Archiv: Javier Milei

10.09.2024 - 18:21 [ ]

“With Utmost Urgency”: Arrest Warrants and Amicus Observations at the International Criminal Court

(September 9, 2024)

The Court has yet to issue any warrants.


Four States Parties argued that the Court lacks or may not exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals who commit international crimes in Gaza: Argentina, Congo, Czechia, and Hungary. They were joined by the United States, which is not a State Party

12.02.2024 - 14:40 [ CBS News ]

Israeli military says it‘s rescued 2 hostages during Rafah raid; Palestinian officials say dozens of Palestinians killed

The army identified the rescued hostages as Fernando Simon Marman, 60, and Louis Har, 70, who it said were kidnapped by Hamas militants from Kibbutz Nir Yizhak in the Oct. 7 cross-border attack that triggered the war. Netanyahu‘s office said they also hold Argentinian citizenship. In a post on X, the former Twitter, Argentine President Milei thanked Israel for the rescue.

07.02.2024 - 18:55 [ Noga Tarnopolsky נגה טרנופולסקי نوغا ترنوبولسكي / Twitter ]

Argentina-Israel Milei – Netanyahu

28.01.2024 - 16:34 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Generalstreik und Massenproteste in Argentinien gegen Präsident Milei

Hunderttausende Menschen haben am Mittwoch in ganz Argentinien gegen die Politik der Regierung und des Präsidenten Javier Milei sowie dessen „Notstandsdekrete“ protestiert. Gleichzeitig galt ein bis Mitternacht andauernder zwölfstündiger Generalstreik im ganzen Land. Zahlreiche Gewerkschaften und weitere zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen bezeugten weltweit ihre Solidarität mit den Protesten. Von Christian Dürr.

23.11.2023 - 16:18 [ ]

Argentine Markets React With Optimism to Milei Election


Argentina‘s stock market reacted with optimism Tuesday to the resounding election win by libertarian Javier Milei, despite the country being gripped by uncertainty over what changes the self-described ‚anarcho-capitalist‘ will bring.

23.11.2023 - 16:14 [ ]

PM Modi greets Argentina presidential poll winner Javier Milei, hopes to expand India-Argentina strategic partnership

(November 20, 2023)

„Make Argentina great again!“ Trump posted on his platform Truth Social on Sunday reacting over Milei‘s win. „I am very proud of you,“ he added.

Outside of his controversial plan for dollarization, Milei‘s political program includes slashing regulations on gun control and transferring authority over the penitentiary system from civilians to the military; both measures are part of a tough-on-crime approach.

23.11.2023 - 16:08 [ ]

Chainsaw-wielding Argentine election winner pledges ‚shock therapy

(November 21, 2023)

Argentina‘s president-elect used to carry a chainsaw as a symbol of his planned cuts but has shelved it in recent weeks to help boost his moderate image.

23.11.2023 - 16:03 [ ]

Presidential frontrunner reveals Judaism conversion plans


Argentina‘s libertarian presidential candidate Javier Milei, a prominent supporter of Israel, has outlined his intention to convert to Judaism, though he also acknowledged that any move to do so would likely have to wait until his political career is over.

23.10.2023 - 04:45 [ Reuters ]

Argentina‘s Peronists post shock election win to seal run-off with libertarian Milei

Argentina‘s ruling Peronist coalition smashed expectations to lead the country‘s general election on Sunday, setting the stage for a polarized run-off vote next month between Economy Minister Sergio Massa and far-right libertarian radical Javier Milei.

23.10.2023 - 04:30 [ ]

No president-elect in Argentina

Economy Minister Sergio Massa received 35.9% of the vote, followed by La Libertad Avanza (LLA) Congressman Javier Milei (30.51%), who had emerged as the winner of the Aug. 13th Mandatory, Open and Simultaneous Preliminary Elections (PASO).

Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) of former President Mauricio Macri saw its candidate Patricia Bullrich with 23.61% of the vote.

21.08.2023 - 09:07 [ ]

Argentina‘s anti-establishment candidate Milei engages IMF in economic talks after shock primary win

(August 18, 2023)

“We are not going to default on either the IMF nor sovereign debt,” Milei told the IMF officials, according to a message posted on social media by Darío Epstein, one of the candidate’s key economic advisers.

Milei also laid out his Liberty Advances party platform for Argentina’s economy to IMF officials, including “a significant fiscal adjustment, more significant than the one demanded by the IMF,” according to a statement issued by the candidate’s campaign.

21.08.2023 - 08:49 [ ]

Ergebnisse der Vorwahlen in Argentinien erzeugen ein politisches Beben

Milei ist gegen Abtreibung und negiert den Klimawandel, er ist für „freie Liebe“ und freien Waffenbesitz, für gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe, freie Geschlechtswahl und die Legalisierung von Drogen. Er sei katholisch, aber bereit für den Übertritt zum Judentum; Papst Franziskus verkörpere den Kommunismus. „Leben, Freiheit und Eigentum“ sind laut Medienberichten die Leitlinien seines Denkens. Milei zeigt gerne seine Affinität mit Ultrarechten des Kontinents, außerhalb Lateinamerikas hat er sich vor allem der spanischen Partei VOX genähert, die zu den ersten Gratulanten gehörten.

Für den Fall seines Wahlsiegs im Oktober hat er einen „Plan Motorsäge“ angekündigt, der Einschnitte bei staatlichen Institutionen in Höhe von 15 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts vorsieht. Rund ein Dutzend Ministerien sollen aufgelöst werden, nur die Ressorts für Verteidigung, Justiz, Wirtschaft, Außenbeziehungen, Infrastruktur und Inneres sowie ein neues Ministerium für „Menschliches Kapital“, das die bisherigen Ressorts für Arbeit, Bildung, Gesundheit und Soziales vereinigen soll, würden bestehen bleiben.