Archiv: Adil Abdul-Mahdi

16.01.2020 - 06:28 [ ]

Abdul Mahdi urges Kurds to help rid Iraq of US troops

A source close to the Iraqi government told Al-Monitor, “Abdul Mahdi has told Kurdish officials the Kurdistan region is part of the Iraqi federal state, thus they must abide by the Iraqi parliament’s decision to eject US forces from Iraqi soil once the decision is put into practice.“

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, added, “Abdul Mahdi also told the Kurds his government soon will try to reach an agreement with the US on how to implement the Iraqi parliament’s decision. Kurds should cooperate with Baghdad in this regard. No foreign forces are allowed to stay in Iraq under any pretexts.“

16.01.2020 - 06:08 [ 7D News ‏/ Twitter ]

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that Iraqi caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi is in favour of German forces to remain in Iraq.

10.01.2020 - 16:12 [ Tagesschau ]

Nach US-Drohnenangriff: Irak fordert Plan für US-Truppenabzug

Mahdi habe Pompeo gegenüber zudem erklärt, dass es einige US-Truppen gebe, die ohne Erlaubnis der Regierung ins Land gekommen seien. Auch US-Drohnen seien ohne Zustimmung der Regierung im Irak aktiv. Das stelle einen Verstoß gegen die Abkommen dar, hieß es weiter.

Die US-Truppen sind auf der Grundlage einer Vereinbarung mit der irakischen Regierung aus dem Jahr 2014 im Land, bei der es um den internationalen Kampf gegen die Dschihadistenmiliz „Islamischer Staat“ geht.

10.01.2020 - 16:00 [ Washington Post ]

Iraq asks United States to set up mechanism for troop withdrawal

In a phone call with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi asked the United States to send a delegation to Iraq to set up a mechanism for U.S. troop withdrawal from the country, a statement from the prime minister‘s office said Friday.

The request followed a vote by the Iraqi parliament to expel thousands of U.S. troops, a direct consequence of a U.S. drone attack that killed senior Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and nine companions in Baghdad a week ago.

07.01.2020 - 16:32 [ Mustafa Salim, Reporter for @washingtonpost Baghdad ‏/ Twitter ]

“I was supposed to meet Soleimani at the morning the day he was killed, he came to deliver me a message from Iran responding to the message we delivered from Saudi to Iran” Iraqi PM said.


07.01.2020 - 16:29 [ ]

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trump’s lie of ‘imminent attacks’

According to Abdul-Mahdi, he had planned to meet Soleimani on the morning the general was killed to discuss a diplomatic rapproachment that Iraq was brokering between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Abdul-Mahdi said that Trump personally thanked him for the efforts, even as he was planning the hit on Soleimani – thus creating the impression that the Iranian general was safe to travel to Baghdad.

06.01.2020 - 04:48 [ Xinhua ]

Iraqi parliament asks gov‘t to end presence of foreign forces in Iraq

In an extraordinary session, the lawmakers voted with majority in favor of passing a law requiring the government to cancel the request for assistance from the international coalition to fight Islamic State (IS) group due to the end of military operations and war in Iraq.

05.01.2020 - 18:36 [ Voice of America ]

Iraqi Parliament Calls For US Troops to Leave

Parliamentary resolutions are nonbinding to the government, but Abdul-Mahdi had earlier urged parliament to take urgent measures and end the presence of foreign troops as soon as possible.

30.12.2019 - 19:25 [ Rasha Al Aqeedi / Twitter ]

The video circulating on social media of Abu Mahdi al Muhandis threatening U.S. forces in Iraq is an old one from 2015. Thanks to @Akba1r for verifying.

30.12.2019 - 19:04 [ Elijah J. Magnier / Twitter ]

To be very clear: #US military officials and US embassy informed Prime Minister @AdilAbdAlMahdi half an hour before the attack about the US intention to violate #Iraq sovereignty and bomb Iraqi security forces positions.

PM Abdel Mahdi strongly refused the attack. US didn‘t care.

28.12.2019 - 23:27 [ Rudaw ]

Iraqi military delegation to visit Kurdistan Region

However, the KRG and the Iraqi federal government reached an oil-for-budget deal at the end of November, thereby removing one of the biggest points of contention. This was done under the Kurd-friendly Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, who has since stepped down from the post in the wake of widespread calls for his resignation.

29.11.2019 - 14:24 [ Haaretz ]

Iraqi Prime Minister Says He Will Resign After Shi‘ite Cleric‘s Leadership Challenge

Abdul Mahdi‘s decision came in response to a call for a change of leadership on Friday by Iraq‘s top Shi‘ite Muslim cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the statement said.

„In response to this call, and in order to facilitate it as quickly as possible, I will present to parliament a demand (to accept) my resignation from the leadership of the current government,“ said the statement, signed by Abdul Mahdi.

24.11.2019 - 10:45 [ Tagesschau ]

US-Vizepräsident Pence: Überraschungsbesuch vor Thanksgiving

Pence soll von der Basis aus auch mit dem irakischen Ministerpräsidenten Adel Abdel-Mahdi telefoniert haben. Ein Besuch in Bagdad für ein persönliches Treffen soll aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht in Frage gekommen sein, sagte ein hochrangiger US-Regierungsmitarbeiter nach Angaben mitreisender Reporter. Bei dem Gespräch ging es demnach unter anderem um die Massendemonstrationen gegen die irakische Regierung.