Archiv: Erbil

29.01.2024 - 09:27 [ ]

Arrogance and fabrication after Iranian „rocket night“ on Erbil

Despite more than a week passing since the unexpected Iranian attack, with its timing, circumstances, and justifications, Iranian officials persist in claiming that the long-range missiles launched at civilian areas in Erbil were targeting „Mossad sites.“ However, Tehran has not provided any evidence or arguments to support this claim to either the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) or the Iraqi government.

The „escaping forward“ policy pursued by Iranian officials regarding the attack on Erbil amounts to an implicit admission of the invalidity of their justifications and the failure of the missile aggression itself.

24.01.2024 - 12:36 [ ]

Iranian assault escalates diplomatic tensions, undermines „sturdy relations“ with Iraq


The Iranian missile attacks last Monday night on Iraqi territory in Erbil, Kurdistan Region (KRI), were deemed by the Iraqi government as „an act of aggression“ and a dangerous development undermining the strong relation between Iraq and its eastern neighbor. The Iraqi government affirmed its right to respond at an appropriate time. Political analysts see the Iraqi response as unusual, entering a diplomatic crisis with Iran for the first time since 2003.

13.03.2022 - 10:50 [ ]

Missiles land near US consulate in northern Iraq city of Erbil

“We condemn this terrorist attack launched against several sectors of Erbil, we call on the inhabitants to remain calm,” Kurdistan prime minister Masrour Barzani said in a statement.

The attack comes several days after an Israeli strike near Damascus, Syria killed two members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

16.01.2020 - 06:28 [ ]

Abdul Mahdi urges Kurds to help rid Iraq of US troops

A source close to the Iraqi government told Al-Monitor, “Abdul Mahdi has told Kurdish officials the Kurdistan region is part of the Iraqi federal state, thus they must abide by the Iraqi parliament’s decision to eject US forces from Iraqi soil once the decision is put into practice.“

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, added, “Abdul Mahdi also told the Kurds his government soon will try to reach an agreement with the US on how to implement the Iraqi parliament’s decision. Kurds should cooperate with Baghdad in this regard. No foreign forces are allowed to stay in Iraq under any pretexts.“

16.01.2020 - 06:21 [ Verteidigungsministerium ‏/ Twitter ]

„Wir werden hier weiter gebraucht und wir wollen bleiben – immer vorausgesetzt, die irakische Regierung hält an ihrer Einladung fest“ – Verteidigungsministerin Kramp-Karrenbauer @akk nach ihrem Besuch bei der #Bundeswehr, die in #Erbil kurdische #Peshmerga-Kämpfer ausbildet.

06.01.2020 - 21:52 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Ein Mord und die Folgen

Konflikt um Iran eskaliert. Irakisches Parlament fordert Abzug der Bundeswehr

01.01.2020 - 21:38 [ U.S. Embassy in Iraq ]

Security Alert – U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq


Due to militia attacks at the U.S. Embassy compound, all public consular operations are suspended until further notice. All future appointments are cancelled. U.S. citizens are advised to not approach the Embassy. The U.S. Consulate General in Erbil is open for visa and American Citizen Services appointments.

24.11.2019 - 10:45 [ Tagesschau ]

US-Vizepräsident Pence: Überraschungsbesuch vor Thanksgiving

Pence soll von der Basis aus auch mit dem irakischen Ministerpräsidenten Adel Abdel-Mahdi telefoniert haben. Ein Besuch in Bagdad für ein persönliches Treffen soll aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht in Frage gekommen sein, sagte ein hochrangiger US-Regierungsmitarbeiter nach Angaben mitreisender Reporter. Bei dem Gespräch ging es demnach unter anderem um die Massendemonstrationen gegen die irakische Regierung.

24.11.2019 - 10:34 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Pence Visits U.S. Troops in Iraq, Meets With Kurdish Leader

ERBIL, Iraq—Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Iraq on Saturday for an unannounced visit with U.S. troops days before the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, and he met with the leader of Kurdistan but didn’t visit Baghdad.

13.11.2019 - 17:42 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Deutschlands Interventionsbilanz (I)

Während der Bundeswehreinsatz im Irak die Spaltung des Landes vorantreibt (in Erbil), zahllose zivile Todesopfer mitverantwortet (durch Luftaufklärung etwa für die Schlacht um Mossul) und (in Taji) Soldaten ausbildet, deren Kameraden Proteste niederschießen, dringt die Bundesregierung mit aller Kraft darauf, die Auslandsoperationen der Bundeswehr massiv auszuweiten

06.10.2019 - 10:36 [ ]

Barzani, Greek Ambassador Discuss Kurdish Diaspora in Greece

Discussing the large Kurdish diaspora in Greece as a strong cultural tie between the two nations, Barzani and Kontovounesios welcomed the efforts to further develop the relations between Erbil and Athens in every area of potential cooperation.

21.05.2019 - 01:44 [ Augen geradeaus! ]

Fürs Protokoll: Bundeswehr nimmt Ausbildung im Irak wieder auf

Bereits am vergangenen Samstag sei der Lehrgang für irakische Soldaten in Taji im Zentralirak fortgeführt worden, am Sonntag dann in Erbil in der Kurdenregion im Norden des Landes, teilte das Einsatzführungskommando der Bundeswehr am (heutigen) Montag mit.

15.05.2019 - 14:48 [ Kurdistan 24 ]

France to open advisory office on financial affairs in Erbil

The French delegation, which has met with several KRG officials, seeks to advise the Kurdish government on financial affairs such as regional budgeting, auditing, expenditure control, and tax reform, the statement said.

To provide further counsel on the mentioned matters, the French government will open a “coordination office” in Erbil “at the soonest,” the statement added.

07.05.2019 - 01:36 [ Rudaw ]

Iraqi, Kurdish, foreign officials send messages of peace to Muslims for Ramadan

„The German Consul General in Erbil extends warm congratulations to all Muslims on the occasion of the advent of the month of Ramadan. We wish them a pleasant and peaceful month,” the German consulate general tweeted.

03.10.2018 - 01:22 [ Rudaw ]

First Saudia commercial flight lands in the Kurdistan Region

For the first time, a Saudi Arabian commercial flight landed in the Kurdistan Region on Monday and it was announced there will be three flights per week between Erbil and Jeddah.

A Saudi delegation headed by Saleh bin Nasser al-Jasser, the director-general, Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia), was on the flight and then met with Kurdistan Regional Government authorities including Interior Minister Karim Sinjari.