Archiv: Israel Hayom (media)

26.10.2023 - 16:55 [ ]

A Zionist strategy for Israel


Overall, there is, in fact, a successful Israeli „grand security strategy“ of sorts and it must be pursued with determination. It involves steadfastness, patience, and looking over the horizon for new partners while fearlessly confronting bad actors. It involves being both flexible and firm.

It means strictly securing Israel‘s borders, managing frictions with the Palestinians, and pursuing Zionist goals like continued settlement of the Land of Israel. It involves positioning Israel as a regional anchor of sanity and a global source of ingenuity.

10.08.2023 - 13:52 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Minister Accuses AG of Delaying Gender-segregated Parks Pilot Panned by Justice Ministry

Silman wrote a letter to Baharav-Miara on Wednesday, stating that the project had been initiated „following appeals by Haredi and Arab communities.“

However, it has come to light that an extreme right-wing organization has significantly influenced this project.

10.08.2023 - 13:47 [ ]

Exclusive: Pilot program for gender-segregated bathing gets underway


The program, which seeks to touch on a sensitive issue as more religious circle call for segregated bathing hours while liberal groups see this as a slipper slope toward the sidelining of women, will not impact the existing arraignment for mixed-gender bathers as it will take place only between 6 pm to 9 pm and later. Israeli natural springs are usually closed for bathers by 5 p.m.

28.06.2023 - 13:56 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu trials: Milchan improved PM‘s image in Israeli media

Milchan had also introduced Mozes to Australian businessman James Packer, who „really liked each other.“ Netanyahu had also asked Milchan to look into laying the groundwork for news mogul Rupert Murdoch, who the prime minister felt had business and political interests aligned with the Netanyahu administration.

Under Case 2000, Netanyahu is accused of having engaged in fraud and breach of trust for meeting with Mozes about advancing legislation to cripple his news competitor in exchange for positive coverage.

11.05.2023 - 10:15 [ Haaretz ]

Former Netanyahu Bureau Chief Reveals How Israeli PM Crossed a Red Line to Win an Election


“ Such a thing has never happened in the history of the country … an external tycoon has taken control of the government. It’s an amazing thing!”

Mozes’ enormous success is what led Netanyahu to fire Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni and to advance the election. “I brought down the government,” he explained in the investigation, “in the knowledge that Mozes was already in control of the government.”

11.05.2023 - 10:12 [ Times of Israel ]

Former aide says Netanyahu sought deal with Yedioth publisher to secure election win

(9 May 2023)

He also confirmed that it had been Netanyahu or “someone else involved in legislation” who had asked him to meet with then-Knesset House Committee chairman MK Yariv Levin about legislation to limit the reach of Yedioth’s major rival, the right-wing freesheet Israel Hayom.

Harow was testifying in so-called Case 2000 against Netanyahu, in which the prime minister is accused of fraud and breach of trust over his alleged attempt to reach a quid pro quo agreement with Mozes whereby Yedioth would give the prime minister more positive media coverage in exchange for legislation weakening Israel Hayom.