Archiv: Jeff Bezos

13.11.2021 - 20:25 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Billionaires Are Not Morally Qualified To Shape Human Civilization

Take Bill Gates. He spends a fortune on narrative control ranging from immense contributions to The Guardian to tens of billions of dollars in grants, and he’s committed hundreds of millions of dollars to shady political influence groups as well. He’s been influencing Covid policies around the world, from intervening against the waiving of vaccine patent restrictions to facilitating the worldwide rollout of digital vaccine passports; he’s been giving countless media interviews about Covid-19 and vaccines despite having no medical degree or indeed any qualifications at all apart from a net worth of $136 billion. This is after falsely pledging to give his immense fortune away over a decade ago; his net worth has more than doubled in that time.

27.09.2021 - 23:49 [ France24 ]

Blue Origin unveils next flight, TMZ says Captain Kirk to be aboard

Blue Origin, the space company owned by Amazon‘s Jeff Bezos, announced plans on Monday for its next flight and the news and entertainment website TMZ said it may include a celebrity astronaut — William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk on „Star Trek.“

20.07.2021 - 17:50 [ ABC News ]

Blue Origin launch live updates: Jeff Bezos soars to the edge of space in historic flight

Newly minted astronaut Jeff Bezos says spaceflight left him ‘speechless’

Shortly after landing back on Earth, the elated Amazon founder opened up about his experience in a brief interview with ABC News’ Michael Strahan.

“I’m speechless in a way … I don’t have the talent to put into words what we just experienced, maybe we need to send a poet up at some point or something,”

08.07.2021 - 19:33 [ ]

Der Sternenhimmel gehört uns allen – und nicht Elon Musk und Jeff Bezos

Bislang sendet die deutsche Politik das falsche Signal: Anstatt Sternenhimmel, Wissenschaft und den Zugang zum Weltall zu schützen, fördert sie den Zugang zum Satelliteninternet, um die Löcher in der deutschen Breitbandlandschaft zu stopfen.

16.07.2020 - 10:49 [ ]

Twitter accounts of Obama, Biden, Musk and others compromised

The attack is likely the largest ever on Twitter‘s security system and may have already cost users ten of thousands of dollars.

The accounts – which included other tech CEO‘s including Amazon‘s Jeff Bezos, celebrities such as Kanye West, and other political figures like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg – posted similar messages offering to double bitcoin payments sent to an address during a set period of time.

16.04.2020 - 06:07 [ teleSUR ]

Billionaire Jeff Bezos Makes US$24 Billion More Amid Pandemic

The index updates followed a report published Saturday by Forbes about how „market gains led to a combined US$51.3 billion boost for 10 of the world‘s billionaires since the market closed a week ago, on April 2.“ Bezos gained US$6.8 billion in that time.

18.02.2020 - 13:21 [ ]

Jeff Bezos asked Michael Bloomberg months ago if he’d consider running for president


A spokesperson for Bloomberg confirmed the conversation. An Amazon spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment.

26.01.2020 - 18:52 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Prosecutors Have Evidence Bezos’ Girlfriend Gave Texts to Brother Who Leaked to National Enquirer

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have evidence indicating Jeff Bezos’ girlfriend provided text messages to her brother that he then sold to the National Enquirer for its article about the Inc. founder’s affair, according to people familiar with the matter.

13.08.2019 - 15:26 [ ]

Washington Post editor calls Sanders claim about campaign coverage a ‚conspiracy theory‘

Sanders and his campaign have begun arguing recently that a variety of news outlets, including the Post and the Times, are biased in their coverage of his 2020 White House bid.

„We have pointed out over and over again that Amazon made $10 billion in profits last year. You know how much they paid in taxes? You got it, zero! Any wonder why The Washington Post is not one of my great supporters, I wonder why?“ Sanders said in North Conway, N.H. on Monday night, according to CNN.

09.02.2019 - 20:10 [ ]

The Bezos-National Enquirer Story Has *Everything*

Bezos’s accusation last night that National Enquirer owner American Media Inc. is trying to blackmail him had everything: Extortion, murder, politics, a billionaire’s private parts. It inspired both HuffPost and the elder Post to write the mathematically perfect tabloid headline, which I will not reprint in this wholesome family newsletter. More seriously, this is the latest and weirdest front in a clash of titans pitting the President of the United States against the World’s Richest Man.

08.02.2019 - 10:07 [ Jeff Bezos / Twitter ]

I’ve written a post about developments with the National Enquirer and its parent company, AMI. You can find it here:

08.02.2019 - 10:03 [ ]

Bezos wirft Skandalblatt Erpressung vor

Wenig später machte der „National Enquirer“ die Affäre des Amazon-Chefs mit der früheren TV-Moderatorin Lauren Sanchez öffentlich und verbreitete dabei unter anderem intime Textnachrichten und Fotos von ihm.
Bezos ließ daraufhin untersuchen, wie das Blatt an dieses Material gelangt war.

08.02.2019 - 10:01 [ Collin Coel ‏/ Twitter ]

Amazon-Chef: Jeff Bezos macht Erpressungsversuch mit intimen Fotos öffentlich #JeffBezos #Erpressung #NationalEnquire

15.06.2018 - 12:34 [ ]

Washington Post Staffers Ask Richest Man in the World to Pay Them Fairly

On Thursday, about 400 staffers at the Washington Post signed an open letter to their newspaper’s owner, Jeff Bezos, politely suggesting that he’s being a cheapskate in their union’s ongoing contract negotiations.

04.04.2018 - 01:58 [ ]

Tech-Unternehmen: Plötzlich sind die Giganten verwundbar

Dabei war die Branche in der Vergangenheit durchaus zusammengerückt, wenn Druck von außen aufkam: Als die US-Bundespolizei FBI etwa Apple zwingen wollte, die verschlüsselten Daten eines iPhones preiszugeben, sprangen Google, Facebook und Microsoft dem Konzern zur Seite. Solcherlei Corps-Geist aber kann oder will sich die Branche in Zeiten zunehmender Probleme offenkundig nicht mehr leisten.