Archiv: Ghouta

24.11.2019 - 14:08 [ Wikileaks ]

Internal OPCW E-Mail: OPCW management accused of doctoring Syrian chemical weapons report

Wikileaks today publishes an e-mail, sent by a member of an OPCW fact-finding mission to Syria to his superiors, in which he expresses his gravest concern over intentional bias introduced to a redacted version of the report he co-authored.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons sent a team of experts to investigate allegations that a chemical attack took place in the Syrian city of Douma on the 7th of April 2018. The author of the e-mail was a member of that team and claims the redacted preliminary version of the report, misrepresents the facts he and his colleagues discovered on the ground. The e-mail is dated 22nd of June. It is addressed to Robert Fairweather, Chief of Cabinet, and forwarded to his deputy Aamir Shouket and members of the fact-finding mission to Douma.

He says this misrepresentation was achieved by selective omission, introducing a bias which undermines the credibility of the report. Further it is claimed that crucial facts, that have remained in the redacted version:

“…have morphed into something quite different to what was originally drafted.”

13.07.2018 - 18:52 [ ]

OPCW-Bericht bestätigt Zweifel an Giftgasangriff in Ostghouta

(10.7.2018) Die großen Medien in Frankreich wie Deutschland äußerten zwar hier und da Zweifel an der Legitimität der Luftangriffe – sogar die Wissenschaftlichen Dienste des Bundestags sahen keine Deckung durch das Völkerrecht -, aber die regierungsamtliche, politisch beabsichtigte tendenziöse Anschauung, wonach die syrische Regierung mit allen Mitteln, also auch mit Giftgas, den „Volksaufstand“ niederkämpft, blieb auch hier Leitprinzip der Berichterstattung.

Ganz so, wie es die Kanzlerin Merkel dem in Sachen Syrien folgsamen öffentlichen Orchester vorgeigt:

06.05.2018 - 10:26 [ ]

US-Außenministerium hat Zahlungen für die Weißen Helme eingestellt

(4.5.2018) Eine Anfrage von CBS, welche Programme weiter finanziert werden, wurde von Außenministerium nicht beantwortet. Vermutlich wurde die finanzielle Unterstützung der Weißen Helme im Zuge des Beschlusses von US-Präsident Ende März Trump umgesetzt, die für Wiederaufbauhilfe vorgesehenen 200 Millionen USA-Dollar einzufrieren.

20.04.2018 - 17:04 [ Times of India ]

Inspectors not allowed into Douma: UK envoy

Karen Pierce said in an interview with The Associated Press that ‘it‘s incumbent upon them more than ever to allow the team in, to escort it, to make sure it‘s safe, and to make sure it can do its work.’

20.04.2018 - 11:21 [ Radio Utopie ]

O.P.C.W.-Sabotage in Douma: Übles Doppelspiel auch vom Kreml

Die Untersuchung der „Organisation für das Verbot von Chemiewaffen“ (O.P.C.W.) bezüglich dem angeblichen Chemiewaffen-Einsatz in Douma (Duma) in der Region Ghouta wird von allen Kriegsparteien sabotiert. In perfider Taktik der von uns bereits vielfach umschriebenen großen Koalition des Krieges und eines imperialen Komplexes mit ihrem Doppelagenten Wladimir Putin als Zaren über die Russische Föderation, spielen sich dabei die Involvierten gegenseitig die Bälle zu, verzögern eine Aufklärung der Affäre, mobilisieren ihre Propaganda-Einheiten und Fusstruppen und heucheln bis zum Erbrechen.

Strategisches Ziel ist dabei weder irgendein Sinn oder Sieg in irgendeinem Konflikt oder gar im siebzehnjährigen weltweiten Terrorkrieg („global war on terror“), sondern dessen Kontinuität.

Eine Analyse.

20.04.2018 - 08:03 [ ]

USA: Syrien und Russland verwischen Spuren von Angriff

Die USA werfen Syrien und Russland vor, die Untersuchung des mutmaßlichen Giftgasangriffs auf die ehemalige Rebellenbastion Duma zu behindern. Beide Länder versuchten, das vermutete Angriffsziel zu „reinigen“ und so belastende Beweise für den Einsatz von Chemiewaffen verschwinden zu lassen, erklärte das Außenministerium in Washingtongestern.

20.04.2018 - 07:49 [ RT Deutsch / Youtube ]

Nach Rückeroberung Ost-Ghutas: Hunderte Flüchtlinge kehren aus dem Ausland in Heimat zurück

Rund 500 Syrer, die im libanesischen Schebaa Zuflucht gesucht und dort gelebt hatten, kehrten am gestrigen Mittwoch wieder in ihre Heimat zurück. Mit dem Bus fuhren sie nach Damaskus,dessen Vororte nun auch wieder unter Kontrolle der Regierung stehen. Die Flüchtlinge verbrachten fast den gesamten siebenjährigen Bürgerkrieg im benachbarten Libanon, doch die syrische Regierung hat ihre sichere Rückkehr erleichtert, nachdem sie ihnen einen kostenlosen Transport nach Hause angeboten hatte.

18.04.2018 - 15:54 [ ]

Insider: OPCW-Untersuchung in Syrien verschoben

Das in die Stadt entsandte Sicherheitsteam der Vereinten Nationen habe Schusswechsel in der ehemaligen Rebellenhochburg gemeldet, sagten mit dem Vorgang Vertraute.

Daraufhin hätten die Chemiewaffenexperten der OPCW ihren Einsatz in Duma verschoben.

18.04.2018 - 15:52 [ ]

Syrian medics ‚subjected to extreme intimidation‘ after Douma attack

“There has been a very heavy security presence on the ground ever since the attack and they have been targeting doctors and medics in a very straightforward way,” said Tayara, a Birmingham-based physician, now in Turkey where he is supervising the departure from Syria of some of the Douma medics. “Any medic who tried to leave Douma was searched so vigorously, especially for samples. At one medical point, seven casualties were taken away. The Russian military police were heavily involved. They were directing things.

17.04.2018 - 16:33 [ Dominik Peters / ]

Nächste Schlacht im Syrienkrieg: Assad zielt ins Herz der Revolution

Schätzungen zufolge kamen bislang 500.000 Menschen ums Leben, Millionen wurden innerhalb Syriens vertrieben oder sind geflüchtet. Zu ihnen gehören auch die – mehrheitlich islamistischen – Milizionäre aus Ost-Ghuta, der einstigen Rebellenhochburg vor den Toren der Hauptstadt. Viele von ihnen befinden sich nun in der Provinz Idlib, der syrischen Westprovinz an der Grenze zur Türkei.

17.04.2018 - 16:17 [ ]

Syrien-Konflikt: OPCW-Team erreicht offenbar Duma

Die Experten der Organisation für das Verbot Chemischer Waffen (OPCW) sind offenbar in der Stadt Duma eingetroffen. Das meldet die staatliche syrische Nachrichtenagentur Sana. Dabei war der Termin eigentlich für Mittwoch angesetzt.

17.04.2018 - 09:58 [ Peto Lucem / Twitter ]

NEW MAP: Syrian Government Forces have secured the entire East- #Ghouta area near the capital #Damascus. This probably marks the most decisive victory in this war, which made the redeployment of sev. 10K troops possible. #Syria

13.04.2018 - 18:49 [ Rubikon ]

Kriegerische Manipulation: Ein manipuliertes Foto entlarvt die Giftgas-Inszenierung von Duma

Die angebliche Giftgasattacke (1) im syrischen Duma (Ghouta) bei Damaskus ist eine False-Flag-Aktion der Propagandaorganisation Weißhelme. Das machte zuletzt auch der führende deutsche Syrienexperte Professor Dr. Günter Meyer von der Universität Mainz in einem Interview im ARD-Mittagsmagazin (2) klar deutlich. Nun sind Bilder der Jaish-Al-Islam-Terroristen (3) aufgetaucht, welche die Fälschung unfreiwillig belegen.

13.04.2018 - 08:03 [ Hurriyet ]

18th convoy from Syria’s Eastern Ghouta arrives in Al-Bab

The 18th convoy carrying civilians and opposition fighters from the city of Douma in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta arrived in Aleppo’s Al-Bab district on April 11, according to state-run Anadolu Agency correspondents on the ground.

13.04.2018 - 07:29 [ Sonia Mota / Twitter ]

„#US said it had proof of #WMDs, 1mn people died.“ – #Bolivia envoy at #UNSC meeting on #Syria strike. 04 07 2017 Bolivian Ambassador to #UN Llorenti addresses UNSC on US illegal attack on Syria. #Douma #Ghouta #Iraq

12.04.2018 - 18:39 [ Deutsche Kommunistische Partei ]

DKP: Stoppt die imperialistische Kriegsführung gegen Syrien!

Grade erst hat sich die mit allergrößtem medialen und diplomatischem Aufwand produzierte Kampagne rund um einen angeblichen „Giftgas-Anschlag“ gegen einen ehemaligen russischen Doppelagenten in das aufzulösen begonnen, was sie von Beginn an war – nämlich eine von der britischen Regierung und ihren Geheimdiensten lancierte üble Variante der psychologischen Kriegsführung gegen Russland. Doch schon legen die USA und die mit ihr verbündeten NATO-Staaten eine noch üblere und gefährlichere Fortsetzungsgeschichte auf.

Die Story von „Assads Giftgasangriff auf unschuldige Kinder und Zivilisten“ in dem letzten von islamistischen Terrorgruppen besetzten Viertel der nahe bei Damaskus liegenden Stadt Duma, soll nun als Rechtfertigung für einen unmittelbar bevorstehenden „harten Militärschlag“ gegen Syrien dienen.

12.04.2018 - 06:46 [ Charles Shoebridge, former army officer, Scotland Yard detective and counter terrorism intelligence officer / Twitter ]

Update: BBC journalist who admitted (see above) that #Syria rebels & activists manipulate photos of dead children has now protected his account, meaning only followers (including Syria rebel backing activists) can see his tweets. A screenshot of the now hidden new tweet is here:

11.04.2018 - 19:15 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Al-Jaafari: Western threats to attack Syria will not dissuade it from confronting any aggression regardless of its source

New York, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari stressed that the threats by Western states to launch an aggression on Syria and their maneuvers, misdirection, lies, and terrorism will not dissuade Syria from preserving its sovereignty and territorial integrity and from confronting any aggression regardless of its source, adding that Syria will not allow any of the permanent or non-permanent member states to do in Syria what they have done in Iraq or Libya.

Speaking during a session of the Security Council on the situation in Syria on Tuesday, al-Jaafari said “The US representative said that there is a single monster today which stands in the face of the whole world, and it is a monster which has armed and financed terrorists for more than seven years in Syria, and I say that this monster is the US, Britain, and France who sponsored terrorism in Syria and before it in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.”

11.04.2018 - 19:10 [ George Galloway ‏/ Twitter ]

Urgent: „Not in my name“ #Syria #Trump #Russia #May #Blair #Douma #Ghouta #war

11.04.2018 - 19:03 [ Tass ]

White Helmets staged Douma ‘chemical weapons attack’ on civilians — Russian General Staff

The chemical weapons attack on civilians in the Syrian town of Douma was staged and filmed by members of the White Helmets organization, First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir told reporters on Wednesday.

„On April 7, probably the last attempt to stage a chemical weapons attack in Eastern Ghouta was made. The notorious White Helmets, who operate as part of terrorist groups, staged and filmed a chemical weapons attack on civilians in the town of Douma,“ he said.

11.04.2018 - 12:32 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Syria: Militant evacuation from Douma resumes

Buses evacuating fighters out of the Syrian town of Douma departed the area through the al-Wafedin checkpoint, near Eastern Ghouta, Tuesday. Footage shows the buses as they arrived and passed through al-Wafedin. They are reportedly then set to continue to Jarablus, in the north of Syria.

11.04.2018 - 12:10 [ Times ]

Islamists sabotaged Douma evacuation

A hardline Islamist faction scuppered an evacuation deal for the besieged Damascus suburb of Douma just before it was hit with chemical weapons, The Times has learnt.

The Army of Islam, a band of Damascus-based extremist rebels, refused to hand over heavy weapons, a key element of an evacuation deal that would have resulted in elderly residents staying in their homes and young men of fighting age walking free.

11.04.2018 - 07:55 [ ]

Last Terrorists of Douma: Jaish, Helmets & SAMS Collaborate in Massacre

The last terrorists of Douma have engaged in a ghastly repeat of the heinous atrocities in Khan Sheikhoun, just days after the first anniversary of their slaughter, there. Though the dominant alQaeda faction there is alNusra, the supportive characters of the US and British intelligence funded White Helmets and the US-based, CNN and State Department approved NGO, SAMS remain the same. As with the Khan Sheikhoun slaughter, the purpose of the Douma ‘snuff porn’ slaughter is to incite the swamp-drunk Trump to again bomb Syrian soldiers and ‘collateral damage civilians,’ based on the lies of alQaeda.

The week before the mass murder in Khan Sheikhoun, 250 civilians were kidnapped from nearby villages Majal and Khattab. On 4 April 2017, it was CNN — terrorists most trusted name in news — which broke the report. CNN’s chief source was the British illegal, Shajul Islam, embedded with alNusra-still-on-US-and-UN-terror-lists. He is the guy who was indicted on terrorism charges in his native UK, the guy whose medical license was permanently revoked in his native UK.

11.04.2018 - 07:41 [ Hands off Syria / Facebook ]

Vanessa Beeley: „Before you believe the #CNN warmongers in #Damascus. Their poster boy of war, Frederick Pleitgen was with me when we visited a terrorist chemical weapons lab in #Irbin Eastern #Ghouta two days ago.

(7.4.2018) He does not mention it in his sensationalist report „live“ from Damascus.
Nor does he mention the estimated 3500 plus #prisoners being held by Jaish Al-Islam terrorists in their „repentance“ prisons, many women and children among them who are very probably now being murdered to produce the last ditch attempt #chemical weapon attack – #UK is already posturing that they will attack Syria if this CW attack is proven…and we know what proof means to these criminals.“

11.04.2018 - 05:54 [ Vereinte Nationen ]

The situation in the Middle East, Threats to international peace and security – Security Council, 8225th meeting

9 Apr 2018 – 1) Threats to international peace and security

11.04.2018 - 05:53 [ ]

UN-Sicherheitsrat: Dritte Syrien-Resolution gescheitert

Dem UN-Sicherheitsrat ist es nicht gelungen, eine Resolution zum Giftgaseinsatz in Syrien zu verabschieden. Abgelehnt wurden eine Vorlage der USA und zwei Russlands. Unabhängig davon prüfen OPCW-Experten den Vorfall in Syrien.

10.04.2018 - 02:42 [ Tass ]

Russia demands just probe into reported chemical attacks in Syria, says Lavrov

„As for the reaction of our foreign colleagues in Washington, Paris, London, and other places, it is all quite simple: this was done by the regime, and if Russia supports the regime, then it is both Russia’s and Iran’s fault, and it is necessary to conduct an investigation,“ the foreign minister noted. „It is rather difficult for a logical person to understand the correlation between one and the other.“

On April 7, a number of NGOs, including the White Helmets, alleged that chemical weapons were used in Douma, Eastern Ghouta. According to the statement published on the organization’s website on April 8, chlorine bombs had been dropped on the city, killing dozens and poisoning many locals who had to be brought to the hospital. The Russian Foreign Ministry dismissed that report as fake news.

10.04.2018 - 02:34 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Krieg in Syrien: Russland stellt Giftgasangriff in Frage

Die Berichte aus der von Rebellen kontrollierten Stadt Duma in Ost-Ghuta über einen Angriff seien „fake news“. Nicht ein einziger Bewohner habe bestätigt, dass ein Chemiewaffenangriff stattgefunden habe. Experten der Organisation für das Verbot von Chemiewaffen (OPCW) sollten umgehend in die Region reisen, um sich ein eigenes Bild von der Lage vor Ort zu machen, sagt Nebensja. Die russischen und syrischen Truppen würden ihnen Zugang zu der Region ermöglichen.

09.04.2018 - 09:46 [ Vanessa Beeley ‏/ Twitter ]

Waiting for 100 buses to exit #Douma with Jaish Al Islam terrorists to Jarablus & finally release of kidnap victims/hostages. Electric atmosphere in waiting crowds. Evacuation will take up to 48hrs. #Syria_Rising


09.04.2018 - 09:43 [ ]

Syrien: Letztes Dschihadistenareal in Ostghuta vor Räumung?

(3.4.2018) Mit den Dschaisch-al-Islam-Dschihadisten, die in und um Duma das letzte noch nicht befreite Areal beherrschen, gibt es einigen Medienberichten nach eine vollständige, anderen zufolge nur eine teilweise Einigung, die bislang lediglich den Abtransport von rund 1.300 Zivilisten und Verletzten betrifft. Sie reisten gestern – anders als die Failak-al-Rahman- und die Ahrar-asch-Scham-Sippen – nicht in das faktische Dschihadistenreservat Idlib aus (in dem die syrische al-Qaida-Filiale Dschabhat Fatah asch-Scham und ihre Verbündeten das Sagen haben), sondern in das von der türkischen Armee besetzte Dscharabulus.

09.04.2018 - 09:21 [ Elysee Palast (Präsident von Frankreich) ]

Communiqué – Entretien téléphonique entre le Président de la République Emmanuel Macron et le Président des États-Unis Donald Trump

(9.4.2018) Le Président de la République Emmanuel Macron s’est entretenu le dimanche 8 avril 2018 avec le Président des États-Unis d’Amérique à propos de la situation en Syrie. Le Président de la République française a condamné avec la plus grande fermeté les attaques chimiques le 7 avril contre la population de Douma dans la Ghouta orientale.

Le Président de la République et le Président des Etats-Unis d’Amérique ont échangé leurs informations et leurs analyses confirmant l’utilisation d’armes chimiques.

08.04.2018 - 19:53 [ ]

Syrian troops recapture Rayhan town east of Douma in East Ghouta

A Syrian military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Syria’ official news agency SANA that Syrian soldiers and their allies carried out an operation against the positions of the so-called Jaish al-Islam Takfiri militants in the town, which lies east of Douma, on Sunday, triggering a fierce exchange of gunfire with the extremists.

The source added that Syrian army troops also regained control over the main road between Ibn Sina Hospital and Douma, which serves as an important supply and movement route for militants.

08.04.2018 - 18:52 [ RT ]

Moscow calls ‘chemical attack’ in Douma ‘fake news,’ warns against Syrian intervention

Reports of an alleged gas attack in the Syrian town of Douma are ‘fake news’ aimed at justifying potential strikes against Syria, Moscow said. It warned of “dire consequences” in the event of any military interference.

08.04.2018 - 09:44 [ Serge ‏ / Twitter ]

Yo Assad, you just secured 90% of E. Ghouta. You‘ve surrounded the last town, have overwhelming military force & negotiating surrender. What‘s next? Assad: Launch a chemical attack of no tactical significance to provoke international outrage & military intervention against me.

08.04.2018 - 04:01 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army reaches southern outskirts of Douma after major advance

According to military source in Damascus, the Syrian Arab Army has managed to reach the southern outskirts of Douma and should be able to reach the first buildings inside the town by Sunday evening.

In addition to their advance in southern Douma, the Syrian Arab Army was also able to capture several points at the western axis of the town.

08.04.2018 - 02:56 [ ]

Syrian Army Launches Ground Assault On Jaysh al-Islam In Duma (Map, Video, Photos)

Syrian pro-government sources reported that warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) had destroyed more than 300 positions of Jaysh al-Islam, including the main headquarter, communication networks and ammo depots, in Duma district over the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, Jaysh al-Islam continued shelling the government-held districts of Damascus. Five civilians were killed and more than thirty others were injured in Jaysh al-Islam shelling, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency.

07.04.2018 - 08:26 [ ]

Dozens Killed in New Offensive as Eastern Ghouta Evacuation Deal Crumbles

The first indication of a problem was that, after several successful days, the evacuation buses into Douma returned Thursday empty. Reports suggest the Jaish al-Islam rebels remaining in the city are increasingly split on the question of evacuating.

Syria’s military appeared unwilling to go back to their ultimatum to demand an evacuation, and just attacked outright.

02.04.2018 - 14:36 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Live from Al-Wafideen corridor in East Ghouta

Live picture from the Al-Wafideen corridor in East Ghouta on Monday, April 2, as evacuations ensue. The Russian Centre for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria reported that more than 153,000 people have been evacuated from Eastern Ghouta since the beginning of the humanitarian break.

02.04.2018 - 14:33 [ @HadiNasrallah / Twitter ]

„I‘m done fighting, the FSA lied to us and the US dollars and Saudi money they gave us ruined everything. I just want the war to be over“

(25.3.2018) Listen to this interview with a „rebel“ fighter evacuated from Ghouta towards Idlib as part of an agreement with the Syrian Government

02.04.2018 - 14:07 [ ]

Watching on as Islamist fighters are evacuated from war-torn Eastern Ghouta

(29.3.2018) That fearful footage we had seen on social media, night after night, circulated around the world on television news, genuine film, to be sure but – while containing the suffering civilians, the wounded children, the real civilian corpses – never showed us the men who held weapons and machine guns and mortars and who fired back into eastern Damascus and who were now parading before us, a dozen at a time, to leave the towns and villages they had helped to destroy. Were the anonymous cameramen of this hell forbidden to show its defenders? And if so, why did they not say so? And why did we not say so?

02.04.2018 - 14:06 [ RT / Youtube ]

Jaysh al-Islam militants start evacuating from E. Ghouta – Russian military

Militants from Jaysh al-Islam have agreed to leave the enclave of eastern Ghouta near Damascus, Syria. They will have to clear barricades and provide maps of minefields they had laid in the area.

02.04.2018 - 04:34 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Army’s General Command declares full victory in Eastern Ghouta

Damascus, SANA-The Syrian army declared full victory against terrorist organizations in Eastern Ghouta, hailing the military achievement as a ‘crushing blow’ to the Wahhabi anti-Syria scheme.

The declaration of victory came in a statement on Saturday by the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces.

02.04.2018 - 04:27 [ ]

Deal Reached To Evacuate Rebels From Syria’s Douma

The agreement would see fighters with the Jaish al-Islam rebel faction leave Ghouta‘s main town of Douma for opposition territory in northern Syria, state media and a monitoring group said on April 1.

State news agency SANA reported that the fighters have agreed to head to Jarablus, a town shared between rebel and Turkish control.