Archiv: The Times They Are A-Changin

01.05.2023 - 19:51 [ USA Today ]

Democrat RFK Jr. details how he differs ‚profoundly‘ with Biden ahead of 2024 election

Kennedy is challenging Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary. While he has known Biden for many years, the challenger said they have differing stances on issues like corporate influence in government, censorship, civil liberties, poverty, corruption and war policy.

„I look forward to engaging him in debates and town hall meetings, in a primary election that is honest, civil, and transparent,“ Kennedy said in a statement. „I invite him into a new era of respectful dialog in these times of division.“

09.09.2021 - 15:45 [ ]

Exposed: CDC Rushed to Change Definition of ‚Vaccination‘ On Same Day Israel Study Touts Natural Immunity over Vaccine

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) quietly changed their definition of “Vaccination” on September 1st, exchanging the word “immunity” for “protection,” now that it appears that breakthrough cases can no longer be explained away as an anomaly.

The definition change occurred on the same day – September 1st – that a massive study was released demonstrating that those who had been vaccinated were “13 times more likely to be infected with the Delta variant (what has been called a “breakthrough” infection) than those with natural immunity,” as summarized at the American Conservative.

09.09.2021 - 15:35 [ ]

Covid-19 vaccine immunity may be waning. Here‘s what that means—and doesn‘t.

Explanations for Israel‘s vaccine effectiveness data

When Israeli researchers announced last month that people vaccinated in the winter were more likely to contract Covid than those who had been vaccinated in the spring, many assumed this demonstrated waning vaccine effectiveness.

The data from Israel‘s Ministry of Health suggested that vaccine effectiveness against both infection and symptomatic disease had decreased to around 40%, but this decline may have been due to other factors and not the vaccines, Wu writes

24.03.2021 - 11:41 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Likud MKs fight over potential cooperation with United Arab List

While some Likud members of Knesset see a potential in the Arab party Ra‘am, that managed to reach the threshold, others cannot fathom such cooperation.

16.03.2021 - 11:18 [ ]

‚Your Brexit sulk will cost lives‘: MPs from all parties and the WHO plead with Britons to keep taking ‚safe‘ AstraZeneca vaccine amid fury that EU‘s ‚fake news‘ has fuelled anti-vax campaign as Sweden joins 12 countries suspending jab

As Sweden became the latest European country to suspend the Oxford vaccine over unproven fears it causes blood clots, politicians, medics and scientists have launched a concerted effort to reassure the public about safety.

France, Germany, Spain and Italy are also among the states to act despite the European Medicines Agency dismissing the link, with warnings that the pausing of inoculations is ‚reckless‘ and will cost lives on the continent.

18.01.2021 - 15:20 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

Be a nonconformist.

18.01.2021 - 15:06 [ The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center / Twitter ]

A thread of #MLK speeches and sermons in which he speaks truth to power, shares about his philosophy of nonviolence, and expounds on issues of injustice and what our righteous, rigorous response should be. Relevant. Revelatory. Revolutionary. #MLKDay

18.01.2021 - 14:47 [ Carolina Landsmann / Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Wooing of Arab Voters Unwittingly Sets an Important Precedent

The truth is, it doesn’t make any difference what his motive is. And there’s no need to support him, much less vote for him, to be filled with optimism.

After all, if the wall of the delegitimizing of Arab votes is cracked, that would be enough. If, following Netanyahu, other parties begin wooing Arabs and reserving spots for them on their tickets (see Meretz), that would be enough.