Archiv: booting Mansour Abbas

11.05.2021 - 05:55 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Coalition Talks: Islamist Party Freezes Negotiations in Wake of Jerusalem, Gaza Flare-up

Lapid was supposed to meet on Monday with Yamina chairman Naftali Bennett and United Arab List leader Mansour Abbas, but the latter suspended coalition negotiations and put off the meeting due to the security situation.

14.04.2021 - 13:20 [ Neil Lazarus / Twitter ]

So #Bennet meets w#Netanyahu. No surprise if will recommend him to President for PM #IsraElex4 #Israel #israelelection BB will still need Mansour 4 a majority


04.04.2021 - 10:02 [ ]

Israel: Islamist Ra‘am party undecided on who to endorse for PM

Mansour Abbas, the leader of the Islamist conservatives, has emerged as a coalition kingmaker

24.03.2021 - 11:28 [ Haaretz ]

‚Not in Anyone‘s Pocket‘: Islamist Party Leader Not Ruling Out Joining Netanyahu After Surprising Election Result

United Arab List leader Mansour Abbas said Wednesday that he is not „obligated to any bloc or any candidate,“ after the Islamist party surpassed the electoral threshold, with almost 90 percent of the vote counted in Israel‘s unprecedented fourth election in under two years.

19.03.2021 - 05:32 [ Haaretz ]

Why Is Netanyahu Still Standing After All This Time?

Election Overdose podcast, episode 12, five days to go: Did Bibi‘s handling of COVID-19 help or harm his electoral prospects ■ How the center-left opposition failed so miserably ■ Plus: Polls galore and last-minute surprises

06.03.2021 - 08:01 [ Haaretz ]

Thousands Protest Police Brutality in Israeli Arab Community Despite Police Warning

„We‘re here to protest police violence and also to call on the police to act against criminal gangs in our communities. We don‘t have a violent message, we just want to live safely in our towns,“ Mahamid said.

Residents of nearby towns also joined the protests, as well as a number of Jewish Israelis and representatives from the Ra‘am and Meretz political parties.

06.02.2021 - 21:01 [ Jeremy's Knesset Insider ]

Channel 13 Poll: Likud 30, Yesh Atid 17, New Hope 13, Yamina 11, Joint List 7

Current Knesset seats in [brackets]

30 [36] Likud + Gesher (Netanyahu)
17 [16] Yesh Atid (Lapid)
13 [03] New Hope (Saar)
11 [03] Yamina (Bennett)
07 [11] The Joint List (Odeh)
07 [09] Shas (Deri)
07 [02] Labor (Michaeli)
06 [07] United Torah Judaism (Gafni)
05 [07] Yisrael Beitenu (Lieberman)
05 [02] Religious Zionist + Otzma + Noam (Smotrich)
04 [12] Blue & White/Israel Resilience (Gantz)
04 [04] Meretz (Horovitz)
04 [04] Ra’am (Abbas)

06.02.2021 - 20:47 [ Daily Sabah ]

Abbas‘ new Arab party may become kingmaker in Israel

The Joint List, an alliance of four Arab parties that won a record 15 seats in elections held last year, finalized the break up overnight in which three will run together and the United Arab List, a party led by parliament member Mansour Abbas, will strike out on its own.

One of the main points of the division was Abbas‘ openness to working with Netanyahu or other Israeli leaders to address longstanding issues like crime and housing in Israel‘s Arab community, which makes up around 20% of its population.

05.02.2021 - 11:40 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: Three of Four Joint List Factions Run Together, United Arab List to Go Solo

Three of the four factions of Joint List – Hadash, Ta‘al and Balad – have signed an agreement for a united bid for Israel‘s March election, parting ways with the conservative United Arab List after a prolonged period of disagreements.

29.01.2021 - 09:29 [ Haaretz ]

Alliance of Israeli Arab Parties to Split Ahead of March Election

At this stage, it’s not yet clear whether Ta’al might even decide to run jointly with Hadash and Balad, which have agreed to run on a joint slate, or whether it would pursue a link-up with the United Arab List.

02.01.2021 - 06:48 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu said planning to campaign hard for Arab vote in new election

In recent months, however, he appears to have formed a quiet alliance with the Joint List’s MK Mansour Abbas, to the chagrin of Abbas’s colleagues.

On Thursday during an unprecedented visit to the Arab town of Tirah to encourage vaccination, Netanyahu said he did not rule out placing an Arab lawmaker on his right-wing list.

29.12.2020 - 06:35 [ Ron Skolnik / Twitter ]

Lone poll I‘ve see has the conservative United Arab List at 1.1%, well below threshold. So Joint List very possibly will patch things up. But might not UAL‘s departure actually pave way for an eventual left Arab-Jewish party?


29.12.2020 - 06:28 [ Future American Refugee / Twitter ]

Most amusing development: The Joint List, a coalition of 4 Arab parties, is likely to split up. One of the parties, an Islamist Bedouin party called „United Arab List“ is likely going to run separately as pro-Netanyahu


29.12.2020 - 06:22 [ The Jerusalem Post / Twitter ]

Some might be shocked at #Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin @Netanyahu ‚s alliance with the Joint List‘s Mansour Abbas, but this is unsurprising considering the PM‘s other ties to right-wing, anti-liberal figures worldwide.

23.12.2020 - 19:13 [ Haaretz ]

This Israeli Election Season Will Feature Vaccines, Generals and Political Cannibalism

Netanyahu will flaunt COVID vaccines and peace, Kahol Lavan might fall into oblivion and the Joint List is facing a split as Israel gears up for its fourth election in two years.