Archiv: Veterans for Peace (organization)

01.09.2024 - 04:19 [ Common Dreams ]

Join Us to Expose and Oppose the US and Israel’s Flouting of International Law

From September 10 to September 30, World BEYOND War, Code Pink, Veterans For Peace, Pax Christi, and other coalition partners will leaflet, demonstrate, and nonviolently act to expose and oppose Israeli and U.S. actions that flout international law. We will gather before both the United States’ U.N. Mission and the Israeli Consulate demanding both nations desist from further massacres, forcible displacement, and the use of starvation and disease as weapons.

26.06.2022 - 10:39 [ Veterans for Peace ]

Veterans For Peace Statement on Ukraine

Veterans For Peace (VFP) unequivocally condemns Russia‘s horrific invasion of Ukraine. VFP opposes western militarism and increased US military spending, and we are deeply concerned about even the possibility of nuclear warfare.

18.08.2021 - 11:40 [ Veterans for Peace ]

VFP Statement on U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Veterans For Peace has previously condemned the U.S. „forever wars“ against „terror“ and called for withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and other places in the world. We unequivocally believe that war is not the answer to any problem and that there is no military solution in Afghanistan.

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was shameful and poorly executed. We have left too many behind. It was only after veteran and media outcry over leaving dedicated translators and their families, people who risked their lives for us that the U.S. decided, too late, to include them in our withdrawal. Many Afghans have been blocked by callus immigration policy and „Muslim Bans“ from seeking safety in the United States, from the destabilization in Afghanistan that the U.S. created. Caring for refugees and civilians fleeing from conflict is basic decency, and the United States fails to act with the urgency required to protect people. Casual disregard for Afghan lives continues on all levels.

08.07.2021 - 08:01 [ Veterans for Peace ]


In 2001 and 2002, the U.S. Congress passed the AUMF: the Authorization for the Use of Military Force. For nearly two decades, the AUMFs have effectively become a blank check for any president, at any time, to wage endless global war without oversight or meaningful national public debate. U.S. counterterrorism operations from post-9/11 wars as a whole have expanded to at least 80 countries around the world, costing an estimated $5.9 trillion. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, injured, surveilled, and displaced, with Black, brown, and Muslim communities disproportionately impacted.

01.07.2021 - 16:24 [ Common Dreams ]

Over 110 Groups Urge Biden to End Unlawful Lethal Strikes

Decrying the United States „forever wars“ and their deadly consequences, a group of over 110 advocacy groups from around the world on Wednesday published an open letter imploring President Joe Biden to end airstrikes „outside any recognized battlefield“ and „abandon this war-based approach and chart a new path forward that promotes and respects our collective human security.“

12.11.2020 - 03:05 [ Santa Barbara Independent ]

Veterans Serve for Peace

Veterans Day began as Armistice Day. At the11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the butchery of the first world war paused. At the time it was considered the end of the war to end all wars. Sadly it has not been so!

25.10.2020 - 14:54 [ Veterans for Peace ]

Help Us Celebrate Armistice Day 2020!

Veterans For Peace has taken the lead in lifting up the original intention of November 11th – as a day for peace. As veterans we know that a day that celebrates peace, not war, is the best way to honor the sacrifices of veterans. We want generations after us to never know the destruction war has wrought on people and the earth.Veterans For Peace has taken the lead in lifting up the original intention of November 11th – as a day for peace. As veterans we know that a day that celebrates peace, not war, is the best way to honor the sacrifices of veterans. We want generations after us to never know the destruction war has wrought on people and the earth.

06.08.2020 - 20:47 [ John LaForge / Counter Punch ]

First US Citizen Convicted for Protests at Nuclear Weapons Base in Germany

May 26, 2020

Dennis DuVall, 78, a long-time member of Veterans for Peace from Arizona and now living in Dresden, Germany, became the first US citizen prosecuted in Germany for civil resistance against the threatened use of the US nuclear weapons.

18.11.2019 - 22:27 [ Gene Marx / ]

Vietnam vs. Afghanistan – Matched Mayhem, Ceaseless War

You see, my granddaughter, Kaya, turns 14 next week and she has never lived in a time when her country wasn’t waging an unrelenting interventionist war somewhere. Not for one moment, and I couldn’t let it go.

02.07.2019 - 17:12 [ Radio Utopie ]

Schwerter zu Pflugscharen-Glockenturm neben Lincoln-Monument in Washington errichtet

(2015) In diesem Jahr haben die Veterans for Peace ihren mobilen Glockenturm „Schwerter zu Pflugscharen“ direkt neben dem Abraham-Lincol-Denkmal in Washington errichtet.

Die Ex-Militärs und Friedensaktivisten senden damit eine öffentlichkeitswirksame Botschaft. Denn sie erweitern das Anliegen des Memorial Day um einen ganz wesentlichen Beitrag, den sie an ihre eigene Bevölkerung und an die Welt senden.

21.04.2019 - 17:02 [ Veterans for Peace ]

Deported Veterans Advocacy Project

The mission of the Deported Veterans Advocacy Project is to advocate and assist U.S. military veterans who face deportation, or have been deported by the U.S. government. Currently Veterans For Peace is the fiscal sponsor of the Unified U.S. Deported Veterans, located in Tijuana, Mexico.

22.03.2019 - 23:38 [ Gerry Condon / Veterans For Peace ]

VFP Members Visit Venezuela with U.S./Canada Peace Delegation

On my way back from Venezuela, I stopped in Nicaragua for three days.

I met with Vietnam veteran Brian Willson, who lost his legs in 1987 while attempting to stop a train carrying munitions for the U.S. wars in Central America, and now lives in Nicaragua. We met with several Nicaraguan veterans who are forming a chapter of Veterans For Peace. They want to unite all the veterans in Nicaragua, including former counter-revolutionary forces, the Contras, to oppose U.S. regime change schemes.

I learned a lot about the U.S. attempts to destabilize the government of Nicaragua, which Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton has grouped with Venezuela and Cuba as the “Troika of Tyranny” that has “finally met its match,” thus announcing U.S. plans to overthrow and replace the governments of all three nations.

22.03.2019 - 23:26 [ Veterans For Peace ]

Two U.S. Veterans For Peace Refused Bail at Ennis District Court

Ed Horgan, coordinator of Irish Veterans For Peace, said, „This process is a clear attempt to punish the two VFP activists before any trial takes place. We are calling on all peace and human rights activists in Ireland and internationally to campaign not only on behalf of Ken Mayers and Tarak Kauff, but, more important, on behalf of all the innocent people being killed and injured by US illegal wars.“

18.03.2019 - 01:54 [ Veterans For Peace ]

Veterans Call on U.S. Troops to Resist Illegal Orders to Invade Venezuela

There are a number of options for GI‘s who do not wish to follow illegal orders. Veterans For Peace wants service-members to be fully informed as they make profound choices with possibly serious consequences. We urge GI‘s facing possible deployment to contact the National Lawyers Guild Military Law Task Force at (619) 463-2369 and/or for referral to a civilian attorney to discuss your options. Many of their member lawyers are willing to do an initial pro-bono (free) consultation.

Refuse to be used in an illegal war. Follow your conscience and be on the right side of history.

01.02.2019 - 04:52 [ Radio Utopie ]

U.S.-Soldaten zur Lage in Venezuela

Veterans for Peace haben Stellung bezogen zur aktuellen Situation in Venezuela um die Regierungsführung des Landes. Die konsequent U.S.-pazifistische Militär-Organisation ruft zu Widerstand gegen den Staatsstreich in Venezuela, zur Aufklärung der einheimischen Bevölkerung durch ihre Mitglieder in den dortigen lokalen U.S.-Capters und zu politischen Aktionen in den Bundesstaaten in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf.

09.01.2019 - 05:14 [ Luftpost Kaiserslautern ]

Die Veterans for Peace nehmen Stellung zu dem von Trump angekündigten Truppenabzug aus Syrien

Es ist höchste Zeit, all diese verlustreichen, nicht zu gewinnenden und unnötigen Angriffskriege zu beenden, in denen es nur um Dominanz und Ausplünderung geht. Es wir Zeit, eine neue Seite im Geschichtsbuch aufzuschlagen und eine neue Welt aufzubauen, die auf den Menschenrechten, der Gleichheit aller Menschen und gegenseitigem Respekt beruht. Wir müssen uns mit aller Kraft für einen dauerhaften Frieden einsetzen, weil sonst das Überleben der menschlichen Zivilisation auf dem Spiel steht.

25.12.2018 - 00:27 [ Veterans for Peace / ]

Veterans for Peace zum Abzug der US-Soldaten aus Syrien

Veterans For Peace (Veteranen für Frieden) freut sich zu hören, dass Präsident Trump den vollständigen Abzug der US-Soldaten aus Syrien angeordnet hat, wo zu sein sie von vorneherein kein Recht hatten. Wie dem auch sei, der Abzug der US-Truppen ist das Richtige.

25.12.2018 - 00:24 [ Veterans For Peace / ]

Veterans For Peace Statement on Withdrawal of US Troops From Syria

Veterans For Peace is pleased to hear that President Trump has ordered a total withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, where they had no legal right to be in the first place. Whatever the reasoning, withdrawing US troops is the right thing to do.

17.06.2018 - 23:35 [ Gerry Condon / ]

Veteranen begrüßen Fortschritte für den Frieden in Korea

Veterans For Peace (Veteranen für Frieden) sind hocherfreut, dass auf der koreanischen Halbinsel der Frieden ausbricht. Wir gratulieren dem koreanischen Volk, das nach Frieden und Einheit rief, und wir applaudieren seinen Führern, die zugehört und mutig gehandelt haben.

17.06.2018 - 23:31 [ Gerry Condon / ]

Veterans Applaud Progress for Peace in Korea

Veterans For Peace is absolutely delighted that peace is breaking out on the Korean Peninsula. We congratulate the Korean people, who cried out for peace and unity, and we applaud their leaders, who listened and acted courageously.