Archiv: Mariupol (city)

22.05.2022 - 03:48 [ Zero Hedge ]

Russian Media Says Head Of Azov In Custody After 2,439 Total Fighters Surrender At Steel Plant

Late Friday Russia‘s Defense Ministry announced that the last Ukrainian fighters holed up in the giant Azovstal steelworks plant emerged, days after there were reports that top Azov commanders still holding out.

The ministry said it counted 2,439 defenders had emerged and surrendered over the past few days. The final holdout group that was last to come out was tallied at 531. The Russian military‘s now total control over the sprawling plant and city of Mariupol is considered the be its greatest victory over three months of war.

18.05.2022 - 15:20 [ ]

Moskau: 959 Soldaten haben sich in Asow-Stahl-Werk ergeben

Russland hat nach eigenen Angaben fast 700 weitere ukrainische Soldaten aus dem belagerten Asow-Stahl-Werk in Mariupol gefangen genommen. In den vergangenen 24 Stunden hätten sich 694 Kämpfer ergeben, unter ihnen 29 Verletzte, teilte das russische Verteidigungsministerium heute mit. Insgesamt hätten sich seit Montag somit 959 ukrainische Soldaten auf dem Werksgelände in Mariupol ergeben, darunter 80 Verletzte.

17.05.2022 - 10:23 [ ]

Belagertes Stahlwerk in Mariupol: 264 Soldaten ergeben sich

Nach wochenlanger Belagerung haben etwa 260 ukrainische Soldaten das Asow-Stahlwerk in Mariupol verlassen. Darunter seien 53 Schwerverletzte, teilte der ukrainische Generalstab mit. Die anderen 211 ukrainischen Kämpfer seien in eine von russischen Truppen besetzte Ortschaft gebracht worden. Sie sollten später in einem Gefangenenaustausch mit russischen Soldaten freikommen, hieß es. An der Evakuierung der weiteren Verteidiger des Stahlwerks Azowstal werde noch gearbeitet.

11.05.2022 - 08:59 [ Nexta / ]

This is what the occupiers have turned the historic center of #Mariupol into.

22.04.2022 - 16:16 [ Shannon Vavra / Twitter ]

NEW: Satellite images show evidence of mass graves outside Mariupol—images the city of Mariupol is calling „crimes of the Russian army“—as Russians work to take the besieged city and renew the offensive in eastern Ukraine.

Latest @thedailybeast
. @Maxar

19.04.2022 - 21:41 [ Nadeschda Suchorukowa / ]

„Sie haben in Mariupol alles getötet“

Als eine Granate das Dach des Hauses traf, gehörten Lena und Viktor zu den ersten, die zu Hilfe eilten. Damals sind viele Leute gekommen. Sie waren dabei, das Feuer zu löschen, und rundherum fielen Bomben, der Boden bebte, weil die sie ganz nah in die Wohnungen einschlugen, und fast dreißig Menschen taumelten zwischen der Garage und dem Etwas mit dem brennenden Dach und dem schwarzen Rauch.

19.04.2022 - 13:15 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Lavrov claims that #Russian troops are targeted only at military facilities. We offer the so-called minister a look at #Mariupol today.

19.04.2022 - 12:49 [ ]

Information Defence: Military-Political Situation in Ukraine as of April 18th – Ihor Zhdanov

1. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for the decisive battle for the Donbas area.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi has stated on Facebook that the Russian army is trying to break through the defence line in several directions, focusing its main efforts on the Iziumskyi.

The threat from the sea was significantly reduced due to the sinking of the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation. However, the danger of landing naval and airborne troops remains. In this regard, measures are being taken to strengthen air defence, including logistical technical assistance from partner countries.

16.04.2022 - 16:41 [ ]

Occupiers will close Mariupol for entry, exit from Mon to filter all remaining men – mayor‘s adviser

The invaders announced their intention to completely close the city of Mariupol in Donetsk region for entry and exit, carry out a complete filtering of the men remaining in it and take them out of the city to the neighboring Novoazovsk occupied back in 2014, and partially mobilize them into their ranks, Adviser to the Mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriuschenko has said.

12.04.2022 - 06:25 [ Chris Menahan / Twitter ]

The Pentagon said Monday night they „cannot confirm“ the Azov Battalion‘s claim they were attacked by Russian „chemical weapons“ in Mariupol.

12.04.2022 - 06:13 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Alexey Arestovich reports that at the moment they are checking information about the possible use of chemical weapons by #Russian troops in #Mariupol.

01.04.2022 - 21:03 [ Reuters ]

Red Cross convoy to Mariupol turns back, to renew attempts Saturday -ICRC

The Red Cross team of three cars carrying nine staff members had aimed to lead a convoy of about 54 Ukrainian buses and a number of private vehicles out of the city, where up to 170,000 people are without power and have limited food, according to the mayor.

23.03.2022 - 13:14 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

#Mariupol from a bird‘s eye view

21.03.2022 - 04:38 [ ]

Russian Black Sea Fleet commander ‚shot dead by Ukrainians‘ in battle for Mariupol

Andrey Paliy, the deputy commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, is the sixth top military figure to die during the invasion of Ukraine, after he was killed in battle around Mariupol.

21.03.2022 - 04:19 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Occupiers gave an ultimatum to local authorities to surrender Mariupol to them #Mariupol mayor‘s advisor Petr Andriuschenko suggested not waiting until the morning for an answer and sent the occupiers to the same place as the #Russian warship

17.03.2022 - 11:09 [ ]

Hundreds feared trapped in Ukraine theater hit by airstrike

Ukrainian authorities struggled to determine the fate of hundreds of civilians who had been sheltering in a theater smashed by a Russian airstrike in the besieged city of Mariupol as officials said Russian artillery Thursday destroyed more civilian buildings in another frontline city.

17.03.2022 - 10:26 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

This is all that remains of the Drama Theater in #Mariupol According to local media, up to 1,000 people could have been inside the building. All of them are now under the rubble of the building. The exact number of casualties is still unknown.

Drama Theater from the inside before the #Russian bombing

Just look at how many children are there…

14.03.2022 - 19:27 [ ]

A city reduced to ash and smoke: Drone footage reveals Mariupol hellscape as Russian forces continue to bombard buildings and civilians run out of food and water as Kyiv resembles a disaster movie after constant shelling

– Drone footage has captured the moment Russian missiles turned the besieged south Ukrainian city, Mariupol
– Video shows strikes on Ukrainian buildings, turning the city into a hellscape of ash and smoke after the attack
– Residents have warned they are running out of food, water and medicine over 10 days after Russian laid siege
– Mariupol has seen some of the worst suffering of Russia‘s 19-day war so far, with residents stuck under bombs

12.03.2022 - 16:04 [ Ref's Channel / Youtube ]

War in Ukraine: Ukrainian army in a residential area in Mariupol, Ukraine. (footage from drone)

(March 10, 2022)

#Ukraine #Mariupol #Russia
ATGM on the roof and armored vehicles at residential buildings.

12.03.2022 - 15:59 [ ]

A pregnant Ukrainian influencer who survived the Mariupol maternity-hospital bombing gave birth to a daughter

A photo of a bloodied Vishegirskaya fleeing the hospital made global headlines, prompting the Russian Embassy to falsely claim she was a crisis actor, saying she was not at the hospital at the time of the attack and was wearing „some very realistic make-up.“

12.03.2022 - 15:10 [ ]

«Больше недели им не продержаться» Жители Мариуполя — о гуманитарной катастрофе, которая разворачивается у них на глазах

(March 8, 2022)

Игорь рассказал, что в последние дни февраля в роддом, где работает его мать, пришли люди в форме. Он не знает, были это бойцы ВСУ или националистического батальона «Азов» (запрещен в РФ). Военные сбили все замки, разогнали персонал роддома, а в здании устроили огневые точки, чтобы, как они объяснили медикам, подготовить к обороне «крепость Мариуполь». На возражения у военных реакция стандартная: удары прикладами, стрельба в воздух.

12.03.2022 - 15:07 [ Julia Kanin / Twitter ]

Also, a son of one of the employees stated that everyone was told to leave this hospital because Ukraine army or Azov (he is not sure) can position itself there and use it as a cover.

Interview was published on 3/9 in Lenta, top Russian liberal outlet.

Correction: the interview was published on 3/8, a day before this attack. But it doesn‘t change a thing, in fact, it just confirms that the interviewee told this story BEFORE attack even happened.

12.03.2022 - 15:05 [ Axios,com ]

Zelensky: Russia‘s deadly hospital bombing proof of genocide

What he‘s saying: „A children‘s hospital. Maternity hospital. What did they threaten the Russian Federation with?“ Zelensky said in a televised address on Wednesday.

„What kind of country is this — the Russian Federation, which is afraid of hospitals and maternity hospitals and destroys them?“ he continued.

10.03.2022 - 13:16 [ White Swan / Twitter ]

4. Busted! We‘ve found the ‚wounded‘ pregnant patient of the ‚bombed‘ maternity hospital in #Mariupol. Yes, she is pregnant, but she wasn‘t there of course, she‘s a local beauty-blogger Marianna Podgurskaya, photographer was

10.03.2022 - 12:29 [ Ukraine / Twitter ]

#Ukraine: Drone footage over #Mariupol.#Azov workers equip ATGM positions on the roofs of residential high-rise buildings, and the equipment is deliberately driven into residential areas.

10.03.2022 - 12:25 [ Esha K / Twitter ]

This a footage taken from yesterday by a drone camera from War Gonzo. It seems like Azov is shooting from roofs of high rises in Mariupol.

08.03.2022 - 19:28 [ Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine / Twitter ]

Russia holds 300k civilians hostage in Mariupol, prevents humanitarian evacuation despite agreements with ICRC mediation. One child died of dehydration (!) yesterday! War crimes are part of Russia’s deliberate strategy. I urge all states to publicly demand: RUSSIA, LET PEOPLE GO!

08.03.2022 - 19:16 [ Roland Oliphant, Senior foreign correspondent @telegraph / Twitter ]

Telegram Statement under the name of Vadim Boichenko, mayor of Mariupol. Says 6yr old girl trapped under a destroyed house died of dehydration before rescuers found her. No water, electricity, heating, mobile connection. Accuses RF of blocking evac & humanitarian deliveries

07.03.2022 - 11:18 [ ]

Ukrainische Hafenstadt Mariupol: Evakuierung erneut gescheitert

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin machte dafür bei einem Gespräch mit dem französischen Staatschef Emmanuel Macron die Ukraine verantwortlich, die sich nicht an die vereinbarte Feuerpause halte, wie der Kreml mitteilte. Ukrainische Nationalisten hätten nicht zugelassen, dass die Menschen aus Mariupol und aus Wolnowacha in Sicherheit gebracht werden können, hieß es vom Kreml.

06.03.2022 - 12:00 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

The #Mariupol City Council announces the evacuation of civilians at 12:00.

06.03.2022 - 11:53 [ ]

Neuer Evakuierungsversuch in Mariupol

Örtliche Behörden teilten über den Messenger-Dienst Telegram mit, dass ab 11 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit ein zweiter Anlauf für die Evakuierung der seit Tagen umkämpften Stadt unternommen werden soll.

Dafür sei mit den russischen Truppen erneut eine Feuerpause vereinbart worden. Diese sollte nach Angaben des Koordinierungszentrums von Mariupol um 9 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit beginnen und bis 20 Uhr eingehalten werden.

06.03.2022 - 01:40 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Russland setzt Angriffe auf Mariupol und Wolnowacha fort

Das russische Militär hat eigenen Angaben zufolge seine Angriffe auf die ukrainische Großstadt Mariupol und die Stadt Wolnowacha fortgesetzt. Die Kampfhandlungen seien um 16.00 Uhr (MEZ) nach einer mehrstündigen Feuerpause fortgesetzt worden, teilte das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau am Samstagabend laut Agentur Interfax mit.

06.03.2022 - 01:34 [ ]

Merciless Vladimir Putin shells Ukrainian evacuee

Fury and fear in Mariupol as Kremlin’s violation of ceasefire deal drives civilians back into besieged city

06.03.2022 - 01:31 [ Patrick Reevell, Moscow reporter for @ABC News / Twitter ]

Russia‘s military has now announced it will restart „offensive actions“ in the ceasefire areas in eastern Ukraine, having in reality never observed it. Shelling has continued on Mariupol all day.

(7 hours ago)

06.03.2022 - 01:27 [ Patrick Reevell, Moscow reporter for @ABC News / Twitter ]

I just spoke to Petro Andrushenko an advisor to the mayor in Mariupol, the Ukrainian city where Russia said it was opening a humanitarian corridor. He said they have had to halt the evacuation because Russia shelled the agreed evac point where people were to gather.

(13 hours ago)

05.03.2022 - 09:59 [ @BBCYaldaHakim / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Russian Defense Ministry announces temporary ceasefire in Ukraine from 10:00 Moscow time, with humanitarian corridors to be established for exit of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha

05.03.2022 - 09:16 [ ]

Moskau: Feuerpause für zwei Städte

Samstagfrüh hat das russische Verteidigungsministerium eine Feuerpause für die strategisch wichtige Stadt Mariupol und für die kleinere Stadt Wolnowacha angekündigt. In dieser Zeit sollen Zivilisten und Zivilistinnen die eingekesselten Städte verlassen können.

03.03.2022 - 11:47 [ ]

Mayor of Mariupol on Russian shelling: the city has been „pounded“ non-stop for 12 hours

Source: Vadym Boichenko, Mayor of Mariupol, on the unified TV and radio broadcast of the Ukrainian media

Quote: „We have been flattened non-stop for 12 hours. The racist-fascist troops are razing my hometown to the ground.“

Details: According to Boichenko, there has been total destruction of residential infrastructure.