Archiv: Paul Manafort

25.05.2020 - 21:33 [ Fox News ]

Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann to headline Biden virtual fundraiser

Throughout the Russia investigation, Weissmann had been considered a “deputy” to Mueller, with conservatives regularly targeting him for his reputation of using aggressive tactics in cases, as well as his role in past controversial prosecutions. Weissmann helped to build the case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

30.07.2019 - 05:41 [ LA Times ]

Tom Barrack to step down as Colony Capital chief executive


Barrack played a high-profile role in Trump’s ascent to power, attending the 2016 Republican convention to deliver a primetime address in support of his longtime friend. He also introduced the future president to his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who is now serving a 47-month prison sentence for financial fraud.

19.04.2019 - 17:04 [ Glenn Greenwald ‏/ Twitter ]

There is, needless to say, no hint or suggestion in the Mueller Report that Paul Manafort visited Julian Assange ever in his life, let alone 3 times in the Ecuadorian Embassy during the election. It would obviously be there if it happened. How can the @guardian not retract this??

08.03.2019 - 16:03 [ ]

Manafort-Prozess in den USA: Weit unter der Höchststrafe

Manafort verdiente ein Millionenvermögen durch Berater- und Lobbytätigkeiten unter anderem für den früheren Russland-treuen Präsidenten der Ukraine, Viktor Janukowitsch. Einkünfte in Höhe von 16 Millionen Dollar versteuerte Manafort nicht. Rund 55 Millionen Dollar versuchte er, auf ausländischen Konten zu verstecken.

08.03.2019 - 15:56 [ CNN ]

Paul Manafort gets 47 months. Legal experts share examples of people who got more time for less

He‘ll receive another sentence from a different federal judge next week for the two crimes he pleaded guilty to last year — witness tampering and conspiracy related to years of illegal Ukrainian lobbying and money laundering. That sentencing could stack on top of the time he received Thursday.

14.02.2019 - 08:44 [ CNN ]

Manafort bombshell deepens mystery in Russia probe

None of these activities are necessarily illegal, making it even more difficult to understand why there was an apparent need to cover them up.
„This is the million-dollar question in the entire investigation,“ Rep. Mike Rogers, an Alabama Republican who‘s a former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on CNN‘s „Cuomo Prime Time.“ „You just have to start asking yourself, why did all of them lie about their connections to the Russians?“

14.02.2019 - 08:36 [ Washington Post ]

Federal judge finds Paul Manafort lied to Mueller probe about contacts with Russian aide

Manafort’s lies, the judge found, included “his interactions and communications with [Konstantin] Kilimnik,” a longtime aide whom the FBI assessed to have ties to Russian intelligence.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the District said Manafort also lied to the special counsel, the FBI and the grand jury about a payment from a company to a law firm — which he previously characterized as a loan repayment — and made false statements that were material to another Justice Department investigation whose focus has not been described in public filings in Manafort’s case.

05.12.2018 - 11:23 [ ]

Help WikiLeaks Sue Guardian Over Fabricated Story

The Embassy’s visitor logs – maintained by Ecuador – show no such visits, since they did not occur.

This is not the first time that the Guardian, and in particular its writer Luke Harding, have fabricated a story about Assange.

WikiLeaks is suing The Guardian for libel over this serious fabrication.

Bringing legal action in UK courts is extremely expensive. WikiLeaks is entirely funded by the public and urgently needs your support.

05.12.2018 - 11:13 [ ]

Misreporting Manafort: A Case Study in Journalistic Malpractice

(3.12.2018) Firstly, the entire story was based upon anonymous intelligence sources, sources that could not tell the newspaper exactly when the meetings took place.

Furthermore, the Ecuadorian embassy is one of the most surveilled buildings in the most surveilled city in the world, and was under 24-hour police guard and monitoring, costing the UK government over £11 million between 2012 and 2015. The embassy also had very tight internal security, with all visitors thoroughly vetted, required to sign in and leave all their electronic devices with security. Is it really possible any figure, let alone Donald Trump’s campaign manager, could walk in for a series of secret meetings without leaving record with Ecuador, or being seen by the media or police?

05.12.2018 - 11:07 [ Mark Curtis ‏/ Twitter ]

„The Guardian hit piece was so spectacularly desperate in its over-reaching to advance a narrative which has been used to manufacture support for longtime CIA/MI6 agendas … that it completely exposed itself as the establishment psyop firm that it is“.


05.12.2018 - 10:34 [ The Jimmy Dore Show / Youtube ]

Politico Caught Running CIA Propaganda About Assange

(4.12.2018) Just when we thought the bogus Assange smear couldn’t get worse, Politico asks the world to hold their beer.

01.12.2018 - 19:17 [ Glenn Greenwald ‏/ Twitter ]

8/ Even 2 hours after I read it, I still can‘t believe that Politico actually published an article by an ex-CIA agent under a fake name saying that if the Guardian‘s blockbuster Assange/Manafort story is false, it‘s Russia‘s fault. Parodying the US media at this point is futile.


01.12.2018 - 14:59 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Never, Ever Forget The Guardian/Politico Psyop Against WikiLeaks

For the first few hours after any new “bombshell” Russiagate story comes out, my social media notifications always light up with poorly written posts by liberal establishment loyalists saying things like “HAHAHA @caitoz this proves you wrong now will you FINALLY stop denying Russian collusion???” Then, when people start actually analyzing that story and noting that it comes nowhere remotely close to proving that Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election, those same people always forget to come back afterward and admit to me that they were wrong again.

28.11.2018 - 03:49 [ WikiLeaks / Twitter ]

Guardian quietly edits itself away from completely fabricated blockbuster „Manafort visited Assange at embassy“ story. Expect more changes.

28.11.2018 - 03:38 [ Gareth Porter / Truthdig ]

U.K. and Ecuador Conspire to Deliver Julian Assange to U.S. Authorities

Behind the revelation of those secret charges for supposedly threatening U.S. national security is a murky story of a political ploy by the Ecuadorian and British governments to create a phony rationale for ousting Assange from the embassy. The two regimes agreed to base their plan on the claim that Assange was conspiring to flee to Russia.

28.11.2018 - 03:27 [ WikiLeaks ‏/ Twitter ]

Guardian rapidly back-pedalling on 100% fake „Manafort visited Assange at embassy“ story. Expect more changes. Will editor @KathViner resign?

28.11.2018 - 03:25 [ the Canary ]

Growing calls for Guardian editor-in-chief to resign after the paper publishes massive ‘fake news’ story

There are growing calls for the Guardian‘s editor-in-chief to resign as the paper faces accusations of publishing a major “fake news” story about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on 27 November. Citing anonymous sources, the Guardian article accused Assange of holding “secret talks” with Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. The allegation could strengthen efforts to extradite Assange to the US, where he may face the death penalty.

28.11.2018 - 03:19 [ Ben Norton / Twitter ]

It is possible Manafort visited Assange, but because The Guardian presents no evidence, relying on an anonymous source and a bizarrely vague „intelligence document“ it did not publish, „no rational person would assume this story to be true“

28.11.2018 - 03:14 [ Max Blumenthal ‏/ Twitter ]

The Guardian reporter who published the story in question is Luke Harding.

28.11.2018 - 03:09 [ Craig Murray ]

Assange Never Met Manafort. Luke Harding and the Guardian Publish Still More Blatant MI6 Lies

I am not a fan of Donald Trump. But to see the partisans of the defeated candidate (and a particularly obnoxious defeated candidate) manipulate the security services and the media to create an entirely false public perception, in order to attempt to overturn the result of the US Presidential election, is the most astonishing thing I have witnessed in my lifetime.

15.09.2018 - 09:10 [ Raw Story ]

Here are 5 shady ways Trump, Israel and Russia are colluding on the world stage

That’s not the first time the government of Israel has surprisingly popped up during the Russia probe, investigations into President Donald Trump and his associates and White House policy on a number of issues. It should be noted that whatever Israel’s role has been in propping up Donald Trump, it’s fairly shocking, given that the Trump campaign was arguably propelled by white nationalists and avowed anti-Semites.

15.09.2018 - 08:56 [ ]

Court documents: Paul Manafort wanted to galvanize ‘Obama jews’ against Ukrainian politician as part of his lobbying work

Prosecutors say he collaborated with an Israeli official to spread the story that Tymoshenko was allied with anti-Semitic causes to make the administration believe “the Jewish community will take this out on Obama on electionday if he does nothing.”

“I have someone pushing it on the NY Post. Bada bing bada boom,” Manafort wrote in an email to one his employees in his consulting firm, identified as Person D1 in the court documents.

15.09.2018 - 08:51 [ ]

Trumps Ex-Wahlkampfchef: Manafort kooperiert mit Sonderermittler Mueller

Die Vereinbarung ist Teil eines Deals im zweiten Prozess gegen Manafort. Am Freitag bekannte er sich in dem Verfahren in zwei Punkten schuldig: Verschwörung zum Betrug an den Vereinigten Staaten und Verschwörung zur Behinderung der Justiz. Details zu der Mueller-Kooperation wurden zunächst nicht bekannt.

03.09.2018 - 06:43 [ ]

US-Ermittler wollten Deripaska als Informanten gewinnen

Die US-Ermittlungsbehörden haben einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge versucht, den Kreml-nahen russischen Milliardär Oleg Deripaska als Informanten zu rekrutieren.

22.08.2018 - 08:12 [ Reuters ]

Commentary: The messy meaning of the Manafort and Cohen cases

The mixed verdict in the trial of Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, along with the guilty plea on campaign finance violations by the U.S. president’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, is a sign of just how messy – and perhaps inconclusive – Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election will be. But Tuesday’s events also point to a broader destabilization in U.S. politics.

22.08.2018 - 08:10 [ Washington Post ]

It could be Trump’s worst day, ever: Manafort guilty on eight counts

In the short run, this may not change much. Manafort is scheduled to begin another trial in September on matters hitting rather close to home — the White House — for Trump. Whereas the judge in Virginia essentially barred any mention of Russia or the Trump campaign, Manafort’s attachments and work for Russian-connected Ukranian oligarchs will be front and center in the next trial.

01.08.2018 - 21:51 [ Donald J. Trump, Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten / Twitter ]

Paul Manafort worked for Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other highly prominent and respected political leaders. He worked for me for a very short time. Why didn’t government tell me that he was under investigation. These old charges have nothing to do with Collusion – a Hoax!

01.08.2018 - 21:51 [ ABC News ]

Trump to Sessions: Shut down Russia probe

„This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further. Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!“ Trump wrote, in the third of a series of tweets.

01.08.2018 - 21:44 [ CNN ]

Donald Trump just tweeted something new about the Russia investigation — and it‘s huge

Trump‘s lawyers immediately sought to walk the tweet back. Rudy Giuliani told CNN‘s Dana Bash that Trump was „was expressing his opinion on his favorite medium, Twitter, for asserting his First Amendment rights“ and said the tweet wasn‘t a demand.

15.06.2018 - 18:04 [ Raw Story ]

Paul Manafort jailed on witness tampering charges

Paul Manafort was jailed Friday on new charges of witness tampering filed against him last week by special counsel Robert Mueller.
The former Trump campaign chairman was arraigned after his indictment on the new charges, and a judge granted Mueller’s request for Manafort’s $10 million bail to be revoked.