Archiv: Gideon Sa'ar

13.03.2024 - 19:55 [ ]

Israeli political shakeup: Gideon Sa‘ar parts ways with Gantz‘s faction

As the first major political shakeup since the war‘s outbreak and Gantz‘s subsequent entry into the emergency government, Sa‘ar‘s departure may signal broader realignments within Israeli politics. Pundits also questioned whether the move signaled Sa‘ar‘s belief that elections may take place even before the war is over.

Sa‘ar, a former minister in the Likud party, left after multiple disagreements with Prime Minister Netanyahu. His right-wing faction united with Gantz‘s center-left Blue and White party ahead of the 2022 elections under the banner of the National Unity party.

14.08.2022 - 22:52 [ ]

Israels Ex-Armeechef schließt sich Partei von Gantz an

Israels ehemaliger Armeechef Gadi Eisenkot will mit Blick auf die anstehende Parlamentswahl der neuen Partei von Verteidigungsminister Benny Gantz beitreten. Er werde sich der neuen Mitte-rechts-Partei Hamahane Hamamlachti (Nationale Einheitspartei) von Gantz und Justizminister Gideon Saar anschließen, erklärte Eisenkot heute.

07.06.2021 - 14:53 [ Times of Israel ]

Likud MK says Bennett, Sa’ar like ‘suicide bombers’ facing ‘death sentence’

Asked by the anchor if she was not going too far, Golan replied, “No, and I’ll tell you why… They’re like terrorists who don’t believe in anything anymore, who go out on their suicide mission, and even if they know it’s their death sentence, they don’t care because they’re Shiites.”

01.06.2021 - 16:33 [ i24NEWS English / Twitter ]

#Israel: Interparty negotiations accelerate in an attempt to form a government i24NEWS @AlecHaimPollard with the latest

01.06.2021 - 15:48 [ Joel Solkoff / Twitter ]

Lapid, Bennett, Sa‘ar meet to hammer out final coalition deal ahead of deadline

30.05.2021 - 13:20 [ ]

As coalition for change coalesces, Saar rejects Netanyahu offer

With Lapid apparently making strides in building government, New Hope leader nixes Likud offer for first slot in three-way rotation of premiership that would also include Yamina‘s Bennett; ‚Our commitment is to replace Netanyahu,‘ Saar says

30.05.2021 - 13:18 [ Haaretz ]

In Last Ditch-effort, Netanyahu Offers Bennett, Sa‘ar Rotating Premiership Deal

The coalition of parties seeking to form a new government without Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party have hammered out an agreement on the assignment of senior cabinet positions if the coalition actually comes into being.

Naftali Bennett: The Yamina party chairman would be prime minister first, then foreign minister. Yair Lapid, Yesh Atid leader, would first serve as foreign minister, then prime minister. Ayelet Shaked: interior minister. Avigdor Lieberman: finance minister. Benny Gantz: The Kahol Lavan chief will continue to serve as defense minister. Gideon Sa’ar: justice minister. Merav Michaeli: The Labor Party chairwoman would serve as transportation minister.

29.05.2021 - 10:17 [ ]

‚Leftward turn‘: Netanyahu lashes out at Bennett

The tirade came as Bennett has reportedly secured a coalition deal with Yesh Atid party chief Yair Lapid, the de facto leader of the anti-Netanyahu bloc.

Israel‘s President Reuven Rivlin entrusted Lapid with the mandate to form a government following Netanyahu‘s failure to do so in the aftermath of Israel‘s fourth inconclusive election in two years.

29.05.2021 - 10:14 [ ]

Lapid, Bennett meet for ‚government of change‘ coalition talks


Negotiations follow on from ‚progress‘ in discussions between Lapid and Saar

27.05.2021 - 13:14 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Lapid and Gideon Sa‘ar Resume Coalition Talks After Gaza Operation Halted Negotiations

Both parties‘ negotiating teams are expected to meet later on Thursday for the first time since talks between Yesh Atid and New Hope were halted amid Israel‘s latest operation in Gaza.

21.05.2021 - 08:41 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar Mulling Power Sharing Deal With Netanyahu, Despite Election Promise


Gideon Sa‘ar, head of the New Hope party, is looking into a power-sharing government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Haaretz has learned.

Sa‘ar has agreed to advance the initiative by the leader of the far-right Religious Zionism party, Betzalel Smotrich, after Naftali Bennett announced that establishing a „government of change“ headed by him and Yair Lapid was off the table.

07.04.2021 - 10:34 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Netanyahu‘s Latest Win Proves There‘s No Such Thing as the ‚anti-Bibi Bloc‘

Gideon Sa‘ar promised Israel a ‚new hope,‘ and termed replacing Netanyahu the most important national mission. But his hope lasted exactly two weeks

30.03.2021 - 23:35 [ ]

Sa‘ar could back government led by Lapid and Bennett in rotation: report

The report cited sources close to Sa‘ar as saying that the former rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Likud ranks is unlikely to team up with Lapid without Bennett.

Without Yamina chief onboard, Israel would be in for nothing but a „left-wing government,“ the sources told the outlet.

30.03.2021 - 16:54 [ Haaretz ]

Election Results: Israel Is Being Held Hostage by One Person, and It‘s Not Netanyahu

Yes, the statesmanlike one with the good looks and down-to-earth air, who has been seen washing floors and making coffee over a bonfire, all with a faux-bashful smile. He’s the person who has repeatedly prevented the country from returning to a path of sanity. This time he has relocated to the New Hope party, under the leadership of a new sucker called Gideon Sa’ar. But the ploy is the same ploy. This time too, one of the greatest obstacles to forming a government of change is Hendel’s refusal to form a coalition supported by the legitimate representatives of Israel’s Arab citizens.

20.12.2020 - 10:33 [ Haaretz ]

Three Days to Stave Off Election: Gantz Met With Netanyahu Rival Sa‘ar

Defense Minister and Kahol Lavan chairman Benny Gantz met on Saturday with breakaway Likud lawmaker Gideon Sa‘ar, three days before the Knesset is expected to disband.

15.12.2020 - 23:55 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar‘s Party Would Be Second Largest in Knesset, Election Poll Shows

A poll released by Channel 12 News Tuesday shows the party led by former Likud lawmaker Gideon Sa‘ar surging ahead to become Israel‘s second largest party, were elections held now.

The party led by Sa‘ar, a rival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, would garner 21 seats, trailing Likud by just six seats.

15.12.2020 - 23:53 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar Just Paid a High Price in Future Battle Against Netanyahu, but It‘ll Be Worth It

There was some nervousness over the weekend at the Balfour Street residence. Someone close to the royals, employed in a very rewarding job at the Prime Minister’s Office as a “consultant on the outbreak of the coronavirus,” had written an article. Its convoluted thesis was that the deserter Gideon Sa’ar was leading a move which has party, community and governmental implications, aimed at turning back the 1977 overthrow of the long-reigning Labor Party by Likud.

11.12.2020 - 14:18 [ Haaretz ]

The Master Plan: Clone Likud Without Bibi and His Sycophants

For several months the prime minister‘s rival has been secretly spinning his web. Each week more advisers, lawmakers, mayors, key activists joined the secret circle

09.12.2020 - 05:45 [ Haaretz ]

Gideon Sa‘ar, Netanyahu Rival, Breaks With Likud to Start New Party

Other Potential candidates to join Sa‘ar‘s new party are lawmakers Yifat Shasha-Biton of Likud and former Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot.

26.12.2019 - 20:48 [ Tagesschau ]

Israelische Regierungspartei Likud wählt einen neuen Vorsitzenden


26.12.2019 - 13:33 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

US, UK & Aussie Capitalists Donate to Netanyahu and Sa’ar Campaigns

Far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his challenger in today’s (December 26) internal Likud election for the party leadership, MK Gideon Sa’ar, each received hundreds of thousands of shekels in campaign contributions from American, British millionaires, the State Comptroller’s Office website revealed on Sunday, December 22.

The Knesset passed a law last year preventing Knesset candidates from raising money from private donations and instead providing public funds for primaries. However, the law does not apply to races for the leadership of a party.

26.12.2019 - 13:29 [ Tagesschau ]

Likud wählt neuen Chef: Netanyahu – oder noch weiter rechts

„Das wäre nicht passiert, wenn es nicht bereits zwei gescheiterte Versuche Netanyahus gegeben hätte, eine Koalition zu bilden. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass Netanyahu auch nach einer dritten Neuwahl kein Bündnis bilden kann.“ Denn weiterhin schließen mögliche Koalitionspartner eine Zusammenarbeit mit Netanyahu aus: Avigdor Lieberman und dessen Partei Israel Beitenu sowie das Bündnis Blau-Weiß von Benny Gantz.

26.11.2019 - 19:21 [ Times os Israel ]

As party battle heats up, Likud rival Sa’ar says Netanyahu should resign

Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar said Tuesday that Benjamin Netanyahu should resign, marking a rare call from within Likud for the ouster of the party leader and prime minister.

Sa’ar, who earlier this week challenged Netanyahu to a leadership contest, accused Netanyahu of prolonging the political deadlock that has wracked the country for the last several months by refusing to step down.

24.11.2019 - 12:42 [ ]

Netanyahu Likud party rival slams PM, calls coup remarks ‚wrong‘ and ‚irresponsible‘

„Whoever heads the executive branch cannot say that Mendelblit‘s decision is an attempt of a legal coup. That‘s not right, it‘s not responsible,“ said Sa‘ar in an interview with Channel 12 News.

„It‘s not fixing the system, it‘s smashing the system,“ he continued. „It is impossible to talk about the attorney general‘s decision as a coup, we are creating an atmosphere of chaos in the country, and that I oppose,“ Sa‘ar added.

23.11.2019 - 22:08 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Says Netanyahu ‚Risks Igniting Civil War,‘ Calls on Likud Members to Speak Out

Alluding to Netanyahu‘s role in the right-wing campaign against former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in the run-up to his assassination, he said: „Someone who spearheaded the harsh and painful campaign against Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of blessed memory, which ended in a national disaster, should know that dangerous words are doomed to turn into deadly bullets.“ He added that „a true patriot“ would not „hold Israeli citizens hostage to his legal battle.“

23.11.2019 - 22:07 [ Haaretz ]

Senior Likud Lawmaker Calls for Leadership Race: Netanyahu Can‘t Form Government

Senior Likud member Gideon Sa‘ar has called for a Likud leadership primary, criticizing Benjamin Netanyahu‘s attack on Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit and the claim that the decision to indict the prime minister on corruption charges is „an attempted coup.“

„Whoever heads the executive branch can‘t say that Mendelblit‘s decision is an attempt of a legal coup. That‘s not right, it‘s not responsible,“ Sa‘ar, seen as Netanyahu‘s main rival in the party, told Channel 12 News on Saturday.

31.10.2019 - 06:29 [ ]

Netanyahu‘s son calls police ‚Gestapo,‘ claims Gideon Saar a ‚rapist‘

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s son lashed out at Israeli police, referring to them as the Nazi Gestapo, accused a senior Likud MK seen as his father’s political rival of rape and claimed a former family aide turned state witness killed an IDF soldier in the past. Yair Netanyahu made the allegations during an explosive interrogation that was part of one the prime minster’s corruption investigations, according to transcripts published Tuesday by Channel 12 television.

04.10.2019 - 14:08 [ ]

Netanyahu reportedly backing away from proposed Likud party primary

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly shrinking away from a suggested Likud party primary proposal after close allies warned he has more to lose than gain in the contest.

Instead, Netanyahu is weighing a whether to hold an internal leadership contest next year after Foreign Minister Israel Katz made the suggestion Thursday evening, according to Israeli broadcaster Channel 12.