Zwei Polizisten aus Brandenburg wollten keine Kennzeichnung tragen, sie sahen ihr Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung verletzt. Jetzt sind sie auch vor dem dritten Gericht gescheitert.
Daily Archives: 27. September 2019
Zum Vergleich: Sonntagsfrage zur Bundestagswahl in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern • Forsa/NDR/OZ: CDU 28 % | AfD 21 % | DIE LINKE 14 % | GRÜNE 14 % | SPD 10 % | FDP 6 % | Sonstige 7% … (im Diagramm zur besseren Vergleichbarkeit in Ergebnisreihenfolge der #ltwmv)
Sonntagsfrage zur Bundestagswahl • Forschungsgruppe Wahlen / ZDF – „Politische Stimmung“: GRÜNE 34 % | CDU/CSU 26 % | SPD 13 % | AfD 10 % | DIE LINKE 7 % | FDP 6 % | Sonstige 5 %
34 Days! #BrexitCountdown
Labour Leave fringe event – 2019, Brighton
With John Mills, Brendan Chilton, Austin Mitchell, Graham Stringer MP and Paul Embery.
Our political class is unfit for purpose. Self-obsessed, virtue-signalling, emotionally incontinent, fixated on things that are irrelevant to normal people. The past hysterical 24 hours have exposed them for what they are. They deserve to be swept away.
Total Espionage doctrine
Total espionage doctrine was first defined by Kurt Riess in his 1941 book Total Espionage: Germany‘s Information and Disinformation Apparatus 1932-40. German intelligence used Germans residing or travelling abroad, as well as foreign sympathizers, to collect all sorts of information – political, scientific, economic, etc. Tourists, scientists, actors, university professors, sailors, auto-mechanics, diplomats, journalists NGO‘s and business corporations were instrumentalized to gather intelligence and to sabotage the enemy. One important instrument of intelligence gathering was The Organization of Germans Living Abroad, directed by Ernst Wilhelm Bohle, a special assistant to the German Counter-Intelligence (SD) Chief Walter Schellenberg. Vast network of spies was developed by Goebbels‘ Counter-Action (Abwehr) Department jointly with the War Ministry Intelligence Service.[4] This department was also in charge of controlling German-language newspapers in non-German-speaking countries. According to Riess, „by 1937 Goebbels controlled some 330 German newspapers in non-German-speaking countries. This figure did not include the large number of newspapers in Switzerland, Alsace, and Czechoslovakia, nor the newspapers in other languages“
Spanish security company spied on Julian Assange in London for the United States
Morales ordered his workers to install microphones in the embassy’s fire extinguishers and also in the women’s bathroom, where Assange’s lawyers, including the Spaniard Aitor Martínez and his closest collaborators, would meet for fear of being spied on. The cyberactivist’s meetings with his lawyers, Melynda Taylor, Jennifer Robinson and Baltasar Garzón, were also monitored.
The UC Global S. L. team was also ordered by its boss to install stickers that prevented the windows of the rooms that the WikiLeaks founder used from vibrating, allegedly to make it easier for the CIA to record conversations with their laser microphones. They also took a used diaper that from a baby that was on occasions taken to visit the activist in order to determine if the child was his by a close collaborator.
MAJOR SCOOP by El Pais: US intelligence had cameras, microphones concealed throughout Ecuador‘s London embassy, including in diplomats‘ bathroom. The US was not just spying directly on Assange but also on Ecuador‘s diplomats inside their own embassy.
Gesichtserkennung in Justizanstalten. Wir fragen uns ernsthaft, warum man überhaupt so eine Maßnahme fordert. Was ist der Sinn und Zweck dieser völlig sinnbefreiten Wunschvorstellung?
Rio de Janeiro has been in shock following the death of 8 year old girl Agatha Felix. She was shot on the back while on a car with her family. Most signs indicate the police fired the shot. This has been dominating the news for over a week and shocked the country.
Politische Morde in Kolumbien nehmen weiter zu
Dieses Jahr wurden bereits 160 politische Morde verübt. Seit der Unterzeichnung des Friedensabkommens Ende 2016 sind 780 Aktivisten ermordet worden.
Unter den Opfern sind in den letzten Wochen auch zehn Lehrer vor allem aus ländlichen Gebieten. Besonders gefährdet sind Indigene. Alleine in den letzten Monaten sind weitere 720 Morddrohungen registriert worden, fast alle seitens paramilitärischer Gruppen.
Konzerne finanzieren Militär und Justiz in Kolumbien
Über 70 Konzerne des Bergbau- und Fossilen-Energie-Sektors finanzieren aktuell Einheiten der Sicherheitskräfte und in mehreren Fällen auch Abteilungen der Staatsanwaltschaft im Rahmen von Kooperationsabkommen. So hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Unterstützungsabteilungen (Estructuras de Apoyo, EDA) kreiert, die mit Geldmitteln nationaler und multinationaler Konzerne funktionieren und ausschließlich für die Bekämpfung von Verbrechen gegen den Fossilen-Energie-Sektor bestimmt sind. Allein die staatlich-private Erdölfirma Ecopetrol hat im Jahr 2001 EDA in sieben energiestrategischen Zonen geschaffen und im Jahr 2013 drei neue gegründet.
Left-Wing Broad Front Leads Voting Intention in Uruguay
More than two million people are expected to head to the polls on Oct. 27 for Uruguay‘s general elections.
Inequality in America is at its worst level in more than 50 years. Maybe—just maybe—it‘s time we start taxing the super-rich to ensure human rights for all Americans: housing, health care, education, retirement, good jobs, and a livable planet.
The Problem With Impeachment
Impeachment is about cosmetics. It is about replacing the public face of empire with a political mandarin such as Joe Biden, himself steeped in corruption and obsequious service to the rich and corporate power, who will carry out the same suicidal policies with appropriate regal decorum.
Four days that pitched America into an impeachment nightmare
Already, 219 House Democrats — more than half of the 435 members — have publicly stated support for impeachment proceedings, according to CNN‘s count.
Don’t Accept Rivlin’s False Symmetry
For almost a year, Israel has been in a state of political fog and a sense of governmental instability. However, despite the attempt to create symmetry in the endless blame game between the sides, this must be stated simply: The current crisis is a direct outcome of a multiyear right-wing regime of incitement and instigation, which is determined to destroy Israel’s democratic infrastructure and has delegitimized millions of citizens, whether minorities or political rivals.
So President Reuven Rivlin’s bid to forcibly mediate between the master inciter, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the opposition that arose as authentic resistance to the destruction he sowed, defeats the extremely important purpose the Israeli citizen now faces – to end the ongoing nightmare in which Israel is immersed.
Breaking: NYT: Whistleblower first went to intelligence agency, then went to IG upon learning the agency went to White House.
Breaking News: The whistle-blower is said to be a CIA officer who was assigned to work at the White House. His complaint suggests he is a trained analyst.
Trump won‘t be prosecuted for Ukraine call about Biden. But Rudy Giuliani can.
With respect to Ukraine, most of the focus, rightfully, rests on President Donald Trump’s conduct, but the conduct of his attorney Rudolph Giuliani also deserves serious attention. Based on the facts already in the public arena, the Department of Justice has more than enough basis to open a federal criminal investigation into the former New York mayor.
Listen: Audio of Trump discussing whistleblower at private event: ‘That’s close to a spy’
“Basically, that person never saw the report, never saw the call, he never saw the call — heard something and decided that he or she, or whoever the hell they saw — they’re almost a spy,” Trump said.
“I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy,” he continued. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”
Trump says whoever provided whistleblower information is ‚close to a spy‘
The comments, first reported by The New York Times, were made to an audience of career foreign service officers who work at the United Nations, two sources who were in the room and one person who knew someone in the room said. One source said the remarks were „shocking“ and „eerie.“
Other top US government officials were in the room as well, including the new US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft.
Lindsey Graham demands to know who in White House talked with whistleblower
„It is imperative we find out which White House official talked to the whistleblower and why. Why didn’t they lodge the complaint?“ he asked on Twitter.
He seemed to refer to the White House officials the whistleblower complaint cited as being „deeply disturbed“ by a call in which President Trump urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.