Daily Archives: 8. Juli 2023

08.07.2023 - 19:31 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

J’accuse – Ihr seid mitschuldig!

Sachkundige (wie Anshel Pfeffer von der Zeitung Haaretz) nennen die „Operation Haus und Garten“ – so der zynische Name für diesen Angriff – eine „Textbuch-Demonstration“ für „urban warfare“ oder Stadtkrieg. Israel übt also, wie immer wieder in Gaza, an den Menschen in Palästina, um die Überlegenheit seiner Waffen und seiner Militärstrategie und -taktik vor der Welt zu demonstrieren.


Amira Hass (ebenfalls Haaretz) spricht von einem regelrechten Science-Fiction-Angriff. Das HQ, das die Armee ganz in der Nähe von Jenin errichtet hatte, war in direkter und ununterbrochener Verbindung mit allen am Angriff beteiligten Gruppen und konnte in Echtzeit verfolgen, was vor Ort passierte.

08.07.2023 - 18:53 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli protest movement calls for ‚day of resistance‘ should government proceed with judicial overhaul

Protest organizers said that next Tuesday will be declared the first day of resistance for the month of July. During this day, demonstrations, marches, convoys and disruptions will be held throughout the country, starting at 8:00 A.M.

08.07.2023 - 18:07 [ Haaretz ]

Explained: How Israel’s top court could lose a key power to rein in the government

This week, it is laser-focused on unilaterally eliminating what is known as the “reasonableness standard” – the power of the High Court of Justice to block government decisions it deems unreasonable or implausible.

08.07.2023 - 14:20 [ Haaretz ]

Hollywood Mogul Milchan Treated His Netanyahu Testimony as He Treats Everything Else: A Commodity

With careful consideration, it is plausible to suggest that Milchan‘s decision may have been influenced by the judges‘ proposal to withdraw the bribery charge in Case 4000, which was presented just before his testimony. The witness perceived this case to overshadow his own involvement, often remarking that the magnitude of „hundreds of millions of dollars“ cannot be compared to indulgences in cigars and champagne. This positioning allowed Milchan to assume a supporting role in the unfolding narrative, but an unexpected turn of events thrust him into the spotlight. Being fluent in the language of power, it appears that Milchan recognized Netanyahu‘s resurgent influence and chose not to risk challenging him.

08.07.2023 - 14:00 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir‘s Tyranny Must Be Stopped

Because Israel has no constitution and lacks a tradition of respecting the law and fundamental democratic principles, it’s enough to replace a few key people – the attorney general, the governor of the Bank of Israel, the Supreme Court president, the police commissioner and of course the heads of the security services – to pave a fast lane to tyranny and internal repression.

So it’s obvious why Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir and their colleagues are working to replace a cadre of top officials in government agencies and making it clear that their replacements will be judged by only one criterion – their willingness to please the government and obey it without question.

08.07.2023 - 13:52 [ Times of Israel ]

Protests ramp up for 27th week as bill to curtail judicial oversight set for 1st vote

An increased turnout was expected at protests across the country on Saturday evening, with a bill to curtail judicial oversight over government decisions set to have its first reading in the Knesset on Monday.

Leaders of the protest movement against the hardline coalition’s judicial overhaul plans have pledged to further intensify their opposition to the government’s renewed efforts to dramatically weaken the judiciary.

08.07.2023 - 13:33 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash Lawmaker Brutally Cut Off After Jenin Comments in Knesset

During the deliberations, a storm erupted in the Knesset plenum when MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash) stated in regard to the occupation forces operation in Jenin: “Every action has a reaction. There’s a reaction to the occupation, and that’s the resistance. Long live the Jenin Refugee Camp! Boo to you!” Odeh accused the far-right coalition MKs, saying: “Everyone’s blood for your accursed occupation, you are behaving not only as criminals but also as fools. Everyone is proud of Jenin and rightly so, and now more people will join the fighters against this accursed occupation. Every action has a response because it is the law of nature, the occupation has a response and this is the resistance, the resistance to the occupation is legitimate, long live the Jenin refugee camp, long live the Palestinian struggle.”

Odeh was immediately kicked off the podium after his support for Palestinians in Jenin and said, “Take me down, but the Palestinian people will continue to struggle.”