Für Annahme der Motion … 144 Stimmen
Dagegen … 24 Stimmen
(21 Enthaltungen)
Daily Archives: 27. September 2023
Schweiz stimmt gegen Chatkontrolle: „Niemand wird sich der Kontrolle entziehen können“
Den Antrag hat der Nationalrat am Montag mit einer Dreiviertel-Mehrheit angenommen (144 Ja-Stimmen, 24 Nein-Stimmen, 21 Enthaltungen). Damit stimmte die Mehrheit der Nationalrät*innen gegen die Position der Schweizer Regierung, dem Bundesrat. Dieser hatte auf die laufenden Verhandlungen in der EU zur Chatkontrolle verwiesen. Außerdem behauptet der Bundesrat: „Eine kontinuierliche, anlasslose staatliche Überwachung digitaler Kommunikation ist im Vorschlag der EU-Kommission nicht vorgesehen.“ Tatsächlich sieht der Kommissionsentwurf vor, dass nach einer behördlichen Anordnung alle Nachrichten bestimmter Anbieter automatisch gescannt werden, um zu entdecken, ob sie Darstellungen von Kindesmissbrauch enthalten oder ein Versuch von Grooming sind.
JCPOA: A New Gold Standard for Non-Proliferation Agreements
(June 7, 2017)
The established pattern of constraints on Iran’s nuclear program could be held as the gold standard for the rest of the international community. This option is readily available to the United States and the partners with which it negotiated the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA): China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union. The international community should draw on that agreement and turn its standards into general, global ones, applying them to all countries seeking to enrich uranium or attempting to use plutonium for any purpose.
The Saudi energy minister did not comment on whether his country would also join the IAEA’s Additional Protocol, which requires more thorough oversight including snap inspections.
As long as #SaudiArabia doesn‘t sign up to the IAEA‘s Additional Protocol which strengthens the ability of the agency to verify peaceful uses of nuclear technology, concerns will remain over Saudi nuclear ambitions.
Saudi Arabia announces crucial step forward in its nascent nuclear power plans
Switching to a broader inspection regime will enable the kingdom to access fissile material and start running its small nuclear reactor.
The developments come amid increasing concern among nuclear nonproliferation experts and lawmakers about Saudi Arabia‘s intentions with the technology, and the potential for a Middle Eastern arms race.
Additional Protocol
The Additional Protocol is not a stand-alone agreement, but rather a protocol to a safeguards agreement that provides additional tools for verification. In particular, it significantly increases the IAEA’s ability to verify the peaceful use of all nuclear material in States with comprehensive safeguards agreements.
More on Safeguards agreements
Voluntary offer agreements…
Item-specific safeguards agreements…
Additional Protocol
The Additional Protocol is designed for States that have any type of safeguards agreement with the IAEA. States with CSAs that decide to conclude additional protocols must accept all provisions of the Model Protocol Additional, which was approved by the Board of Governors in 1997. States with item-specific or voluntary offer agreements may accept and implement those measures of the Model Additional Protocol that they are prepared to accept.
Small Quantities Protocols
The small quantities protocol is a protocol that may be concluded in conjunction with a comprehensive safeguards agreement. It has been available since 1971 and its text was standardized in 1974 (original small quantities protocol).
The original small quantities protocol was made available to States with minimal or no nuclear material and no nuclear material in a “facility.”
Saudis commit to full UN atomic agency inspection of nuclear activities
Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman told a meeting of the IAEA annual General Conference in Vienna that his country is ready to adopt the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, which has stricter inspections and monitoring.
Staatstrojaner Pegasus: Wir verklagen das BKA – zum dritten Mal
Pegasus ist der wohl berüchtigtste Staatstrojaner der Welt. Nach den Enthüllungen des Pegasus-Projekts arbeitete das EU-Parlament diverse Skandale in einem eigenen Untersuchungsausschuss auf. Die USA haben den Einsatz von Pegasus verboten und Sanktionen gegen das Unternehmen NSO verhängt, weil ihr Staatstrojaner die nationale Sicherheit und die internationale Ordnung gefährdet. Deutschland belohnt NSO weiter mit Steuergeld.
How Benjamin Netanyahu Pushed Israel Into Chaos
But while the judicial overhaul is unpopular — only one in four Israelis wants it to proceed, according to a recent survey by the Israel Democracy Institute — it hasn’t diminished the passion of Netanyahu’s core supporters. In a recent poll measuring suitability to lead the country, he and Benny Gantz, who heads the centrist National Unity party, were tied with 38 percent each. (By comparison, Lapid, the current opposition leader, trailed them with 29 percent.) For vast parts of the country, from the Jewish settlements in the West Bank to ultra-Orthodox enclaves to Israel’s impoverished development towns, he remains “King Bibi.”