Archiv: shutdowns / Verwaltungsstillstand

01.10.2021 - 02:22 [ ORF ]

Shutdown in USA mit Übergangshaushalt abgewendet

Der Kongress wandte gestern damit einen Government-Shutdown ab, einen weitgehenden Verwaltungsstillstand, der sonst morgen mit Beginn des neuen Haushaltsjahrs eingetreten wäre. Zuvor hatte bereits der Senat das Vorhaben gebilligt.

Bei einem Shutdown wären Hunderttausende Bundesbedienstete in den unbezahlten Zwangsurlaub geschickt worden.

01.10.2021 - 02:08 [ ]

House aligns with Senate and votes to avoid government shutdown with short-term funding bill

It‘s one of several political issues being followed closely by the markets, which have fallen Thursday amid uncertainty about the passage of a bipartisan infrastructure bill and President Biden‘s $3.5 trillion spending package.

21.03.2021 - 19:53 [ France24 ]

Congo Republic voters cast ballots in presidential poll amid Internet blackout

The Congo Republic pressed ahead with a presidential election on Sunday with the Internet and social media sites down since midnight, the main opposition candidate gravely ill and all signs showing the incumbent, Denis Sassou Nguesso, likely to win yet another poll following a boycott by the main opposition.

11.03.2021 - 17:48 [ France24 ]

Protesters occupy Paris theatres to protest against Covid-19 shutdowns

University students spent Monday night protesting at Pau theatre in southern France. Similar actions were seen on Tuesday at two other theatres, the Colline in eastern Paris and the National Theatre of Strasbourg.

26.07.2020 - 22:39 [ The Peninsula ]

Morocco shuts down major cities after spike in coronavirus cases

The cities to be locked down include the economic powerhouse of Casablanca as well as Tangier, Marrakech, Fez and Meknes.

16.04.2020 - 05:44 [ WKYT Nick Oliver / Twitter ]

Crowds are pouring into Frankfort demanding @GovAndyBeshear reopen Kentucky. Many here are local business owners and say they want to get back to work and are demanding some decisions to be made. @WKYT

06.03.2020 - 15:39 [ ]

Interview zu Internetblockaden: Jordanien blockt nicht, es drosselt

Weltweit schalten Regierungen immer öfter den Internetzugang ab, um Proteste zu unterbinden, unerwünschte Inhalte zu blockieren oder kritischen Journalismus zu zensieren. Wir sprachen mit Berhan Taye von Access Now über diese ausufernden Maßnahmen.

19.01.2020 - 10:06 [ Libya Observer ]

UNSMIL head expresses hope that oil port crisis will end in days

In a statement to Reuters on Saturday, Salame said that if the matter is not resolved today, it will be discussed on Sunday in the Berlin summit.

19.01.2020 - 09:50 [ ]

Libyan National Oil Corporation declares ‘state of emergency’ after Haftar’s forces close eastern oil ports

Libya’s national oil company has declared a “state of emergency” after exports of its oil from the ports in the eastern part of the country were blocked by forces loyal to the Libyan National Army‘s General Khalifa Haftar.

The Petroleum Facilities Guard – a militia that controls major export terminals in eastern Libya – has ordered local subsidiaries of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), who run them, to cease all operations, the firm said in a statement.

26.01.2019 - 15:52 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Trump LOSES Shutdown War And Roger Stone Is Raided And Arrested

The government shutdown has ended… for now. Trump advisor Roger Stone‘s home was raided and he was promptly arrested by furloughed FBI agents.

26.01.2019 - 11:28 [ ]

Shutdown vorerst beendet: Trump gibt nach

Es ist eine Lösung auf Zeit. Drei Wochen bleiben Republikanern und Demokraten, um sich zu einigen – eine Entscheidung im Streit über die Mauer an der Grenze zu Mexiko ist nur aufgeschoben. Die Regierung erstmal zu öffnen und dann weiterzuverhandeln, das hatten die Demokraten seit Tagen gefordert.

25.01.2019 - 04:58 [ New York Times ]

Collapse of Two Plans to End Shutdown Propels Urgent Negotiations

But the results undercut the president by revealing that his proposal drew less support in the Republican-controlled Senate than did the Democrats’ plan, which attracted a half-dozen Republicans willing to break with Mr. Trump. And with the shutdown reaching a grim milestone on Friday as 800,000 federal workers miss a second consecutive paycheck, pressure is mounting in both parties to find a solution.

25.01.2019 - 04:29 [ ]

Abstimmung im US-Senat: Keiner bewegt sich im Shutdown-Streit

Während die Demokraten das Abgeordnetenhaus kontrollieren, verfügen Trumps Republikaner über die Mehrheit im Senat. Allerdings haben sie dort nur 53 der 100 Sitze inne. Daher war schon vorab erwartet worden, dass bei der Abstimmung über die konkurrierenden Vorschläge keiner davon die nötigen 60 Stimmen erzielt. Bemerkenswert war allerdings, dass der Vorschlag der Demokraten mehr Ja-Stimmen bekam als der Trumps: 52 votierten für ihren Vorschlag, nur 50 für den Trumps.

22.01.2019 - 19:12 [ Kyle Griffin, MSNBC's @TheLastWord / Twitter ]

Tim Kaine: „Democrats are not for the shutdown. Who said he would shut down the government? The president. Who said he would be proud of it? The president … Democrats are tying to get a vote to reopen government. Who‘s blocking it? The Republican Senate Majority Leader.“ @MSNBC

22.01.2019 - 19:10 [ ABC News ]

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell set to introduce bill that would end shutdown

It remains to be seen if the bill will advance in the Senate, given that most Democrats are united in demanding that President Donald Trump must reopen the government before they will begin talks about funding border security.

20.01.2019 - 06:41 [ New York Times ]

Trump Offers Temporary Protections for ‘Dreamers’ in Exchange for Wall Funding

But the proposal, which Mr. Trump unveiled in a 13-minute address from the White House, appeared dead on arrival in the Capitol. Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected it even before Mr. Trump spoke, and Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, denounced the offer as “not a compromise but more hostage taking.”

With the shutdown entering its fifth week and polls showing a majority of the public blaming Mr. Trump, the president’s advisers have been searching for an exit strategy.

20.01.2019 - 06:37 [ Chad Pergram / Twitter ]

Pelosi on moving the date of State of the Union: The date is not a sacred date. It’s not in the a Constitution. It’s not his could be date later


20.01.2019 - 06:13 [ Joseph Overgaard ‏/ Twitter ]

„After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi moved to postpone President Trump’s State of the Union address, citing security concerns due to the #GovernmentShutdown, Trump responded by grounding her military transport to Europe and Afghanistan.“

13.01.2019 - 21:41 [ Tulsi Gabbard, Abgeordnete des US Repräsentantenhauses / Twitter ]

This partial government shutdown is not saving money – it’s costing us billions and hurting innocent American families in the process.

12.01.2019 - 14:45 [ Joy Reid ‏/ Twitter ]

To be clear, @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell has all the power he needs under the U.S. Constitution to let the Senate vote to end the government shutdown. The House bills would undoubtedly pass. He‘s simply refusing to do so without Donald Trump‘s permission. That‘s extraordinary.

12.01.2019 - 14:32 [ CNN ]

As shutdown drags on, McConnell heads home to Kentucky, leaving Democrats angry

McConnell, who has been brutalized by Democrats for blocking votes to reopen the government, skipped his customary remarks as the Senate gaveled in, when he might have defended his decision not to allow votes until a broad deal is reached between President Donald Trump and congressional Democrats over border wall funding.

11.01.2019 - 22:24 [ ]

Mitch McConnell has the power to shut down the shutdown: So why isn‘t he?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, if he wanted to, could probably end this shutdown easily. Instead, he‘s actively backing Trump‘s tantrum. On Thursday, McConnell refused even to bring a bill to the Senate floor that could reopen the government, holding to the line that he doesn‘t want to pass something Trump will veto.

11.01.2019 - 22:13 [ Times of Israel ]

Trump invokes ‘Israel’s wall’ in tense exchange over border security

“I am proud to shut down the government over border security,” Trump said in the White House Oval Office meeting with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-California, the speaker-designate, and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, the minority leader of the Senate.

“If you really want to find out how effective a wall is, just ask Israel,” Trump said in an extraordinary exchange in front of the press. “[It’s] 99.9 percent effective and our wall will be every bit as good as that, if not better.”

09.01.2019 - 12:35 [ IT'S MY COUNTRY AND I'LL CRY IF I WANT TO / Twitter ]

He ACTUALLY said that people build walls not because they hate the people outside but because they love the people inside. How did that work for the residents of East Berlin? The GDR just loved them so much they wanted to give them a big concrete hug?

09.01.2019 - 11:58 [ Washington Post ]

Trump won the night. Schumer and Pelosi lost.

President Trump did something Tuesday night that he has rarely done since taking office: He used the presidential bully pulpit to reach beyond his hardcore base of supporters to make his case to the American people as a whole.

Speaking from the Oval Office for the first time during his presidency, Trump embraced our country’s tradition as a nation of immigrants, declaring “America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation.”

09.01.2019 - 11:55 [ USA Today ]

Trump speech: Twitter pokes fun of Schumer, Pelosi ‚hostage tape,‘ ‚American Gothic‘ vibe

The famous „American Gothic“ depicts a woman and man with a pitchfork standing tall in front of a house, and some thought to two lawmakers were shoo-ins for a recreation of it.

24.05.2018 - 09:25 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

[LIVE/ARIRANG NEWS] International reporters expected to have arrived in Punggye-ri nuclear test site

▪ N. Korea warns the U.S. that it may have to reconsider holding planned summit in Singapore ▪ U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says bad deal with North Korea ‚not an option‘ ▪ Trump says will know next week if North Korea summit still on ▪ President‘s Constitutional revision bill fails amid lawmaker boycott ▪ Countdown to North Korea‘s nuclear test site shutdown *Updated: 2018-05-24 – 16:30:00(KST)