Archiv: Change UK (formerly Independent Group)

25.12.2020 - 05:32 [ ]

Brexiteers almost lost everything — now they have almost won everything

It is hard to underestimate how close this country came to throwing away the 2016 referendum result. As deadline after deadline was missed, those who lost the referendum received more and more concessions. From European Court of Justice oversight to commitments to remain chained to the EU’s failed economic model – a virtual colony trapped within the Brussels regulatory orbit. On this side of the Channel, Brexiteers were confronted daily by the scheming of a thoroughly rotten Parliament abetted by a partisan speaker and activist legal establishment.

It is from this context that we must view today.

04.06.2019 - 17:37 [ Telegraph ]

Brexit latest news: Change UK splits as six MPs quit and Anna Soubry appointed new leader

Change UK has spit with six of its 11 MPs quitting the party.

Interim leader Heidi Allen has left the party, alongside Sarah Wollaston, Luciana Berger, Gavin Shuker, Angela Smith and Chuka Umunna.

Anna Soubry has been appointed the party‘s new leader.

22.05.2019 - 05:27 [ ]

Heidi Allen suggests Change UK may not exist at general election

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, the newcomer group’s interim leader signalled that Change UK could morph into something else in the „brand new world“ of the next parliamentary race.

The former Tory MP admitted the format of the party – which is struggling to break through in the polls ahead of this week‘s European elections – could change as she pushes for it to become “more successful”.

17.05.2019 - 05:54 [ Spiked ]

Change UK is the gift that keeps on giving

Chuka Umunna is on the front cover of GQ this month. Meanwhile, his newly formed anti-Brexit party, Change UK, the ChUKas if you will, is at around five per cent in the polls for the European Parliament election – an election that ChUKas were supposed to storm as the true party of Remain.

17.05.2019 - 05:52 [ Yvette Henson ‏/ Twitter ]

At the Birmingham Change UK ‘rally’ last night there were nine delegates addressing an audience of five

13.05.2019 - 07:14 [ Left of Centre Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

How is stopping talking about Brexit going to make it go away? Maybe you should have stopped talking about it when you lost the vote 3 years ago

27.04.2019 - 09:54 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

‚Change UK‘ polling at just 3%. When they broke away, they claimed they spoke for millions. That‘s because they saw the world from their tiny Westminster bubble. There is no call for yet more elitist liberal centrism. It is dead and buried. Thank God.

27.04.2019 - 06:44 [ YouGov / Twitter ]

Latest Westminster voting intention (23-24 Apr) Lab – 30% Con – 27% Brexit Party – 14% Lib Dem – 11% Green – 5% UKIP – 4% Change UK – 3%

24.04.2019 - 15:56 [ Handelsblatt Politik ‏/ Twitter ]

Die neue proeuropäische Partei Change UK wirbt bei der Europawahl um die EU-Anhänger in Großbritannien. Aber sie steckt in einem Dilemma.

24.04.2019 - 15:51 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Change UK Chuck Another Candidate Over Grossly Offensive Tweets

Change UK have unceremoniously removed another candidate over grossly inappropriate social media posts.

23.04.2019 - 16:52 [ ]

The Independent Group will back Theresa May in any vote of confidence, says Heidi Allen

The new Independent Group of MPs has agreed to back Theresa May in any vote of no confidence, one of its most prominent members has said.

In an exclusive interview with The Independent, former Conservative MP Heidi Allen said the group – which also consists of eight Labour MPs – had decided not to do anything that would facilitate a general election.

03.04.2019 - 18:04 [ BBC Politics ‏/ Twitter ]

Ian Blackford: „In all eventualities, there must be a people‘s vote“ SNP, Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru, Greens and the Independent Group issue joint statement saying they will push for a public vote to be included in #Brexit legislation

29.03.2019 - 12:52 [ ]

Independent Group registering as political party called Change UK

The group of 11 MPs who broke away from the Tories and Labour will stand in European elections – if they happen.

And in order to register they have had to choose an interim leader – former Tory MP Heidi Allen will fill the role.

28.03.2019 - 04:11 [ Stats for Lefties ‏/ Twitter ]

Ken Clarke‘s customs union plan failed by just 8 votes. The Independent Group (11 MPs) voted against it. SNP (35 MPs) abstained. 9 Lib Dems abstained, 1 voted for and 1 against. Had any of the parties voted for it, the customs union plan would have passed.

27.03.2019 - 06:41 [ ]

Westminster Voting Intention: Poll of Polls

End date: 22 Mar 2019
Company: Opinium
Client: Observer
CON 36
LAB 35
LD 7

End date: 21 Mar 2019
Company: ComRes
Client: Daily Express
CON 34
LAB 35
LD 8

End date: 19 Mar 2019
Company: Ipsos MORI
CON 38
LAB 34
LD 8

25.02.2019 - 13:35 [ Paul Embery ‏/ Twitter ]

Chuka Ummuna tells Sky News he doesn‘t want to see either a Tory or Labour government because ‚they are as bad as each other‘. The Labour movement gave this guy and millions like him every life chance he ever had. In his case, it also gave him a career. What an utter Judas.

24.02.2019 - 13:54 [ ]

One of Labour‘s biggest private backers has donated £1.5 million to The Independent Group

Sir David Garrard, a property tycoon who gave £1.5 million to the party under Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband, was approached to fund The Independent Group, after abandoning Labour over Jeremy Corbyn‘s approach to anti-Semitism.

24.02.2019 - 13:29 [ Guido Fawkes / Twitter ]

Heidi Allen and @TheIndGroup don‘t want you to watch this video.

23.02.2019 - 10:46 [ ]

The Independent Group can‘t survive just on anti-Corbyn hatred

The clue is in the name. Only their acquired independence from Corbyn truly unites them — otherwise, what is there? It is true that all seven are, to greater or lesser degrees, pro-Remain and in favour of a second referendum. But that disposition scarcely distinguishes them in a House of Commons already sizeably (by about two-thirds) pro-Remain: it is therefore a scant selling point. Why not join the Lib Dems, if that is your chief opposition to Corbyn?

23.02.2019 - 10:42 [ ]

The Independent Group will back Theresa May in any vote of confidence, says Heidi Allen

In an exclusive interview with The Independent, former Conservative MP Heidi Allen said the group – which also consists of eight Labour MPs – had decided not to do anything that would facilitate a general election.

Her words go further than previous comments that the group might support Ms May in a confidence and supply arrangement if she agrees to soften her Brexit stance.

21.02.2019 - 17:09 [ Spiked ]

This is a party against the people

The arrival of three Tory Remoaners confirms the Independent Group is a purely anti-Brexit, anti-democratic outfit.

21.02.2019 - 17:04 [ ]

Independent Group is a space for anti-democrats to war against Brexit

Taking Orwellianism to dizzy new heights, this new political group poses as ‚independent‘ while aiming to overturn the largest democratic vote in British history

21.02.2019 - 16:53 [ ]

Anna Soubry‘s one careless comment says everything about the Independent Group

Soubry might not be quite as far Right as Jacob Rees-Mogg or Liam Fox but she is Right-wing, a Tory who left the Conservative Party but not Conservativism by justifying cruel welfare cuts which drove desperate people to the charity of Foodbanks just to eat.

Potential Labour defectors will now think twice before throwing in their lot with ex-Conservatives.

20.02.2019 - 16:21 [ Paul Embery, firefighter. Trade union official. Blue Labour. Pro-Brexit / Twitter ]

One of the joys of following politics over the coming months will be witnessing the reaction of the 11 defectors as it slowly dawns on them that, far from representing ‚millions‘, they represent no-one. Their brand of metropolitan liberal ‚centrism‘ is dying fast. Thank God.

20.02.2019 - 16:05 [ Jessica Elgot, political correspondent for the @guardian in the Westminster lobby / Twitter ]

Soubry: „The truth is the battle is over and the other side have won. Dear friends now former colleagues who share those one nation values and principles will deny it. But I believe in their heads and in their hearts they know it is over.“

20.02.2019 - 15:48 [ ]

Drei Torys schließen sich Labour-Rebellen an

Ihre Abspaltung wollten sie vorerst allerdings nicht als Gründung einer neuen Partei verstanden wissen, sie bezeichnen sich als unabhängige Gruppe im Parlament. Zu dieser gesellten sich nun drei Abgeordnete aus einst gegnerischen Reihen.

20.02.2019 - 15:46 [ ]

Theresa May ‘saddened’ as Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston quit the Tories

Theresa May has said she is ‘saddened’ by the decision of Heidi Allen, Sarah Wollaston and Anna Soubry to leave the Conservative party and join the new Independent Group of MPs. In statement released in the past few minutes, the Prime Minister said:

20.02.2019 - 15:43 [ ]

Brexit latest news: Three Tory MPs defect to Independent Group – Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi Allen

– Tory MPs Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi Allen defect to Independent Group over Brexit
– Asa Bennett: Tory quitters have proved Independent Group is a Remainer revolt
– Markets: Pound slips on Westminster turmoil
– Theresa May to meet Jean-Claude Juncker at 5pm
– PM could hold meaningful vote next week to avoid ministerial resignations
– Data analysis: Farage‘s Brexit Party has more obvious slot in UK politics than the Independent Group

19.02.2019 - 10:51 [ Jim Waterson, media editor at the Guardian / Twitter ]

If you want an example of UK electoral law loopholes: The Independent Group, which looks/swims/quacks a lot like a political party and is asking for donations, is actually a private company. So it isn‘t subject to electoral law rules requiring them to declare financial backers.

19.02.2019 - 10:45 [ Aaron Bastani / ]

The Independent Group Will Be an Unmitigated Disaster

Most importantly, the circumstances in which the Independent Group now finds itself, certainly compared to 1981, are perilous to say the least.

Those areas initially most susceptible to the rise of the SDP – university towns and wealthier metropolitan areas – now tend to be bastions of Corbynism, the social base of which is relatively straight-forward: public sector workers, BAME communities, university graduates who feel they’ve lost out, trade unions, older generations who drifted away from the party under Tony Blair, those deeply politicised by austerity.

19.02.2019 - 10:38 [ Aaron Bastani, Co-Founder @novaramedia ‏/ Twitter ]

What policies can we possibly glean about a new ‚centrist‘ party?

✅ Pro water privatisation
✅ Pro fracking
✅ Pro corporate lobbying
✅ Pro … Which? magazine
✅ Pro foreign wars for literally no reason What have I missed?