Archiv: Association for Civil Rights in Israel

20.03.2024 - 00:05 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Human Rights Organizations Petition High Court: Israel is Preventing the Supply of Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Five Israeli human rights organizations in Israel filed on Monday, March 18, a petition calling on High Court to order the far-right government, Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories to enable access of all humanitarian aid, equipment and staff to Gaza, especially to the north of the Strip; to significantly increase the volume of aid to Gaza, including by opening land crossings between Gaza and Israel, and to provide for all the needs of the civilian population in keeping with Israel’s obligations as the occupying power.

This in light of the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and the lethal harm to civilians caused, in part, as a result of Israeli restrictions on access to aid into and throughout the Strip. The petition was filed by Gisha together with HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, Physicians for Human Rights Israel, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and Adalah.

18.01.2024 - 07:01 [ Middle East Eye ]

Civil rights groups in Israel file petition demanding authorisation for anti-war protests

The petition was filed after the police refused on Tuesday to approve the protest, for the third time.

The petition states that the police‘s refusal to approve the protest „joins the systematic oppression of protests, even small demonstrations, that criticise the combat, its results, and demand a diplomatic solution“.

18.01.2024 - 06:20 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) / Twitter ]

Last night‘s events in Tel Aviv paint a disturbing picture: the Tel Aviv police are becoming highly influenced by Ben Gvir‘s sentiments regarding protestors. From the accounts of demonstrators, including videos and testimonies, it is evident that severe violence, dismantling of signs, political persecution, and incitement against protesters are becoming disturbingly routine.

We urge the Attorney General not to remain silent when the police transform into a political tool, targeting those who dissent from the government‘s stance.

Particularly in times of war, it is crucial to safeguard freedom of expression and the right to protest.

17.10.2023 - 20:00 [ B’Tselem ]

Human Rights Organizations raise a loud and clear voice against the harming of all innocent civilians

12 October 2023

We, members of the undersigned human rights organizations in Israel, are shocked and horrified in these dreadful days.
Hamas’ horrific crimes against innocent civilians – including children, women, and the elderly – have shaken us all, and we are struggling to recover from the unbearable sights and sounds. Some of us were in the Israeli communities on the Gaza border during the assault; many of us have family, friends, and colleagues who endured and are still in the midst of the harrowing events; and we all know people who were murdered, injured, or abducted. It will take time to fully understand the implications and consequences of Hamas’ heinous attack, for which there can be no justification.

17.10.2023 - 19:50 [ ]

Statement by members of the human rights community in Israel


We call for the immediate release of all hostages and an end to the bombardment of civilians in Israel and in Gaza. Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach civilian populations, medical facilities and places of refuge must not be harmed, and vital resources such as water and electricity must not be cut off. The killing of additional civilians will not bring back those who were lost. Indiscriminate destruction and a siege harming innocents will not bring relief, justice, or calm.

17.10.2023 - 18:57 [ ]

Announcement of human rights organizations in Israel, October 2023


As individuals working to promote human rights and who believe in the sanctity of life, we urgently call for an end to all indiscriminate harming of civilian lives and infrastructure. We call for negotiations and all possible action to be taken to bring about the release of the hostages – while prioritizing the civilians held by Hamas. It is the only humane and rational thing to do, and it must be done now.

17.10.2023 - 18:50 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel ]

We, Members of the Undersigned Human Rights Organizations in Israel, are Shocked and Horrified.


Most of our teams include Israelis and Palestinians; therefore, some of us have relatives and colleagues in Gaza currently living under the ongoing assault of the Israeli military. Children, women, and the elderly are being indiscriminately attacked with nowhere to hide.

Even now – especially now – we must maintain our moral and humane position and refuse to give in to despair or the urge for vengeance. Keeping our faith in the human spirit and its inherent goodness is more vital than ever. One thing is clear: We will never surrender our belief in humanity – even now, when doing so is more challenging than ever.

17.10.2023 - 01:00 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Human Rights Organizations, MK Cassif Raise a Clear Voice Against the Harming of Civilians

Among the signatories to the declaration: Mothers Against Violence, Itach Ma’aki – Women Lawyers for Social Justice, Academy for Equality, Amnesty International Israel, BIMKOM – Planners for Planning Rights, B’Tselem, Gisha, The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Parents Against Child Detention, Hamoked – Center for the Defence of the Individual, Zazim – Community Action, Haqel – In Defense of Human Rights, Yesh Din, Yesh Gvul, Combatants for Peace, Mehazkim, Machsom Watch, Women Wage Peace , Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research, Standing Together, Ir Amim, Emek Shaveh, The Parents Circle-Families Forum, Rabbis for Human Rights, Physicians for Human Rights–Israel, Breaking the Silence and Torat Tzedek.

09.08.2023 - 13:57 [ Association for Civil Rights Israel (ACRI) ]

Who we are

The Association for Civil Rights Israel (ACRI) is the oldest and most influential civil and human rights organization in Israel. Founded in 1972, ACRI is the only NGO in Israel advocating across the broad spectrum of human rights and civil liberties for everyone living in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Our strategic focus areas include: social and economic rights, civil and political rights, Arab society, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and migrants, refugees and statusless peoples.

09.08.2023 - 13:25 [ Haaretz ]

38 Human Rights Orgs Petition High Court to Strike Down Judicial Overhaul Law

The petition was signed, among others, by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the Aguda for LGBT rights, Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition, Kav LaOved for disadvantaged workers, The Association for Ethiopian Jews, and the Adalah organization for Arab minority rights in Israel.

Several petitions against the law have already been filed, among else by the Israel Bar Association, the Movement for Quality Government in Israel, the Civic-Democratic organization and the Darkenu organization.

Additionally, private individuals, including military personnel, former Knesset members, and social activists, have submitted petitions against the law.

17.04.2023 - 18:00 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Ben Gvir Demands a Fascist Militia, ACRI Demands to Stop It

“As Israel moves closer to become a dictatorship, Ben Gvir, the Minister of National Security demands grow louder to have his own nationalist militia guard,” said the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI).

ACRI contacted Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara to point out that this dangerous intention should be stopped immediately: “The national guard he dreams of creating is called ‘Return of the Governance’ and he does not even try to hide its true purpose. His aim is to create a nationalist guard that will serve his racist agenda directly, targeting pro-democracy protesters and Arab citizens alike.”

27.01.2022 - 16:12 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) ]

Stop the Use of Pegasus Spyware Against Civilians

On January 18, 2020, an investigation by Calcalist revealed that the Israel Police were using NSO Group‘s Pegasus spyware to hack into the phones of Israeli citizens, including anti-government protesters and activists.

In response, ACRI argued that the use of Pegasus spyware and hacking into mobile phones of Israeli citizens, as in the darkest of oppressive dictatorships, is illegal and requires an immediate, full investigation.

29.09.2018 - 10:35 [ Ben White ‏/ Twitter ]

„It seems that Shin Bet thinks participating in a protest of a tour of the West Bank are an existential threat to the state of Israel,“ [@acri_online‘s Dan] Yakir said. „Instead of the Attorney General crying foul over these things, he embraces them.“

29.09.2018 - 09:54 [ Haaretz ]

Shin Bet Gets Backing From AG‘s Office: Left-wing Activists Detained to ‚Prevent Illegal Activity‘

Deputy Attorney General Dina Zilber backed Shin Bet detentions and interrogations of left-wing activists entering Israel. In a letter issued Friday to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Zilber wrote…