonstration that, when the stakes are highest, politics is not about fashion. It is about power.

04.03.2020 - 19:29 [ CBS News ]

Bloomberg ends presidential run and endorses Biden after Super Tuesday rejection

Bloomberg released a statement saying he would be leaving the race and endorsing Joe Biden.

04.03.2020 - 18:11 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Bayer in der Bredouille

Die CBG hat nun, wie ihr Geschäftsführer Axel Köhler-Schnura berichtet, für die Bayer-Hauptversammlung am 28. April einen Antrag auf Nicht-Entlastung des Vorstands gestellt.

04.03.2020 - 17:50 [ PressTV ]

Riyadh to execute 5 teenage activists: Rights group

Over the past years, Riyadh has also redefined its anti-terrorism laws to target political activism.

04.03.2020 - 16:22 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Wikimedia startet Kampagne für Nutzungsfreiheit bei öffentlich-rechtlichen Bildungsinhalten

Die neueste Kampagne ist Teil der bereits seit einiger Zeit laufenden Initiative „Öffentliches Geld – öffentliches Gut“, mit der sich Wikimedia Deutschland gemeinsam mit anderen Partnern für freie Lizenzen bei öffentlich finanzierten Inhalten einsetzt.

04.03.2020 - 16:14 [ junge Welt ]

General im Gesundheitsministerium

Es ist ja auch keine normale Planstelle, sondern eine der Besoldungsgruppe B 9. Damit bekleidet man nach dem Staatssekretär das dritthöchste Amt innerhalb der Beamtenhierarchie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

04.03.2020 - 16:00 [ NDR ]

Datenmissbrauch: Erneut Ermittlungen bei der Polizei

In drei Fällen sei die Abfrage sogar für „Dritte“ erfolgt. Wer von Polizeibeamten mit personenbezogenen Daten beliefert wurde, ließ das Ministerium offen. Ungeklärt ist bisher auch, ob gegen die Beamten Disziplinarmaßnahmen oder andere rechtliche Schritte eingeleitet wurden.

04.03.2020 - 15:18 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Ecuador: Verfassungsgericht lehnt Volksbefragung über Bergbauverbot ab

Die im Süden Ecuadors liegende Provinz mit ihren 712.000 Einwohnern ist reich an Gold und Kupfer. Für deren Abbau werden große Mengen an Wasser benötigt, weshalb Pérez und Umweltaktivisten sich in der Vergangenheit immer wieder gegen die Minenindustrie positioniert hatten

04.03.2020 - 12:55 [ Caitlin Huey-Burns, Political Reporter for @CBSnews / Twitter ]

We talked to one man who had waited three hours to vote. I asked if it was worth it and he said yes but that it was a terrible for democracy to have to wait this long to vote in the United States.

04.03.2020 - 12:38 [ New York Times ]

Lines to vote in Texas were horrific. Poll closures were probably a factor.

(4 hours ago)

As of 1 a.m. Eastern time, some polls were still open, but even the Texas secretary of state’s office could not say how many. Only county-level officials could provide that information, the office said.

There are 254 counties in Texas.

04.03.2020 - 12:22 [ New York Times ]

Long Waits Frustrate Los Angeles Voters

There were also reports of voting machines malfunctioning.

Late Tuesday, Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign filed an emergency motion asking a Los Angeles county judge to keep polling places open for an additional two hours on Tuesday night because of widespread reports of long lines and problems with voting machines, a spokeswoman for the campaign said.

The filing came after a steady stream of complaints throughout the county of faulty machines and two-hour waits in neighborhoods including Westwood, the San Fernando Valley, Los Feliz and the east side of Los Angeles.

04.03.2020 - 12:14 [ MSNBC ]

‚They must have been doing this on purpose‘: Why this man waited 5.5 hours to vote

Garett Haake speaks with a voter at HBCU Texas Southern University in Houston about his experience voting, and explained why the process took so long and how it differed from last year. Rachel Maddow responds, saying this is something „systematically underway in Texas.“

04.03.2020 - 11:46 [ apnews.com ]

Biden claims 9 Super Tuesday victories, including Texas

A resurgent Joe Biden scored victories from Texas to Massachusetts on Super Tuesday, revitalizing a presidential bid that was teetering on the edge of disaster just days earlier. But his rival, Bernie Sanders, seized the biggest prize with a win in California that ensured he — and his embrace of democratic socialism — would drive the Democrats’ nomination fight for the foreseeable future.

04.03.2020 - 06:36 [ The Texas Tribune ]

Texas voting lines last hours after polls close on Super Tuesday

March 3, 2020 10:30 PM

Voters in Houston, in Dallas and at Texas State University reported facing wait times that extended past two hours after polls closed.

04.03.2020 - 06:20 [ The Hill ]

Extra voting machines brought in as voters across Texas face long lines

Dozens of extra voting machines were sent to TSU and some other locations, though the slow pace appeared to leave many waiting or giving up entirely.

.@HarrisVotes has sent out 68 extra Democratic machines to locations.

04.03.2020 - 05:32 [ Kevin Shea Adams / Twitter ]

“Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign filed an emergency motion asking a Los Angeles county judge to keep polling places open for an additional two hours on Tuesday night because of widespread reports of long lines and problems with voting machines”

04.03.2020 - 04:52 [ ABC News / Twitter ]

Joe Biden praises Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg and Beto O’Rourke — the former 2020 candidates who endorsed him: “Our campaign reflects the diversity of this party and this nation and that’s how it should be.”

abcn.ws/3cuTJqs #SuperTuesday

04.03.2020 - 03:49 [ LA Times ]

Long lines and lots of questions as L.A. County voters cast ballots on brand-new system

While some Angelenos had a different experience — giving the new voting machines high marks and applauding the extended hours of operation — a number of the in-person locations were unprepared to handle the throngs of voters who wanted to participate in the most talked-about California presidential primary in at least a generation.

04.03.2020 - 03:39 [ USA Today ]

Long lines reported at poll locations in Texas, California

„These closures and delays led to extended wait times for voters,“ she said. „In addition, the secretary of state’s website, which is used for checking voter registration was down for a large period of the day.“

04.03.2020 - 00:35 [ Mark Ruffalo / Twitter ]

Democrats, don’t be defined by the negative of what is “impossible.” Define yourself by the possibility of what is imaginable.

#NotMeUs #BernieSanders #SuperTuesday

04.03.2020 - 00:33 [ Political Polls / Twitter ]

1344 pledged delegates at stake tonight

California (415)
Texas (228)
North Carolina (110)
Virginia (99)
Massachusetts (91)
Minnesota (75)
Colorado (67)
Tennessee (64)
Alabama (52)
Oklahoma (37)
Arkansas (31)
Utah (29)
Maine (24)
Vermont (16)
American Samoa (6)
