Daily Archives: 6. Februar 2022

06.02.2022 - 18:31 [ ORF.at ]

Afrika plant kontinentale Gesundheitsorganisation

Einen entsprechenden Entwurf billigten die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Afrikanischen Union (AU) an diesem Wochenende auf ihrem Gipfeltreffen in Äthiopiens Haupstadt Addis Abeba.

Basis soll die vor fünf Jahren gegründete panafrikanische Gesundheitsorganisation Africa CDC sein, gab deren Leiter John Nkengasong heute bekannt.

06.02.2022 - 18:07 [ Achse des Guten ]

Stehende Ovationen für Drosten, Wieler und Lauterbach

Nach Ende der Vorstellung zurück auf der Straße und damit in der Wirklichkeit angelangt, war den meisten Gesichtern eine ungeheure Erleichterung anzusehen, die Erleichterung des „Beinahe“. Beinahe wären sie, die als aufgeklärte Welt- und Bildungsbürger aus der Geschichte gelernt hatten und hochsensibel waren für kleinste Anzeichen von Diskriminierung oder Ausgrenzung, selbst zum tobenden Lynchmob geworden. Beinahe wären sie hereingefallen auf die Einflüsterungen von Weißkitteln und fürsorglich tuenden Politikern. Zum Glück nur beinahe…

06.02.2022 - 17:38 [ @RubikonMagazin / Odysee ]

RUBIKON: Im Gespräch: „Unsere Parallelgesellschaft“ (Alexander Christ, Ken Jebsen, Michael Meyen, Dirk Pohlmann und Walter van Rossum)

Im Rubikon-Exklusivgespräch diskutieren der Anwalt Alexander Christ, der Medienwissenschaftler Michael Meyen, der Publizist und Filmemacher Dirk Pohlmann und der gefährlichste Mann Deutschlands Ken Jebsen mit Walter van Rossum über „Unsere Parallelgesellschaft“.

06.02.2022 - 17:15 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Italy – Rome [Feb 5, 2022]

Huge protests against vax mandates & passports in many cities around the world!

#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #DoNotComply #NonAuPassVaccinal #NaoAoPassaporteSanitario #NeinzurImpfpflicht #Freedomrally #onverdeeldopen

06.02.2022 - 17:02 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

France – Paris [Feb 5, 2022] Huge protests against vax mandates & passports in many cities around the world!

06.02.2022 - 08:11 [ Ezra Levant, Journalist, publisher of Rebel News / Twitter ]

For the first time ever, the working classes are leading the world. And the fancy people hate it.

06.02.2022 - 07:48 [ Rumble / Twitter ]

We are hearing, but have not validated, that @GiveSendGo is experiencing server issues and a possible denial of service attack. If true, Rumble would be happy to help in anyway we can. We have equipment and engineers on standby, please feel free to reach out.

06.02.2022 - 07:07 [ GiveSendGo.com ]

Freedom Convoy 2022

To our Fellow Canadians, the time for political over reach is over. Our current government is implementing rules and mandates that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries and livelihoods. Canadians have been integral to the fabric of humanity in many ways that have shaped the planet.

We are a peaceful country that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here. We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people

06.02.2022 - 07:05 [ Toronto Sun ]

Trucker convoy finds alternative funding platform

After GoFundMe shut down the $10-million campaign for the ‘Freedom Convoy,’ organizers have found another platform.

The anti-mandate truck rally moved fast to GiveSendGo , which bills itself as the No. 1 free Christian fundraising site.

06.02.2022 - 07:04 [ CBC.ca ]

GoFundMe ends payments to convoy protest, citing reports of violence and harassment

The crowdfunding platform GoFundMe says it will stop payments to the organizers of Freedom Convoy 2022 and refund donors directly because the protest violates its rules on violence and harassment.

06.02.2022 - 06:32 [ Ottawalks / Youtube ]

LIVE Ottawa – RAW Footage: Freedom Convoy 2022 Day 9 – Parliament Hill – Saturday February 5 pt 4

06.02.2022 - 06:22 [ Lincoln Jay / Twitter ]

So many people on Parliament hill right now. It’s hard to walk through the crowd. @JustinTrudeau it’s time to end the mandates. #TruckersForFreedom2022

06.02.2022 - 05:51 [ WorldWideNews24 (XII) / Twitter ]

The mood!

06.02.2022 - 05:45 [ CTVNews.ca ]

Demonstrators descend on Ottawa as ‚freedom convoy‘ protests spread beyond capital

A second weekend of protests by the so-called „freedom convoy“ is taking place in the country‘s capital of Ottawa, with as many as 300 to 400 trucks expected to try and enter the downtown core, according to police estimates, along with up to 2,000 people on foot and another 1,000 counter-protesters.

Protests in Toronto, Quebec City, Fredericton, Winnipeg, Regina and Victoria have started, are underway or expected near their respective provincial legislatures.

06.02.2022 - 05:24 [ Tenterfieldstar.com.au ]

Athletes unhappy about quarantine hotels

When fetching the food left outside her door, she took a glance at the boxes left outside other rooms in her corridor, whose doors were labelled with signs to distinguish Olympians from other people working at the Games who tested positive, such as team staff.

She concluded the athletes were getting worse food, and underlined it with a picture of food served to her team doctor, who had also tested positive and was living two floors below. He had fresh fruit, a salad and prawns with broccoli.

„I honestly don‘t understand, why is there this attitude to us, the athletes?!“ she wrote.

Two days on from her criticism, Vasnetsova is still in quarantine …

06.02.2022 - 05:10 [ Byron Wan / Twitter ]

Russian biathlete Valeria Vasnetsova posted a photo of one of the unappetizing meals at Beijing Games on Instagram, showing plain pasta, some potatoes, charred meat, and no vegetables. She claims the same meal was served for “breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days already.”

06.02.2022 - 05:04 [ Michael P Senger / Twitter ]

25-year-old Belgian racer Kim Meylemans was taken unexpectedly to a Chinese government quarantine facility after testing COVID positive upon arrival in Beijing. She was released after recording this tearful video on Instagram.