Daily Archives: 17. August 2023

17.08.2023 - 19:45 [ Telekom.com ]

Mama, kann auch ein Mann Kanzlerin werden?

Die Unterschiede der Menschen wertschätzen, sich lautstark einsetzen für Vielfalt und gegen Diskriminierung hat bei der Telekom eine lange Tradition. Bereits vor rund 30 Jahren hat der Telekom-Vorstand das Frauenförderkonzept verabschiedet.

17.08.2023 - 19:38 [ Tagesschau.de ]

USA erteilen „Arrow 3“-Freigabe: Israels „historischer“ Rüstungsdeal kann kommen

Am Ende sei es die Leistungsfähigkeit von „Arrow 3“ gewesen, die auch die Bundeswehr und die deutsche Bundesregierung überzeugt habe. So der Inspekteur der Luftwaffe, General Ingo Gerhartz in einem Interview im israelischen Fernsehen: „Das System hat große Fähigkeiten. Und es gibt nun mal die Bedrohung durch Langstreckenraketen.“

17.08.2023 - 19:32 [ ZDF ]

Raketenabwehr für Deutschland

Deutschland steht vor einem großen Rüstungsdeal, da die USA Israel die Erlaubnis für den Verkauf des Raketenabwehrsystems Arrow 3 gegeben haben. Bis Ende 2025 soll es einsatzbereit sein.

Arrow 3 kann auch ballistische Raketen, abgefeuert aus einer Entfernung von bis zu 2.400 Kilometern abfangen – ein Vorteil, auch für Deutschlands Nachbarländer bei möglichen Angriffen.

17.08.2023 - 19:20 [ ABC News ]

Israel clinches largest-ever defense deal with Germany for $3.5 billion after securing US approval

Although Israel has long had close economic and military links with western European countries, the deal with Germany could draw the attention of Russia. Israel has maintained working relations with Russia throughout the war in Ukraine and has repeatedly rebuffed requests to sell arms to Kyiv for fear of antagonizing Moscow.

17.08.2023 - 19:11 [ Haaretz ]

Rising GOP Presidential Candidate Calls to End U.S. Military Aid to Israel as Part of Mideast Normalization

“So our commitments have, I think, $38 billion in aid, military support, etc. going in through 2028,” he noted, referring to the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two countries in 2016 pledging Israel $3.8 billion a year from 2019 through 2028. “I want to get Israel to the place where it is negotiated back into the infrastructure of the rest of the Middle East. We should not be worried about holding one nation or one region hostage over one particular question relating to Palestine,” he said.

17.08.2023 - 18:59 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Army Suspends Top Navy Commander From Reserve Duty for Resisting Netanyahu‘s Judicial Coup

‚My values don’t allow me to serve in the army of a dictatorship,‘ Brig. Gen. Ofer Doron had written to the Israeli Navy‘s chief

17.08.2023 - 18:46 [ Haaretz ]

Ex-intel Head Warns Netanyahu Will Replace IDF Chief With ‘Yes-man’ if He Resigns

„I have heard suggestions that Herzl Halevi should resign – he should not do that, or the government would appoint an ally or ‚yes-man,’” Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, the former head of Aman, Israel’s military intelligence directorate, told Army Radio.

„The citizens of Israel should be praying that he stays at the helm, and he must hold on as long as his conscience is in place,” he continued.

17.08.2023 - 18:35 [ Haaretz ]

‘Despicable and Reckless’ That Netanyahu Won’t Commit to Obeying the Rule of Law

Plesner looks ahead to the Knesset session in the fall and, before that, the upcoming petitions against the law in the Supreme Court (sitting as the High Court of Justice). He also reacts to Netanyahu’s refusal to state – in response to a question he was asked on both CNN and Fox News – that he would abide by any potential Supreme Court ruling striking down the reasonableness law that was passed last week.