(10 Dec 2019)
אני מודה ל @noamr ו- @GilBahat על ה-peer review
(10 Dec 2019)
אני מודה ל @noamr ו- @GilBahat על ה-peer review
Israeli army officers have revealed that an area along the Netzarim corridor in the Gaza Strip was a designated “kill zone” where “anyone who enters is shot,” the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Wednesday.
A commander in Division 252 said that “forces in the field call it ‘the line of dead bodies,” because “after shootings, bodies are not collected, attracting packs of dogs who come to eat them.”
“In Gaza, people know that wherever you see these dogs, that’s where you must not go,” the commander is quoted as saying.
Das Verfassungsgericht hatte diesbezügliche Schriftstücke an Yoon übersandt, stieß jedoch wegen mangelnder Kooperation des Präsidialamtes auf Schwierigkeiten bei der Zustellung.
Unter anderem wurde der Amtsenthebungsbeschluss der Nationalversammlung per Post an das Präsidialamt gesendet. Der Empfang wurde jedoch mit der Begründung abgelehnt, dass der Empfänger nicht anwesend sei.
Wir müssen eine Politik beenden, die unseren Wohlstand vernichtet, den Frieden gefährdet und den sozialen Zusammenhalt zerstört. Unser Land braucht einen Neuanfang, doch mit den gescheiterten Rezepten der Ampel und der Union wird unsere Wirtschaft kein Comeback schaffen.
Wir brauchen eine vernünftige Energiepolitik mit sinkenden Preisen und eine Runderneuerung der Infrastruktur sowie massive Investitionen in unser Bildungssystem. Eine Rückkehr zu Entspannungspolitik und Diplomatie statt einer Außenpolitik, die Kriege mit Waffen befeuert. Eine Politik, die den sozialen Zusammenhalt stärkt und Leistung würdigt – mit höheren Renten, bezahlbaren Mieten und Sicherheit für alle. Dafür stehen wir als BSW mit unserer Kanzlerkandidatin Sahra Wagenknecht.
We believe continuing to transfer offensive weapons to the Israeli government prolongs the suffering of the Palestinian people and risks our own national security by sending a message to the world that the U.S. will apply its laws, policies, and international law selectively. Furthermore, a failure to act will put Israeli lives in danger by prolonging Netanyahu’s war, isolating Israel on the international stage, and creating further instability in the region.
A group of Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding the administration follow through with threats to cut weapons transfers to Israel if Tel Aviv did not allow more aid into the Gaza Strip. Since early October, Northern Gaza has been under a total siege and deprived of nearly all aid deliveries.
To All States
– Take all measures within their power to prevent genocide by Israeli authorities in Gaza by pressuring Israel to lift the blockade and comply with the orders of the International Court of Justice, including by discontinuing any military assistance and arms sales or transfers, imposing targeted sanctions, and reviewing bilateral deals and diplomatic relations.
– Publicly condemn war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and the genocide convention committed by the Israeli authorities, and urge them to immediately halt those violations and crimes and cooperate with international judicial bodies, investigative mechanisms, and UN special procedures.
– Increase public and private pressure on the Israeli government to comply with international humanitarian law in the conduct of hostilities, and ensure the entry and safe distribution at scale throughout Gaza of adequate aid and provision of basic services.
– Demand that Israel implement UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on Israel and Palestine, including all provisions relating to humanitarian aid delivery to the residents of Gaza and compliance with international humanitarian law.
– Review and possibly suspend bilateral agreements with Israel, such as the EU-Israel Association Agreement, whose review has been proposed by the Spanish and Irish governments.
– End all forms of support for and complicity in the atrocities being carried out by Israel, including suspending military assistance and arms transfers to the Israeli government so long as its forces commit serious rights abuses and war crimes against Palestinian civilians with impunity.
– Publicly support the ICJ’s work and its decisions as an independent judicial institution and press Israel to comply with the ICJ’s binding orders.
– Publicly support the work of the International Criminal Court across all situations under its jurisdiction, including the ongoing Palestine investigation, and render any assistance necessary to give effect to orders of the Court. Uphold the court’s independence and publicly condemn efforts to intimidate or interfere with its work, officials, and those cooperating with the institution.
– Support foreign domestic investigations and prosecutions under the principle of universal jurisdiction, as relevant and appropriate, of those credibly implicated in serious crimes in Gaza.
– The United States should immediately reverse its decisions to suspend funding to UNRWA and state clearly the intention to continue to fund the agency, and all states should urge Israeli authorities to reverse Israel‘s decisions to bar UNRWA from operating within Israel.
– Fund repairs of damaged and destroyed water and sanitation infrastructure, and press Israel to urgently allow the infrastructure to be repaired.
– Support the creation of an international mechanism to address reparation for Palestinians and an international register of damages.
– Call on Israeli authorities to allow water filtration systems, water tanks, and other materials needed to repair water infrastructure and to improve the water supply into Gaza.
– Support the United Nations to establish a plan that would ensure Palestinians have access to water at least equal to what Israel grants Israeli citizens, and pressure Israel to facilitate and contribute to the plan.
– Address long-standing impunity by Israeli authorities and Palestinian armed groups for serious crimes under international law.
To the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation
– Request access to Gaza in order to monitor and report publicly on the human rights situation regarding access to water and sanitation, including damage and destruction of water and sanitation infrastructure; obstruction of repairs and targeting of repair workers; restrictions on the entry of fuel; and the human rights impacts stemming from these actions.
To the International Criminal Court Prosecutor
– Investigate Israeli authorities’ actions and policies that have deprived the civilian population of Gaza of water, including as war crimes, as the crime against humanity of extermination, and as genocide.
מאזאוקטובר 2023 ,הרשויות הישראליות מונעות בכוונה תחילה מפלסטינים גישה לכמות ה מים
ההולמתהנדרשת להישרדות ברצועת עזה.
עלפי ארגון הבריאות העולמי ) WHO(,אדם זקוק ל -50–100ליטר יםמים ביום כדי להבטיח ש“צרכיו
הבסיסייםביותר יסופקו“. 1במצבי חירום מתמשכים, כמות המים המינימלית הנדרשת היא 15
ליטריםלאדם ליום לשתייה ולרחצה. 2ולמרות זאת, בין אוקטובר 2023 לספטמבר 2024 ,פעולות
שביצעוהרשויות הישראליות מנעו מרובם של יותר מ שנימיליון הפלסטינים החיים ברצוע תעז הגישה
אפילולכמות מינימלית זו של מים, והדבר תרם להתפשטות מחלות והביא למותם של בני אדם .
לרביםברצועה הייתה גישה רק ,או בעיקר ,למים שאינם ראויים לשתייה.
“אםאנחנו לא מצליחים למצוא מים ראויים לשתייה, אנחנו שותים את מי ה ים“,אמר אב שנעקר
לביתספר ברפיח לארגון Watch Rights Human בדצמבר 2023. 4“קרה לי הרבה פעמים שנאלצתי
לשתותמי ים. א יאפשר להבין כמה אנחנו סובלים“.
Israel is guilty of the crime of extermination and acts of genocide in Gaza, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has concluded in a new report published on Thursday.
The US-based human rights organisation found that Israel has inflicted conditions of life in Gaza calculated to destroy the enclave‘s Palestinian population. This amounts to extermination, which is a crime against humanity, and acts of genocide.
Coming two weeks after fellow rights group Amnesty International similarly concluded that Israel is guilty of genocide, the Human Rights Watch report is the latest sign of a growing consensus around Israel‘s actions in Gaza.
Und was Israel angeht – auf kurze Sicht profitiert es wohl davon. Israel hat die Situation dazu genutzt, mehr Land zu besetzen, angeblich Waffenlager zerstört. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass ein islamischer Staat auf längere Sicht gut für Israel ist.
Vor einem guten Jahr hat sich in der israelischen Führung ein riesiger Wandel vollzogen. Ein wichtiges Ziel dieser neuen Strömung: Es darf keinen Palästinenserstaat geben. Man will einen durch und durch jüdischen Staat. Israels Bevölkerung ist zerrissen, was diese Themen angeht, fast am Rande eines Bürgerkrieges. Netanjahu ist autoritärer denn je, er hat alles persönlich unter Kontrolle.
Und es hat sich noch etwas drastisch verändert: Die Israelis in den 70er- und 80er-Jahren waren säkulare Europäer, diese Menschen an der Regierung heute sind alttestamentarisch. Sie sind nicht der Logik und der Ratio zugänglich, sondern sie fühlen sich ihrer quasi biblischen Vision verpflichtet. Da ist magisches Denken am Werk.
Für mich ist das eine Art geopolitisches Schneeballsystem. Netanjahu setzt alles daran, die Kämpfe am Laufen zu halten – würde man innehalten und das Ganze hinterfragen, würde das System kollabieren wie bei einem Schneeballsystem.