Wer arbeitet, ist materiell häufig nur wenig besser dran: Beinahe ein Viertel (22,6 Prozent) aller abhängig Beschäftigten arbeitet im Niedriglohnsektor. Dieser Anteil, so das Gutachten, sei jüngst ein wenig zurückgegangen, habe sich aber »auf einem hohen Niveau stabilisiert«.
Daily Archives: 7. August 2018
Faschistischer Überfall auf linken Buchladen in London
Der Angriff ist Bestandteil von vorsätzlich organisierten und wohlfinanzierten rechtsradikalen Aktivitäten in Großbritannien und weltweit.
Israeli Right-wing Bot Network Exposed – and It May Be the Tip of the Iceberg
Israeli investigator Noam Rotem has uncovered fake social media accounts spreading false rumors about the left and intensifying political opinions
North Korea returns South Korean hostage via Panmunjom
The repatriated person is a 34-year-old, whose surname is Suh, said Seoul‘s unification ministry. He entered North Korea late last month, the ministry said, citing a message from the North.
The person crossed into the South at 11 a.m., it added.
Further details were not available immediately.
US holds key to ending Korean War
„It seems unlikely that a joint declaration to officially end the Korean War will materialize sometime soon. The South wants to see quick progress. But the United States, which holds the key, wants the North to specify a detailed timetable for dismantling its nuclear weapons,“ said Bong Young-shik, a North Korean expert at Seoul‘s Yonsei University.
Gov‘t denies report of ship carrying N. Korean coal
South Korea‘s foreign ministry confirmed the entry of the ship itself but said it‘s carrying Russian coal.
„There has been no confirmation of a violation of the (U.N.) Security Council resolution in an inspection of the ship by related authorities,“ the ministry‘s spokesman Noh Kyu-duk said at a press briefing.
Russia has information on possible military plans by US, other countries, says Lavrov
(30.7.2018) „Rest assured, we are aware of the schemes harbored by the militaries of both the US and other Western countries against the Russian Federation,“ Lavrov stated in response to the question about how Russia meets modern challenges in the sphere of security.
Russland sagt Israel Sicherung von Golan-Grenzlinie zu
Die Agentur hatte berichtet, Russland habe Israel versichert, es werde sicherstellen, dass die syrische Armee die Waffenstillstandslinie von 1974 nicht überschreitet. TASS berief sich in dem Bericht auf den israelischen Botschafter in Moskau, Gary Koren.
A Top Syrian Scientist Is Killed, and Fingers Point at Israel
It was at least the fourth assassination mission by Israel in three years against an enemy weapons engineer on foreign soil, a senior official from a Middle Eastern intelligence agency confirmed on Monday. The following account is based on information provided by the official, whose agency was informed about the operation.
US-Sanktionen: Daimler stellt Geschäft im Iran komplett ein
Daimler hatte 2016 nach dem Ende der Sanktionen angekündigt, im Iran Lkw verkaufen zu wollen. Dafür hatte das Unternehmen ein Abkommen über die Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens mit einem iranischen Fahrzeughersteller geschlossen. Daimler wollte im Iran Mercedes-Benz Lkw und Antriebskomponenten bauen.
Chinese astronomers discover giant star rich in lithium
With 3,000 times more lithium than a normal star, it was found in the direction of Ophiuchus, on the north side of the galactic disk, at a distance of 4,500 light years from Earth.
China weist US-Forderung zurück, Ölkäufe vom Iran zu reduzieren
China und Indien sind die Hauptabnehmer des iranischen Öls und die Hauptadressaten der US-Forderungen. Der iranische Außenminister sagt, dass China besonders „ausschlaggebend“ für die Erhaltung des P5+1-Atomabkommens ist.
Trotz Haft: Lula wird Präsidentschaftskandidat in Brasilien
Das Oberste Wahlgericht wird ab Mitte August über die Nominierung entscheiden und aller Voraussicht nach die Kandidatur ablehnen.
Die PT hat darum Fernando Haddad, den ehemaligen Bürgermeister von São Paulo, zum Vizepräsidentschaftskandidaten ernannt.
U.N. guidelines expected to boost S. Korea‘s aid plan for N. Korea
New U.N. guidelines on humanitarian aid for North Korea are expected to provide a much-needed boost to efforts to help the country‘s people in need, government officials here said Tuesday.
Südkorea und China beraten über Erklärung formellen Kriegsendes in Korea
Das Treffen mit seinem Amtskollegen und Abteilungsleiter im chinesischen Außenministerium Kong Xuanyou hat Südkoreas Chefunterhändler Lee Do-hoon heute vor seiner Abreise in Peking bestätigt.
Egypt Sentences Tourist to Eight Years Jail for Complaining about Vacation Online
(27.7.2018) el-Mazbouh was arrested at Cairo’s airport and found guilty of deliberately spreading false rumors that would harm society, attacking religion, and public indecency. She was sentenced to eight years in prison.
Google, Seeking a Return to China, Is Said to Be Building a Censored Search Engine
(1.8.2018) Google withdrew from China eight years ago to protest the country’s censorship and online hacking. Now, the internet giant is working on a censored search engine for China that will filter websites and search terms that are blacklisted by the Chinese government, according to two people with knowledge of the plans.
Google has teams of engineers working on a search app that restricts content banned by Beijing, said the people, who asked for anonymity because they were not permitted to speak publicly about the project. The company has demonstrated the service to Chinese government officials, they added.
BBC Migrates Everything To HTTPS, Immediately Finds Itself Blocked By The Chinese Government
Move to HTTPS; lose the Chinese. That‘s the revised internet maxim. China‘s Great Firewall has gradually reduced the number of foreign sites accessible by Chinese citizens… „gradually“ only in the sense that it‘s been a continuous rollout steadily decreasing web access. The government blocked an entire content delivery network at one point, so even this gradual rollout has seen its share of spikes.
As is being collaboratively reported at WikiTribune, the BBC says the move to HTTPS for all of it properties has resulted in Chinese citizens being unable to access their contents.
The empire strikes back: Apple, Spotify, Facebook and Google/Youtube all purge Infowars/Alex Jones. Yes, Infowars has frequent nonsense, but also a state power critique. Which publisher in the world with millions of subscribers is next to be wiped out for cultural transgression?
YouTube, Facebook and Apple shut down Alex Jones channels
YouTube, Facebook and Apple have taken steps to remove content associated with InfoWars and its founder Alex Jones.
Facebook‘s Censorship Of Legit Activists Shows The Policing Of Propaganda Is Going To Be A Fucking Mess
(3.8.2018) Earlier this week, Facebook announced that it had uncovered a new wave of disinformation attacks ahead of the 2018 elections. To hear Facebook tell it, the new attacks pretty closely mirror Russia‘s Internet Research Agency attacks during the 2016 election. As in, the culprits are trying to sow distrust and amplify partisan divisions on both sides of the aisle by creating fake organizations, fake people, fake news, and rockin‘ memes. How much that actually accomplishes is the matter of some debate, but it‘s also pretty clear we don‘t yet understand how deep this rabbit hole really goes.
According to Facebook, this latest attack on the nation‘s gullible shows signs of evolution from the more ham-fisted attacks seen during the 2016 election. And while there‘s no hard link to Russia yet, Facebook claims there are some connections between Russian Internet Research Agency „troll farm“ accounts and this new wave of disinformation:
UN-Sicherheitsrat verabschiedet Richtlinien für humanitäre Hilfe für Nordkorea
Die Änderungen sollen bewirken, dass das Komitee Anträge von Hilfsorganisationen oder internationalen Organisationen auf eine Ausnahme von den Sanktionen zügig bearbeitet und Hilfsgüter möglichst schnell geliefert werden.
Moïse chooses Jean Henry Céant as new Prime Minister
„Following consultations with the Presidents of the two branches of Parliament, I have chosen the citizen Jean Henry Céant as new Prime Minister,“ announced the President of the Republic of Haiti Jovenel Moïse, following a two-day consultation with the presidents of both branches of parliament, and many sectors of national life in the last 3 weeks, after the resignation of Jack Guy Lafontant, following an increase in petroleum products, and the withdrawal of the messure by the Government.
Perseiden-Sternschnuppen 2018: Der große Meteor-Regen im August
2018 ist ein besonders lohnendes Jahr für die Perseiden, denn anders als im vergangenen Jahr stört diesmal der Mond das Schauspiel nicht mit seinem Licht: Seine dünne Sichel geht bereits um halb zehn Uhr abends unter, gerade rechtzeitig, bevor es so richtig losgeht. Das recht breite Maximum der Perseiden beginnt diesmal am 12. August ab zehn Uhr abends und dauert die ganze Nacht, bis es gegen halb fünf Uhr morgens zu hell wird.