Mendelblit‘s decision comes after three years of investigations, and it marks the first time in Israel‘s history that an attorney general announces an indictment for bribery against an incumbent prime minister.
Daily Archives: 28. Februar 2019
#BREAKING: #Israel‘s High Court rejects final petition by @Likud_Party to stop AG’s indictment announcement of the Prime Minister on corruption charges.
➡️ AG announcement imminent.
➡️ #Netanyahu to address nation 8pm tonight.
It is now clear the Westminster elite are preparing to betray the will of the people over Brexit. To counter this, Leave Means Leave are undertaking a peaceful protest to demonstrate the depth and breadth of popular discontent with the way Brexit has been handled. The UK has a long history of successful popular protests, where the establishment have been forced to deliver much-needed reform by widespread demonstrations of large scale dissatisfaction.
Our Brexit vote is being betrayed, that‘s why Leave Means Leave is officially launching the March to Leave. We‘re going from Sunderland to London to tell the Westminster elite we will not be betrayed. Get your walking boots, join us on the March to Leave:
Cloud frigging cuckoo land. A) On what planet is a global free market in labour a ‚socialist‘ policy? B) If you want to stick two fingers up to millions of traditional Labour supporters, this is the way to do it. Spare me this posturing pseudo-intellectual crap
Why the PM can dare to dream that her Brexit deal will pass
Can the prime minister dare to dream that her Brexit deal will pass – perhaps as soon as next week?
It is striking how Brexiters from the ERG group are lining up to tell me how reasonable they are trying to be.
Breaking point: can either Labour or the Tories survive Brexit?
It is hard to take back control when no one is in control
Pro-Brexit minister George Eustice QUITS in protest at PM giving Parliament a veto over No Deal
And he accused Remainer rebels who want to rule out No Deal of undermining the PM in talks with Brussels, warning their plot will lead to „the final humiliation of our country“.
Mr Eustice said: „It is with tremendous sadness that I have decided to resign from the government following the decision this week to allow the postponement of our exit from the EU.
Brexit latest news: Minister George Eustice resigns from Government over Article 50 extension
George Eustice, the agriculture minister has quit the Government in protest at the decision to give MPs the chance to delay Brexit.
Third of French and Italians think the UK has already left the EU: Euronews survey
Opinion in other European countries is also split over the bloc.
In France, just two out of five people polled feel positive towards the EU, compared to 54% of Italians and 56% of Germans.
Only 34% of the French public feel connected to the European Union…and you want to stay in this capitalist club, when the citizens of a founding member doesn’t even have faith in it? @EmilyThornberry @Keir_Starmer #Democracy
Brexit second referendum: Why Jeremy Corbyn made SHOCKING u-turn on people‘s vote REVEALED
Mr Corbyn has previously been vocal about his reluctance in supporting another referendum.
Mr Corbyn said the party will now back the Cooper-Letwin amendment of a people’s vote if Mrs May’s Brexit deal if voted down by parliament for a second time this month.
He said this will prevent the UK leaving on March 29 without a deal over the future relationship with the EU.
Ein möglicher Grund warum Nordkorea weiter auf seinen Nuklearwaffen hockt
Der Hanoi-Gipfel von U.S.-Präsident Donald Trump und Nordkoreas Staatschef Kim Jong-un ist vorzeitig beendet. Trumps anschließende Pressekonferenz sprach diesbezüglich einige Bände: Nordkoreas Staatsführung drückt sich um die Denuklearisierung, die sie im Gegenzug zur Aufhebung der U.N.O.-Sanktionen und einem Friedensvertrag zu liefern hat. Dazu gehört auch, endlich die in ihrem Besitz befindlichen Nuklearwaffen (Atombomben, Wasserstoffbomben, etc) herauszurücken.
Warum aber macht dies Nordkorea nicht?
Trump‘s full press conference after Kim Jong Un summit in Vietnam
The White House has announced that no agreement was reached in Trump‘s summit with Kim Jong Un. The President will brief the media before departing Hanoi.
Trump-Kim Summit Updates: ‘Sometimes You Have to Walk,’ Trump Says as Talks Collapse
• President Trump and Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, failed to reach a deal on denuclearization during their second summit meeting in eight months. “Sometimes you have to walk,” Mr. Trump said after the talks broke down.
• Mr. Trump said Mr. Kim was willing to close some but not all nuclear sites in North Korea in exchange for the lifting of all international sanctions.
• The leaders were scheduled to have lunch together and sign a joint agreement, but those plans were abruptly called off.
Donald Trump storms out of summit early and CANCELS planned lunch after Kim Jong-un demands sanctions are lifted without giving up nukes
The White House today insisted talks between the pair would continue in the future despite the talks breaking down early and a joint agreement signing ceremony being scrapped
Bayer vor Gericht
Das Urteil gegen Bayer hat den Börsenwert um elf Milliarden Euro schrumpfen lassen. Die Aktie habe zudem, heißt es, auch deshalb ein Drittel ihres Wertes eingebüßt, da für manche Marktbeobachter die Übernahme lediglich ein „arrogantes“ Manöver zum „Bau eines Imperiums“ gewesen sei.
Präsident Moon: Heute ist ein sehr bedeutender Tag für Frieden und Gedeihen
Moon nimmt von Mittwochnachmittag bis Donnerstagabend keine offiziellen Termine wahr. Beobachter in Seoul gehen davon aus, dass sich Moon für eine mögliche Vermittlerrolle bei Nordkorea-USA-Gesprächen hinter den Kulissen bereithalte.
Thousands in Caracas rally in support of Maduro
The ralliers also commemorated the 30th anniversary of „El Caracazo,“ a wave of protests that began in Caracas on February 27th of 1989, during which hundreds of demonstrators were killed by security forces.