Daily Archives: 14. August 2022

14.08.2022 - 22:57 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hadash Elects First Candidates for Its List for the Knesset Elections

Hadash’s electoral platform calls for: an end to Israel’s occupation of all Palestinian territories conquered in the June 1967 war as well as the Golan Heights taken from Syria, and for achieving a just, comprehensive, and stable peace between Israel and an independent Palestinian state to be created in those same occupied Palestinian territories; the protection of workers’ rights; the development of advanced and egalitarian social services (health, education, housing, welfare, culture, and sports), and for full equality for the Arab-Palestinian national minority in Israel.

Among Hadash’s additional goals are: the eradication of ethnic discrimination in all fields; the defense of the interests of residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods and development towns; the protection of democratic freedoms in Israeli society; full equality between the sexes in all fields; the protection of the environment and environmental justice; and the eradication of all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in Israel and throughout the Middle East.

14.08.2022 - 22:52 [ ORF.at ]

Israels Ex-Armeechef schließt sich Partei von Gantz an

Israels ehemaliger Armeechef Gadi Eisenkot will mit Blick auf die anstehende Parlamentswahl der neuen Partei von Verteidigungsminister Benny Gantz beitreten. Er werde sich der neuen Mitte-rechts-Partei Hamahane Hamamlachti (Nationale Einheitspartei) von Gantz und Justizminister Gideon Saar anschließen, erklärte Eisenkot heute.

14.08.2022 - 22:32 [ Max Blumenthal / Nitter ]

The organized US left in its current incarnation poses little threat to entrenched power, and often functions as its shield. This is a private source of humiliation to many activists, prompting them to overcompensate by ritually abusing heretics and performative radicalism.

There is also the professional left element which reacts with open glee as the security state runs wild on MAGA, the same way many of them celebrated deaths of unvaccinated right-wing septuagenarians with Covid. The culture wars define their shared identity & trump any principle.

14.08.2022 - 21:49 [ Haaretz ]

Uninvolved: These Are the 36 Palestinian Civilians Killed During Israel’s Gaza Op

6:45 pm IDT

Forty-nine Palestinians have been killed as a result of the latest military escalation between Israel and Islamic Jihad, which lasted three days. They include five girls, 11 boys and four women.

Thirty were killed during Israeli strikes. Of those, 17 were civilians, among them three girls, a boy and four women. Botched launches of Palestinian rockets killed 19 non-combatants, including 12 children.

14.08.2022 - 21:20 [ Fox News ]

Critics call for Biden to ‚immediately end‘ Iran nuclear talks following attempted murder of Salman Rushdie

The attempted murder of author Salman Rushdie prompted social media users, including several members of Congress, to voice criticism of the Biden administration’s pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran in light of the country’s past support of a fatwa against Rushdie’s life.